Posts Tagged ‘Denmark’

Two texts from ‘Orkanen’ about informers and prisoner solidarity (Denmark)

Monday, August 20th, 2018

The following two articles / PDF files are translations from the Danish anarchist newspaper Orkanen, January and March 2018. The critical texts are about informers, snitching, prisoner solidarity, repression’s effects, etc and are not just of interest for the scene/movement in Copenhagen/Denmark, but also for our anarchist/ABC/Anti-repression/Anti-prison-network.

1. Filtering the muddy waters

2. Another filtering of the muddy waters

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Sabotage for Santiago Maldonado at Argentinian Embassy – Copenhagen (Denmark)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Copenhagen, Denmark

In the night between the 17th and 18th of October we vandalized the entrance of the Argentinian embassy in Copenhagen with paint. We also wrote the name Santiago Maldonado and a circled A.

We did this because the Argentinian state is responsible for the disappearance of the anarchist Santiago Maldonado that happened more than two months ago. A few days after our action we heard the sad news that his dead body had been found. The state and the police are responsible! We are angry!

Some anarchists.

[PT] / [ES]

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Posted in Direct Action

Benzin på Bålet – "Gasoline on the Fire" (Denmark)

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

New Danish-language anarchist site.
The goal is to create a small part of the needed infrastructure for a
living and developing anarchist tendency in danish-speaking territory.
To that end we publish translations, texts, news, propaganda, etc. of
relevance to anarchists.
Archive of translations and ready-to-print pamphlets and other
propaganda is under construction.
Groups and individuals can send their texts for publication.
The name means “gasoline on the fire”… It is an expression which
means escalating a situation of conflict or adding fuel to the anger.

For Anarchy!

Link: http://benzinpaabaalet.noblogs.org/

Contact: benzinpaabaalet (at) riseup (dot) net

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Policecars attacked with stones and stinking bombs in solidarity with Bumzen raids (Germany, Denmark)

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Berlin, 14th august 2015

From Berlin to Kopenhagen – Greetings from the rebellious Rigaer str. to Nørrebro

We also received the information about the terror of the cops against your house project Bumzen and three other flats. The reason for the police attack was a „reclaim the streets“ action, where stones and molotow cocktails has been thrown against pics and a bank was smashed. We really like that you took back the streets and in which way you did it was amazing.

They forced you to give your DNA, so we gave also some orders to our specialists of the laboratory.

In a act of solidarity, two cop cars lost again in „Rigaer Roulette“. We attacked the cops with stones and stinking bombs and we get informed by the press that the police sent some samples to the laboratory. We are really looking forward to the result of the analysis, if the pigs will publish it.

They also wrote that 20 stones hit the pig cars. Be sure, that there is no doubt that as long your colleagues are getting on the nerves of our friends or you by our own are wandering around our beautiful streets, as long it will be dangerous for you!

Rigaer roulette is going to the next round

Bumzen stays!

Solidarity with all anti-authoritarian struggles

via chronik

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Posted in Direct Action

On recent repression in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Sunday, August 16th, 2015

At 5.30 am Thursday August 13, the anti-authoritarian collective Bumzen was raided by a gang of masked cops from the police anti-criminal gang unit. They were followed by an army of armoured cops, who handcuffed everyone present in the building at the time. The pretext given was that they were looking for participants in a riotous Reclaim the Streets demo the previous weekend. However, it is clear to us that this was a politically motivated operation against the infrastructure of the radical movement.

Although about 25 people were present during the raid, none were allowed to supervise the police while they were searching through their rooms and property. The police picked out the individuals, who had their official address at Bumzen to bring them to the cop shop to and charge them under paragraph 134a, participation in a riot.

Three other locations were raided the same morning. Two 17-year olds were arrested and remanded, accused of smashing windows at a bank in Østerbro, despite their status as minors and vandalism being a fairly petty charge.

On Saturday August 15 a demonstration took place from Blågårds Plads to Bumzen, where there was people’s kitchen. All proceeds collected are being donated to to the prisoners.

Against repression and police brutality
Solidarity with the prisoners

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Posted in Social Control

Copenhagen: Anarchists raise banner of solidarity in memory of Lambros Foundas (Denmark)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

In the night of the 10th. we went to an area called red square in Noeerrbro in Copenhagen, to put up a banner in memory and in recognition of the anarchist Lambros Foundas and the group Revolutionary Struggle.

The struggle continues.

Nothing Forgotten!
Nothing Forgiven !

Some anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

Antifascist Prisoner Thomas Blak Released – But Deported (Denmark)

Friday, November 18th, 2011

Thomas Blak is the first of the six UK antifascists to be released, but he has been deported.

Antifascist prisoner Thomas Blak, one of the seven antifascists fitted up in the first Welling trial, has been freed but deported to his home country of Denmark. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

7 COP15 prisoners left in custody (Denmark)

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

There are still sitting 7 people in prison after the summit in Copenhagen. Show your solidarity by sending them letters or drawings and posters, because this is one of the few opportunities we have, to show them that they are not alone. The systems wants to break people by putting them in prison and one way they use, is that they try to isolate prisoners from the outside as much as possible. We will not let them break our comrades! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comrade from Hamburg in custody in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Our comrade Christian was arrested by civil cops at the resistance against the climate summit (COP15) in Copenhagen. He was sentenced to 3 weeks custody because he’s accused of §119 (violence against police), §134a (public unrest), §245 (violence of dagerous kind) and §291 (damaging of property). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

COP15 Call out – 12th December, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Join us in Copenhagen on the mass protest on the 12th of December, 2009!

The catastrophe is real and climate change is one of its many symptoms. The COP15s inevitable talk of saving the world from the climate crisis is an elaborate hoax to disguise the COP15s true purpose: to restore the legitimacy of global capitalism by inaugurating an era of green capitalism. A new rhetoric of saving the climate will exist to justify their repression, their fortified borders, their colonial resource wars. To give the Emperor new clothes. Our response to this astounding lie is an uncompromising and absolute NO to their system.

More has to be shaken than our holiday habits to sustain the world for times to come. It would be foolish to pin our hopes upon the very people who continue to kill off the planet for money. At Copenhagen, they will argue over how to properly create a market to commodify and so pollute the biosphere, dispossessing millions of people from their land to profit from destroying what remains of our earth. Governments and corporations will not sacrifice their growth to reduce carbon emissions, or only do so in order to create a new authoritarian regime for themselves.

The entire rhetoric of the climate crisis and the financial crisis is a cynical maneouvre by the state spin-doctors to deny the all-encompassing crisis of self-declared civilization. The COP15 will only attempt to hide the war that capitalism is waging against all life on the planet, a war that has spread across the entire globe for the last five hundred years, a war that encompasses the totality of even the oceans and atmosphere. In the midst of war, one does not talk of management and technical solutions. You cannot fight a war by pretending the war does not exist, by blinding yourself to repression and becoming complicit in accepting the false-promise of a petit bourgeois tranquility. Instead, one recognizes the enemy. One chooses a position. One fights.

Only by ridding ourselves of those who claim to be representing us and by defeating the ideology of endless economic growth, industrial production and consumption can we take control of our lives and planet. It is time to state: we are going to consciously attack the structures supporting the COP15: we will break through the lines of their police; we will refuse to negotiate with warmongering governments and the embedded media; we will refuse to side with sell-out NGOs and all the would-be managers of protest; we will refuse all governments and governance and not just de-legitimize the present ones.

It is time to state why we think that insurrection is needed to actually begin the change everybody is so desperate for. Acting together in fundamental opposition to those in power we might get a first glimpse of the richness and opportunities possible when ideas, experiences and concepts are shared amongst people from all over the world.

Further information:

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle