Posts Tagged ‘ABC Istanbul’

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Ağustos 23-30

Uluslararası dayanışma haftası dünyanın bir çok yerinde devlet tarafından hapsedilmiş anarşistlerle dayanışma göstermek için var.

Sessiz geceleri alevlerin ışığıyla aydınlatalım ve bizi kontrol eden, beyimizi yıkayan , bizi güden, bizi pasiflikle aldatan her şeye saldırı, yıkıcı sabotaj ve yakma pratiklerimizi biçimlendirerek yoldaşlarımızla dayanışma gösterelim.

Tutsaklıkla yüzleştiğimizde boyun eğmek yok. Sadece bu dünyayı yanarken görme tutkumuz için.

Hapishanelere Ateş!

Yaşasın Anarşi!

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Prisons During Struggle for Power’ by ABC Istanbul (Turkey)

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

As the conditions behind walls get better, existence of walls become blurred.


Democracy’s power that cause to forget, is the hush-money that it recognises.

There is no difference between democracy and coup, military and police, barracks and parliament, king and president. State can be dictator, king and sultan without losing the quality of being democracy.

In the day of 15th July, a group of soldiers started a struggle for power in some strategic points that is seen by some as coup, and by others as theatre. As always, people who face this struggle for power in its most bare state are the prisoners. In this struggle for power, all communication of prisoners with outside has been cut. It is informed that releases will not be made until a second order.

Whether there is a coup, who did this coup, who opposes this coup are not the questions that needed to be asked in our opinion. Coup is always implicit to state. Every state practice in daily life, especially a non-ending coup setting on political subjects that state see as opponents, is a state of emergency. Because what makes sovereignty is its ability to decide the state of exception.

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Week of Action for Anarchist Prisoners in Azerbaijan – 28/5 to 5/6

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

CALL FOR WEEK OF ACTİON in Support of Anarchist Prisoners in Azerbaijan (28th of May– 5th of June)

Anarchists from Azerbaijan, Bayram Mammadov and Qiyas Ibrahimov, spraypainted the monument of Haydar Aliyev. The message was: “Happy slave days”. This action was done on the eve of Heydar Aliyev’s birthday on May 10, 2016, which is annually being celebrated by the government in a wasteful manner. Given an absolute personality cult of Aliyev, such an act was severely condemned by the government (under the leadership of his son Ilham Aliyev) and the activists were arrested on May 10, 2016. Police have planted drugs on them to avoid charging them on the grounds of hooliganism.

This is not the first dirty trick of Azerbaijan government. The government that try to create a sense of happy citizens and a free government and cover every threat against its absolute power with conspiracies, try to demonstrate every political activists as drug addicts, caging the every revolutionary action behind the lies.

Heroin which is planted by police are punishable by up to twelve years of imprisonment.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan obtains victory through hunger strike (Turkey)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul

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Vegan eco-anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan starts new hungerstrike (Turkey)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016


Despite the oppressions like exile, naked body search, cameras in cells, banning of letters and visitors, blocking vegan food; Osman Evcan didn’t took a step back and he has started his indefinite hunger strike starting from the 22 February, 2016. Because fear, submission and consenting, crushes the bodies under the heaviness of power of the state. State’s efforts to depersonalize political individuals with systematic pressures, should be smashed under Osman’s resistance. There is no middle way with the state who is establishing the policy of eliminating the prisoners on price-punishment order. Osman Evcan’s struggle is towards the authority. Only way to prove that he does not obey the authority, he does not accept the authority, is to setting forth his body. They can only destroy and divide political identities with murder, not with prison practices.
We summon everyone to share Osman Evcan’s struggle, who is fighting against state, surveillance and control, whether outside or inside.

İnsurrection is essential for freedom to come into leaf.

Fire to the cells!

Abc İstanbul


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Postal address of Osman Evcan, vegan comrade imprisoned in Kocaeli #1 F-Type Prison (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Postal address of the imprisoned vegan comrade, info via ABC Istanbul, write here or send a card to the recovering hungerstriker:

Osman Evcan
Kocaeli 1 Nolu F Tipi Cezaevi

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan resisted and won his fight again (Turkey)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar gained the victory from the determined
struggle which they put their lives against the state inside the thick
walls of prison which they are enclosed. Osman and Hasan, got what they
demanded through this hard period. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite
hunger strike which took 39 days against intimidation and extermination
politics against prisoners in prison and again he proved us that how he
is right about his call to raise struggle.

We celebrate Osman Evcan who has proved that the thick walls that are
built in order to revitalize the new “terrorist” wave that the Turkish
state needed and legitimize further operations cannot be an obstacle to
anarchists at all. The “punishment” system and their officials that made
comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 39 days and tortured him are our
enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar are not a
matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture
is the state policy. We are grateful to everyone who have held
demonstrations, spoken up, and support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman
Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike
process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the
message from Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar soon.

With anarchist solidarity,

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Istanbul: Demo for Osman Evcan, vegan anarchist on hungerstrike (Turkey)

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

video & pictures

A demonstration took place in Taksim (Istanbul) to show solidarity with
vegan anarchist Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike for 37 days, and
with the political prisoner Hasan Çınar who is on hunger strike for 15
days. The demo continued by constant threats by the riot police and
ended by police attack after the public statement.

Public statement

Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan- who is resisting against authority
in prisons for 23 years- is demanding total freedom against the
ecological destruction and slaughter, hunger, poverty and war politics
that state, civilization and capitalism created.

Osman’s first hungerstrike was at 2011 to access vegan food in jail
which lasted 42 days. During his hungerstrike the anarchists, animal
liberationists all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight
to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of hungerstrike the
government took a step back and made regulations for the vegan and
vegeterian prisoners in prison: ”Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands
will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance”

After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food
supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from
outside the prisons. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan is on hunger strike for 35 days – Hasan Çınar is on hunger strike for 10 days (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Osman Evcan continues his indefinite hunger strike to protest Kocaeli no.
1 F Type prison and other prisons of oppressive, authoritarian, retributive,
unjust practices. He is on hunger strike since 10th November 2015. Also
Osman Evcan’s cellmate Hasan Çınar started an indefinite hunger strike 10
days ago to support Osman. He is suffering from stomach cancer. Due to
his health condition this hunger strike might be really dangerous for
him in a really short time period.

We got the information that Osman Evcan’s health condition is good for
now and he continues his hunger strike with strength. He also told us in
his letter that the prison administration and prison prosecutor is
putting pressure on him by going into his cell, yelling at him with
threats so that he brings his hunger strike to an end. But he
underlines that he is determined to continue the hunger strike. Besides
that he says that he is thankful to everyone who is supporting him by
sending letters, by protests, by creating a public opinion. He sends
everyone his love and greetings. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan on Hunger Strike: Anarchists and animal liberationists went to Kandıra F type prison (Turkey)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

From ABC Istanbul:

Anarchists and animal liberationists went to Kandıra F type prison, Osman Evcan is on hunger strike since 10th November with various demands. Also Osman Evcan’s cellmate Hasan Çınar started indefinite hunger strike 3 days ago to support Osman Evcan. On 5th December we went in front of Kandıra F Type Prison with our flags, banners, slogans, drums and torches to show solidarity with Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan. Our voices passed over the thick walls, and we brought hope to our comrade. Osman is refusing to eat with his own will, using his body, his only weapon to fight. He is resisting and becoming the justice himself. We screamed out loud for the animals, for the World and people,
for the freedom of the prisoners:

Fire to the prisons!
Demolish the prisons, freedom to prisoners!

We made this demo happen to show that we are not scared of the chains of the government capturing people, animals and earth. Our fight will continue against the systems will to include us to its decay.

Everyone who is fighting to abolish oppression is a freedom fighter. We will continue our struggle until the political isolation of Osman Evcan (who is supporting total freedom, and who is fighting against repression and torture for his anarchist ideals) are over. Prison systems are coffins built to control the majority, and to pacify masses for the minorities interest.

Freedom for Osman Evcan!

Until all cages and prisons are destroyed!


In Turkish.

So far there were solidarity actions in Moscow, Nantes and Tbilisi. In Tbilisi there was a protest in front of the Turkish consulate. 1 & 2

A stand opened in İzmir with the name “maneuver against speciesism”. Also in İzmir flyers were distributed to inform people about Osman Evcan’s hunger strike. And a banner was hanged saying “Vegan food for Osman Evcan”. 1 & 2

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for International Solidarity : Simultaneous local / global call for action on December 5th for Osman on hunger strike… (Turkey)

Monday, November 30th, 2015

We are going in front of Kandıra No.1 F Type Prison to support Osman Evcan…

Osman Evcan is resisting authority as an anarchist against speciecism for uninterrupted 23 years in state prisons. Osman Evcan supports the struggle for animal liberation as an anarchist since 2003. He has been a name for us, who voices the demand for total freedom against ecological destruction, hunger, poverty, carnage and war policies created by the state and capitalism.

