‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Braulio Arturo Durán González – Fighter for Total Liberation (Mexico)

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Braulio Arturo Durán González is an Eco-anarchist imprisoned since he was arrested 24 September 2010. Braulio is accused of involvement in a series of attacks against banks and other targets. He is being held at the state correctional facility in León awaiting sentencing. Braulio is vegan.

Download the soli-poster and print out!

To write to him:


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Police repression spectacle for Animal Rights Action Weekend – Bristol (UK)

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

This weekend saw a whole host of ridiculous police repression at the Animal Rights Action Weekend.

On Saturday morning [3.3.12] there was a demonstration at Bristol Airport against Air France KLM, who are one of the few airlines still prepared to ship animals into this country for experimentation. The demonstration consisted of several people with fake blood on, being transported by some pretend KLM staff. After a member of the public supposedly got a small amount of fake blood on their sleeve and lost their temper, the police saw an opportunity to make some ridiculous arrests over claimed criminal damage offences, eventually arresting 6 people. One of the arrests was for assault of a PC after the arresting officer threw the arrestee to the floor and punched the floor next to them, injuring their own hand and blaming the arrestee! (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Solidarity actions in Paris & Lima (France, Peru)

Monday, March 5th, 2012

NO TAV: Gathering and road blocks in Paris, France.

Paris – Saturday 3rd March 2012. About fifty people answered the solidarity call of the NO TAV movement. During the gathering, speeches on the events in Val Susa and the mobilizations all over Italy, then the points of the meetings: what are we going to do besides the solidarity, simple but necessary, with the prisoners; how can we bring the movement to France; what are the links between this movement and us? Followed by policemen in plain clothes at a certain distance, the small group started marching and blocked the traffic in Sebastopol and on Rue de Rivoli, and eventually reached Place du Chalet, where a demo for the Syrian people was being held.

NO TAV – Solidarity from Peru, Italian embassy visited.

On the night of 29th February we visited the Italian embassy in Lima and left there a banner reading: ‘SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE THAT STRUGGLE FOR THE LAND! NO TAV!’ We also dubbed a ridiculous baroque-like painting on the wall with graffiti. As we were being chased by the watch dogs of power, we disappeared in the darkness.

In this country the struggle is against mines, in Italy it is against the high speed railway. May resistance to the destructive projects of the State and capital go beyond all borders! Against all harmfulness and in defence of the Earth. Self-organization and Direct Action everywhere!



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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: More news from the hot situation (Italy)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Trento – Imprisoned comrade Juan protests in solidarity with Luca and the NO TAV struggle

On Monday 27th February our comrade Juan, arrested on 26th January and detained in the prison of Spini di Gardolo in Trento, heard of the eviction of Baita Clarea in Val Susa and of the serious condition of Luca. For this reason Juan decided to carry out a protest and refused to go back to the cell after the time in the exercise yard. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Eco-Activists sabotage 'Bardon Aggrigates' Super Quarry (UK)

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

“Towards the end of last year the super quarry at Bardon Hill in Leictershire was sabotaged. This is the flagship quarry of Bardon Aggrigates, subsiduary of Aggrigate Industries, the company removing mountain tops for roadstone in Glensanda Scotland. Bardon Hill Quarry is a mile across and over quarter of a mile deep, and is removing a hillside that is designated as a SSSI. They are planning to extend this quarry to new areas using over three miles of conveyers to transport the stone. During the week bore holes were dug for the new expansion visitors climbed down into the quarry over night destroying engines and hydraulics, gluing locks, and drilling tires. You could stand in the buckets of the excavators and the wheels of the trucks were over eight feet tall. 3 excavators, 1 bulldozer, and 4 dumper trucks were sabotaged.”

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Summary of latest events (Italy)

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Widespread acts of resistance are taking place across Italy triggered by the near murderous actions of the police in Val Susa.

A summary of the latest events Baita Clarea is an area in Val Susa where works for the implementation of the TAV were due to start soon. On Monday 27th February the forces of order proceeded to evict and expropriate the land in Baita Clarea in order to clear the way for the devastating high speed railway works. On the same day Luca Abba’, a resident of the Val Susa whose land was also expropriated, climbed a pylon in an attempt to block the ongoing military operation. The cops ordered Luca to come down without taking precautions for his safety, pushing him even higher and failing to cut off the electricity of the pylon. As a result, Luca was electrocuted and fell several metres below. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Solidarity Demo in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Italian Consulate in Barcelona
(C/Mallorca, 270)

Today Luca Abbá of the Val Susa is seriously injured in hospital after falling from the tower of a high voltage power lines, during the protests against the new expropriations on the morning of 27th februrary. The police attempted to forcibly bring him down, and he received an electric shock. He is in a critical condition as a result of the electric shock and the fall from over 10 metres, made worse by the fact that the ambulance was prevented from arriving for up to 50 minutes by the forces of “order”. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Update about the arrested comrades – NO TAV (Italy)

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

These are the latest news about our comrades. Many were released and now are under house arrest and other restrictive measures. The judges have decided the continuation of detention for the following comrades (we add their addresses) :

Alessio Del Sordo – C.C. via Pianezza 300 – 10151 Torino

Matteo “Mambo” Grieco – C.R. San Michele – Strada Statale 31 – 15100 Alessandria

Maurizio Ferrari – Carcere San Vittore – Piazza Filangeri 2 – 20123 Milano

Marcelo Damian Jara Marin – Carcere San Vittore – Piazza Filangeri 2 – 20123 Milano

Gabriele Filippi – Carcere di Marassi – Piazzale Marassi 2 – 16139 Genova

Giorgio Rossetto – C.R. – loc. Cascina Felicina via Regioni Bronda 19/b – 12037 Saluzzo (CN)

Luca Cientanni – C.C. corso Vercelli 165 – 10015 Ivrea (To)

Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez – C.C. – Via Beccaria, 13 – Loc. Spini di Gardolo – 38014 Gardolo – TN

Antonio Ginetti – Casa Circondariale – Via dei Macelli 13 – 51100 Pistoia – Riesame

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Communique of Silvia about her anti-WEF hunger strike from 20th to 29th of January 2012 (Switzerland)

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Nanotechnologies are going to be one of the discussion points of the World Economic Forum. This is exemplary of how, along with biotechnologies, they are something more than a simple technological development. They represent a strategical and fundamental choice for the survival of this tecno-industrial system, they are the bricks with which the system will rebuild itself in every sector.

“Control the oil and you will control the nations, control the food and you will control the populations” (Kissinger, 1970). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

NO TAV – 'Rebel or Fuck Off' by comrades of Bologna (Italy)

Monday, February 13th, 2012

This is a communiqué written by comrades in Bologna:

Rebel or fuck off

On 27th June the forces of order evicted the Free Republic of the Maddalena [in Val Susa] in order to start the works for the construction of the high speed railway. Hundreds of NO TAV people opposed directly the military occupation of the territory. On 3rd July 70,000 people assaulted the TAV yard in Val Susa. A very special yard, as no worker could be found there but antiriot troops and police were entrenched there. This is an outstanding example of devastation of the environment, and of the interests of big capital and the mafia that goes along it. On 26th January the State arrested 32 comrades all over Italy ‘for the events of those days’. An operation that means just one thing: active resistance against infrastructures, powers, armed forces and institutions that rape and impoverish the planet is considered illegal. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Solidarity with the NO TAV struggle from anarchists of Trento and Rovereto (Italy)

Monday, February 13th, 2012

This is the text of a poster that was fly-posted in Trento and Rovereto (northern Italy) in solidarity with the people arrested on 26th January following a police operation against the NO TAV movement in the Susa valley.


(Monti is the current Italian prime minister, but the word also translates as ‘Mountains’).

Repression can’t stop the struggle

In the early hours of Thursday 26th January a massive repressive operation led to the search of 52 people all over Italy, 26 were jailed and a dozen submitted to various restrictive measures, from house arrest to bans on leaving one’s place of abode and bans on staying in Turin. The charges – resistance to the forces of order, violent disorder and causing serious damage – refer to the resistance against the eviction of the Free Republic of the Maddalena on 27th June and to the mass storming of the TAV blockhouse on 3rd July. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Farmers, fisherfolks, indigenous people and residents of Casiguran organise against the Mega-Project APECO (Philippines)

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

325 receives & transmits:

On the 3rd weekend in February, a two-day International Solidarity Mission (ISM) to call for international and local support against the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport Authority, better known as APECO, will happen. This mission will be highlighted by an on-site visit of Swiss, Dutch and Filipino faith-based leaders, local anti-APECO support groups, representatives of the CHR and NCIP, and media around the area of the eco-zone on February 17 and 18, 2012. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Förvilda Camp – Eco-Struggle Gathering 31/5 – 4/6 2012 (Sweden)

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

We hereby invite you to this year´s Förvilda Camp. It will be held the 31/5-4/6 in the middle of Sweden. Here is invitation flyer, which we hope you can spread throughout your networks.

We are attempting to broaden the resistance against the globalized ecocidal culture and develop perspectives within the anti-capitalist movements, while also exchanging experiences and knowledge for sustainable living and sustainable resistance communities. If you want to contribute with anything from a discussion around attacking prisons to a practical workshop on how to make fire or show a movie, please let us know and we will arrange something together.

With Wild Regards,

The Förvilda Crew

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Parole is denied for Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

The Zurich Office of Corrections denied the conditional release of Marco Camenisch. The 60 years old eco-anarchist prisoner is incarcerated since 20 years. At present, he’s in the prison of Lenzburg, Switzerland.

This January he went on a limited hunger strike to protest against the annual ‘World Economic Forum’ in Davos – a disgusting gathering of self-declared business and world leaders, culture industry wankers like Bono, and assorted rich arseholes. Two anarchist prisoners joined Marco’s protest: Silvia Guerini (prison of Hindelbank) and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi (prison of Regensdorf). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

Harlan suppliers hit again by ALF (UK)

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

26 January 2012

anonymous report via bite back:

“Sunlight in Coventry was our focus. This company deal with Harlan so also deal with the ALF. The depot walls were painted with slogans against these puppy killers.”

Animal Liberation Front

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle