‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Especial: Sobre la muerte de Sabino Romero, que tenemos que decir (Venezuela)

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Click images for bigger size files. Background info on the murder of Sabino Romero in English here.

CURARE ANTI-INFO BLOG: http://apuntandoalaliberaciontotal.blogspot.com/

Hace dos semanas nos enteramos de la fatídica muerte del cacique yukpa Sabino Romero. Su muerte se produjo cuando dos sicarios en moto lo interceptaron a él y a su compañera, para efectuarle varios tiros mortales que acabaron con la vida de uno de los guerreros más importantes de estos lados.

Para los que hemos tenido que padecer las inclemencias contradictorias de este Socialismo del Siglo XXI, el nombre de Sabino, es un topic comun en las conversaciones; originario del pueblo yukpa este cacique ocupo en 2003 la finca tizina para rebautizarla con el nombre de Chaktapa e iniciar la reclamación de su tierra ancestral que se encontraba consagrada en las leyes nacionales.

Los yukpas que no tenían una política radical y que siempre se mostraron afines al proceso bolivariano, siempre fueron afines a una salida pacifica al conflicto, sin embargo las contradicciones latentes dentro del chavismo afloraron en el pavimento con un terrible saldo rojo: 13 yukpas han sido asesinados.

El oprobioso silencio cómplice del gobierno, la actividad delictiva del patronato de ganaderos (GADEMA), las empresas trasnacionales que explotan minerales en la región con el aval de la Administración Publica, el descaro y la desfachatez de la MUD que apoya a GADEMA y la actividad opresora de la Guardia Nacional y el ejercito fueron los ingredientes que hicieron posible la muerte de Sabino.

Este guerrero sufrió persecución, encarcelamiento, la muerte a golpes de su padre de 93 años, el desprecio de la ministra Nicia Maldonado, la burla disfrazada de asistencialismo, el falso discurso, las promesas postergadas hasta su muerte.

Desde curare saludamos a todos los colectivos e iniciativas (El Libertario, La Guarura, Colectivo Nordeste, PNA-CAM, Kaos Distry, Colectivo La Hormiga, entre otros) que han sabido romper el cerco mediático, realizando acciones y reinvidicando la memoria de este compañero.

Con la muerte de Sabino, los mecanismos de hostigamiento contra la comunidad de Chaktapa se hicieron más evidentes cuando el CICPC, secuestro y torturo a su hijo. Esto sirvió de excusa al falso gobierno de dictar medidas cautelares de protección que terminaron de militarizar y controlar cualquier posible alzamiento yukpa.

La guinda del postre llego cuando la policia detuvo a 7 policias y militares posiblemente culpables de la muerte de Sabino. Pero lo que jamas queda claro son las razones o el mobil de los asesinos; obviamente Estado y GADEMA se dan las manos y su silencio es la mejor defensa.

Pero su muerte no será en vano, desde aquí declaramos nuestra absoluta solidaridad y complicidad. No lloraremos, ni rogaremos al Estado para hacer justicia…Es hora de desechar las ilusiones y prepararse para el combate, este gobierno no apoya a los yukpa.

Tierra sin mendigar, sin ganaderos, ni mineros. La Tierra es nuestra y la tierra se toma.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Report: Statement from the Black & Green Forum & 2nd Solidarity Eco-Camp in the Philippines

Friday, April 12th, 2013


Eco-Camp is an activity organized by Mobile Anarchist School with the help by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) both active in the Philippines. Last April 2012 was the first camping held in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. It was attended by various collectives and individuals totaling around 40 people who participated the various activities and discussions in the camp. The objective of the eco-camp was to discuss the different issues confronting our current society and to find solidarity actions that can help expose and popularize our issues.

After series of activities in 2012, the LAN decided to expand its activities on ecological issues due to concrete manifestation of the crisis impacting the archipelago.

The second eco-camp gathering was organized by LAN and the Mobile Anarchist School in March 2013 to heighten our education campaign and to strengthen the relationship with other affinity groups and build an international network better able to work towards intensifying our impact by making solidarity actions globally. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Feral Awakening green anarchist gathering from July 24th to 31st (USA)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

This is to announce the first Feral Awakening rewilding green anarchist Gathering from July 24th to 31st to be focused on rewilding, anti-civilization critiques (with of course in depth forums on green anarchy, anarcho-primitivism), and a place for folks to gather together in the wild who desire to see the end of civilization and wildness flourish in its place. We’re hoping to provide a space for people to make connections with each other and the earth, for those of us who realize that civilization is a destructive force upon all life and the planet itself and are looking to do what we can to see a world without it. We’d like to invite groups and individuals engaged in struggles against the destruction of the Earth (and indeed all interconnected forms of oppression) to join us and share your stories, lessons, skills, and whatever else you may have to offer. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Krasnodar: Police arrests two suspects accused of 25 years of ecotage and bombing of gas pipelines (Russia)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Russian police arrested two suspected eco-warriors in Krasnodar. They are accused of placing bombs on gas pipelines and torching of construction equipment. According to the police their activity record dates back to 1988 (!!!). It appears cops attempt to blame them in all ecotage actions that have happened in the region since late XX century. (more…)

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Black February: Message of Solidarity from some people of the ZAD and elsewhere (France)

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Message of solidarity from some people of the ZAD (Zone A Défendre) and elsewhere in France, an occupied area against an international airport and metropolisation project.

With pleasure, we heard of the reactions of solidarity against the evictions at Athens in December and January : United States, India, England, Canada, Australia, Japan, Chile… and also the numerous actions and demonstrations through Greece.

In split of contexts differences here or elsewhere, the same mechanisms of repression sweep down on all those who struggle against the imposition of what our lives should be. And who wants a liberty which have an other flavour than the sad liberty to survive in their international competition in silence. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Kulon Progo: Video Solidarity with Tukijo, imprisoned comrade in struggle (Indonesia)

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

From asimetris:

This video is a contribution to commemorate and honor the spirit of resistance against corporate and state- by Tukijo one of the brave farmers of Kulonprogo who is held hostage inside prison.

This video is dedicated and prepared by our comrades as an active contribution and participation in the horizontal struggle of farmers in Kulonprogo.

Check the video here >> ODE TO TUKIJO

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Ecotage in Krasnodar (Russia)

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

from russia with love:

We receive and transmit: 10/02/2013 members of ALF-Kuban torched construction vehicles used for destroying a grove – one of the few left – in Krasnodar.

“All river basin is in danger, because these woods act as lungs for three districts: Komsomolsky, Pashkovky and Hydrostroy). In their lust for profit development companies won’t listen to locals, ecological surveys or petitions. So we chose to sabotage their efforts. We are making them pay,” – ALF-Kuban

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Forgotten Bird of Paradise (West Papua)

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

“Our freedom fighters are poorly armed, often having to make do with spears and bows and arrows to fight the Indonesian army, yet despite our poor military equipment, we have been strong enough to stand up against Indonesia’s military machine for more than 30 years. No one can deny we are strong.” Moses Werror 1/24/96.

Forgotten Bird of Paradise is a 2009 documentary film directed by Dominic Brown, about the struggle for independence being fought in West Papua. Brown travelled and filmed in West Papua without the permission of the Indonesian authorities, putting himself in great danger. The documentary features an interview conducted with Yusak Pakage, a high profile West Papuan political prisoner recognised by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience. He is currently serving a ten year prison sentence for raising the West Papuan flag during a ceremony in 2004. The interview was recorded in secret by Brown during a hospital visit where Pakage was receiving treatment for torture.

There is also footage and dialogue from an OPM camp led by one of the armed resistance leaders, General Goliath Tabuni. Tabuni and his fighters speak about how Freeport mine has destroyed the land and exploits the people, how Indonesia is ruining the environment and stealing the resources with the help of foreign companies, which they then sell to the USA, UK and Australia. Indonesia spends the money on military equipment to murder those who resist. Solidarity with the West Papuan anti-colonial struggle and OPM.

OPM Website

More info on OPM:


Link for human rights NGO: http://tapol.org/

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Library

Self-Determination and Self-Defense in Cherán, Michoacán (Mexico)

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

From El Enemigo Comun – by Simòn Sedillo / via anarchistnews

On December 11, 2012, the US Justice Department announced that banking giant HSBC was immune from prosecution despite overwhelming evidence that they consistently failed to implement controls against money-laundering. Assistant attorney general Lanny Breuer said: “Had the US authorities decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the US, the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilized.”

The entire banking system would have been destabilized?

The Department of Justice opted rather to charge HSBC a record-breaking 1.9 billion dollar fine, and ordered the bank’s activities monitored for five years. The 1.9 billion is equivalent to five weeks’ worth of HSBC earnings, in other words, a drop in the bucket. The saddest part of the story in the mainstream media, is the focus on money laundered and money fined, as opposed to lives lost and crime legitimized in one of the most grotesque admissions of complicity with organized crime in the so-called war on drugs. Basically what was announced to the world by the US Justice Department was that the money ran too thick, and the criminals were too powerful. The global economic impact of prosecuting a bank where the dirty money has been going, was too dangerous to risk. “Sorry kids, but we guess the bad guys win.” (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Call for solidarity actions against the Pacific Trails Pipeline (Unist’ot’en territories)

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:


Call for solidarity actions on Tuesday November 27th

Raising Resistance: Solidarity with the Unist’ot’en.
Call for actions on Tuesday November 27th

In inspiring resistance this past week, the Unist’ot’en and Grassroots Wet’suwet’en have, yet again, evicted pipelines from their territories!

On November 20th, Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Toghestiy intercepted and issued an eagle feather to surveyors from the Can-Am Geomatics company who were working for Apache’s proposed natural gas Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP). In Wet’suwet’en law, an eagle feather is used as a first and only notice of trespass. The surveyors were ordered to leave the territory and the road leading into the territory has been closed to all industry activities until further notice. The materials that were left behind by the work crew are being held until Apache and PTP agree to open up appropriate lines of communication with the Unist’ot’en and grassroots Wet’suwet’en according to the Free Prior and Informed Consent protocol and laws of their unceded territories. The Unist’ot’en are against all pipelines slated to cross through their territories, which include Enbridge Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgans northern proposal, Pembina, and Spectra. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Demo for Global Day of Action on Climate Justice (Philippines)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

14 November 2012

Global Day of Action on Climate Justice

A group of almost 20 anarchists with Guy Fawkes mask participate in a global day of action on climate justice. In coordination with other local progressive group the Local Autonomous Network gave solidarity to the climate justice issue stating “corporation and government are the direct perpetrator” so we need “system change not climate change”. The problem of global warming and the earth’s destabilizing climate are caused by the emission of heat trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs), from the historical accumulated pollution of different corporations, not only by the industrialized countries but the whole capitalist magnate. There is already a massive and destructive impact on human in terms of food security, drinkable water, health and livelihood. The miserable thing is the governments are not taking any action about this matter because of the benefit they can get from the corporations.

Destroy corporation before it destroys you!

Smash the state before they smash your community!

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TAMPAKAN MASSACRE: International solidarity requested against SMI-Xstrata corporation (Philippines, Switzerland)

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

SMI-Xstrata is a Swiss corporation which has a mining application in south Cotabato, Mindanao. despite the resistance of the community the Philippine government is backing-up the said application.

In order to silence the resistance the government use the military. 13 people were killed including an 8 years old boy and 3 months pregnant woman. The culprit is based in Switzerland where the biggest anarchist gathering was held. We are asking for your support to put pressure on the corporation to stop the destruction of natural resources and to seek justice for the victims.

For more details, please click this link:


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Tver: 'Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI' sabotage a hunt with various actions (Russia)

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

28-29 October 2012

Russia, Tver. ALF torch electricity station and sabotage a hunt. Some words of solidarity with imprisoned eco-anarchist comrades

We send our fiery greetings to anarchist comrades in prison: Yana Terenina and Aleksandra Dukhanina. We take this opportunity to remind about Yana Terenina and her fate. She was put to prison after an incident near the “Atrium” shopping mall in Moscow. A fight broke out between Yana and a lady enamored with furry coats. During the fight lady’s husband chose to join the action, while the lady herself used scissors as a weapon. After the trial judge decided Yana and her friend Maksim fitted “armed robbery” charges. The fur-enamored lady rejected all offers of peaceful resolution of conflict.

Aleksandra Dukhanina is awaiting trial in regards with public disobedience during mass protests of 06/05/2012, when police forces provoked violence.

In the night of October 28-29 we destroyed a power substation that gave power to a hunting resort under Tver. We used bolt-cutters to cut through locks and gain access to the station’s interior. We planted two incendiaries (5l of gasoline each) and set the fuse on fire, retreating into the woods.

While moving through the forest we kept encountering hunting parties with dogs. We did our best to avoid them. Then we happened upon a hunting decoy (feeding facility for boars and elks). We vandalized it at first, but after a brief discussion decided to torch it to the ground. Soon the place was sound ablaze.

Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI

Source: blackblocg.info

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Video and communique from the arsonists in Khimki forest (Russia)

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

20 July 2012

On the night of 20-21 July, after having received news of new tree-cutting activity in Khimki forest, we decided to visit the workers. We aimed for 2 trucks and excavator parked on the clear cut. They were completely destroyed.

Our solidarity goes out to eco-activists who broke the arm of private guard who was guarding the clear cut (this piece we learned from news).

Enough of pseudo-legalism!

Do like us, do better than us.
Autonomous autonoms

video footage of the action:


Via: blackblocg.info

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Greece: Banner over the Aegean Sea, in solidarity with the fisherfolk’s fight in the Manado Bay (Indonesia)

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

From contra-info:

In the context of Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression, in the first days of August we placed a banner close to a coast and a crossroad on Kalymnos, an island where the traditional way of fishing and sponge diving has been performed for too many decades. This was our small token of solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the Malalayang traditional fisherfolk, who proudly resist a mega-project along the Manado coast, in Indonesia. We thus wanted them to know they are not alone.

Read and spread the call for solidarity and resistance against the mega-project of Coastal Reclamation in Manado (June 2012): in English / Spanish

The banner reads in Greek-English-Indonesian:

From Greece to Indonesia, sabotage against Capital/Power
Strength, fisherfolk of Manado
Solidarity with the fight in Manado-Indonesia
Long live sporadic direct action

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