Osman Evcan is recently located in Kandıra Kocaeli F-Type Prison No. 1 after being exiled to almost all the prisons in Turkey for resisting and never bending his head against systematically and continuously imposed intimidation. Osman Evcan’s and all political prisoners most basic and vital right to a healthy diet according to their preference and will is blocked by the prison management with the knowledge and instructions of the Ministry of Justice. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

From ABC Istanbul:

We visited vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan at Kocaeli no:1 high security prison on his 16. Day of hunger strike. It is obvious that in parallel with the elections on November, the state fascism and oppression techniques have a reflection on the prisons. Because of the anarchist, vegan, libertarian ideas that Osman Evcan was fighting for, for many years; the pressure on him increases. Osman Evcan is now faced with F Type Prisons intimidation policies. His access to vegan food is blocked. And he is facing the imposition : “obey or die”. Osman Evcan continues his resistance under worsening conditions of imprisonment. And he made it clear that he is determined to continue his indefinite hunger strike with the will of total freedom. During our visit he was full of hope and told us to not to leave the arenas that organized violence is terrorizing. And he underlined that, the only way is resistance and struggle. And Osman Evcan also builds this hunger strike with a perception of psychological resistance that is against the fear and witch-hunt politics that is wanted to be created and calls us for action and to motivate ourselves for our rights arising from our existence. We shouldn’t let Osman Evcan and ourselves to be destroyed by the wheels of obedience mechanisms based on destroying all kinds of denial and objection. Let’s listen to the call of Osman Evcan who built his life on ideas based on solidarity, struggle and not harming any living being, and these ideas are bringing him to death. We want to share Osman Evcan’s letter on his reasons to start the hunger strike. Until all cages and prisons are destroyed!
ABC İstanbul

About informing public opinion about my indefinite hunger strike:

I am a prisoner in Kocaeli no:1 F type prison. Because I am vegan I don’t eat meat or any kind of animal products and I avoid using any kind of products made out of animal bodies. I chose to live this way because it’s related to animal liberation and animal rights. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ABC Istanbul: Solidarity with imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan on hunger strike since Nov 10 (Turkey)

Saturday, November 21st, 2015

UPDATED: Spanish translation – CNA Mexico.

Who is Osman Evcan?

Osman Evcan who was born on 1959 in Samsun is an anarchist prisoner who spent his last 23 years in prison. İn 1992 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison with the charges of being a member of a leftist terrorist group and robbery. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-1989. Since Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, he also became vegan and supports animal liberation struggles.

Osman Evcan was imprisoned in many different prisons all over the country during his conviction, he built his life fighting against authoritarian violence and especially the violence and oppression which is a systemic part of the prison’s hierarchical structure, and he still continues his fight against prison’s oppressive mentality, without giving an inch, aspiring to the right standards for anarchist, vegan, libertarian individuals.

Osman’s first barnburner act was his hunger strike in 2011 for vegan food to be available in prison which lasted 42 days. During his hunger strike the anarchists, animal liberationists from all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. (more…)

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Istanbul: Anarchist space "infiAl" raided by anti-terror police after report by Islamic-fascist newspaper (Turkey)

Monday, October 19th, 2015

There´s an anarchist place (infoshop,library,event space etc..) in Istanbul called “infiAl”. Islamist fascist Vahdet newspaper mobilized the police by publishing a report with the title “Anarchist are preparing themselves for civil war” and police raided infiAl. When they came the first time (with guns, armored police cars etc) people in the place managed to keep them away but in the following days they came more prepared with a search warrant. They also arrested the lawyer who had the right to be there. 3 comrades (including the lawyer) were taken to the anti-terror department of the police station. They are charging the anarchists to be a member of an armed terrorist group’ with the charge of insults and threats against President Erdogan and other parliamentarians as well.

The law says that the statements can be taken from the lawyer only by the Prosecutor. The other 2 comrades used the right to remain silent, that’s why also their statement must be taken by the prosecutor, which should be tomorrow. But they got released around 3am in the morning without the statements. On future dates they will be called to give their statements.

This is the information so far. For more information you can read the article:

Fascist newspaper wrote, police raided and arrested anarchists

We are familiar with Turkish state repression on every opposition. Once again they proved that they can do whatever they want, creating evidence, charges, arresting lawyers etc..

We will also continue updating about the forthcoming situations.

ABC Istanbul

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