‘Anti-Fascist’ Archives

Blood & Honour list leak (UK)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Blood & Honour is a neo-nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the UK in 1987. Founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18, a neo-nazi terrorist group.

PDF: Blood & Honour list leak

‘The force of Hitler makes us small
But one day we will be free again;
we are about to break the chains.
For our fists, they are hard;
yes — and the knives sit ready;
for the freedom of the youth
Navajos fight’

Edelweiss Pirates

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Minsk: Solidarity to Vadim Boyko, antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan (Belarus)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Vadim Boyko is an antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan from Minsk. He was detained on March 22, 2016 together with other people on suspicion of participating in the attack on the right-wing hooligans that happened about two years ago. His trial is set for February 3, 2017 and we ask for financial support to pay the legal advice. The approximate cost of the legal aid for him is 5000 euros, part of which has already been covered by us.

Here is a full story.

FC Partyzan (former MTZ-RIPO) is an antiracist football club that doesn’t exist any more, while there are still some active groups of hooligans involved in street fights. As reported, on June 29, 2014 a mob of Partyzan supporters attacked a trolley-bus carrying a gang of right-wing hooligans of FC Torpedo. The attackers blocked the vehicle and broke a few windows. In the following days the police detained five Partyzan fans on suspicion of the attack, but they were eventually set free with no charges. The case was frozen.

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PDF: Podstawy antyfaszyzmu, broszura (Poland)

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

“Basics of antifascism”


Long live Black Praxis


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‘Trump is the fulfillment of an ancient Chinese curse’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

“May you live in interesting times” was a curse the ancient Chinese hurled at their adversaries, wishing them strife, oppression, and struggle. It applies to us now because for all the uncertainties a Trump presidency holds, it will certainly be an interesting time, filled with opportunities for resistance and perhaps revolution.

Big T’s pedal-to-the-metal exploitation of humanity and the planet will accelerate the vicious policies of his two predecessors, poisoning the environment, forcing our financial will around the world, killing thousands of people in imperialist wars, manipulating other nations, modernizing our nuclear weapons, and jailing dissenters at home. Fortress America will continue to expand globally as prison, sweatshop, and fire base.

After all our years trying to change this country, how could we end up with this?

To answer this question and avoid falling into catatonic despondency or self-destructive rage, we need an historical perspective. What we are experiencing now is the long war the ruling elite is fighting to maintain its grip on the world. The current phase began with the collapse of Keynesian capitalism, which flourished from the 1950s into the ’70s, when the primary consumer market was in the capitalist headquarter countries of North America and Western Europe. Corporations were able to stimulate domestic consumption and quell worker discontent there by acceding to labor’s demands for better wages and conditions. That led to a 30-year bubble of improvement for unionized workers, predominantly male and white, that began to collapse in the ’80s as capitalism gradually became globalized. (more…)

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‘Burn the flag on inauguration day!’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Burn the flag on inauguration day!
By William T. Hathaway

Let’s welcome our new Commander in Chief by demonstrating how little he knows about the Constitution of the United States. Each incoming president is required on inauguration day to take the oath of office, affirming to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.” But Trump proved his ignorance of this document when he recently wrote, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences — perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail!” The Supreme Court, however, thinks otherwise. It has twice ruled that burning the national flag is not a crime but a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment, a legal way to protest government policies.

Let’s give Big T a lesson in the Constitution on January 20. We the people should exercise our rights by burning the flag during his swearing-in ceremony. We can counter his jingoistic nationalism with a display of true patriotism, affirming our love of a country which was founded on the principles of egalitarianism rather than elitism, of government by the people rather than by just the rich.

Trump’s autocratic proclamations make it clear we’re going to have to fight to maintain our rights. His appointments to key offices display the pro-rich, anti-worker character of his administration. Our already low wages and benefits are scheduled for further slashing, our already suffering environment for further abuse. The future of our country and planet depends on our willingness to defend both against this attack by rightwing demagogues. (more…)

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19-11-2016 Demo – Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists! (Netherlands)

Friday, October 14th, 2016

19-11-2016 Demonstration: Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists!

On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!

Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.

But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!

Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.

Fight repression!


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Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for political prisoners of Putin’s police state took place in 21 cities of 10 different countries. Although state pressure is growing, new delirious «anti-terrorist» laws are passed instead of improving life of citizens, activists of Moscow Anarchist Black Cross, Autonomous Action and other anarchist and anti-fascist initiatives organized a wide international campaign to defend our comrades imprisoned in Putin’s gallows.

For full report with working links and pictures, check original at

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Anti-Fascist / Anti-ISIS Graffiti in Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Anti-Fascist/Anti-ISIS graffiti by the comrades in Newcastle Upon Tyne UK.

Track:- ‘Angelic Upstarts – Anti Nazi’
Link:- https://antifascistnetwork.org/

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Call for an International Action Day against Feminicide of Yazidi Women

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

3 August 2016 marks the 2nd anniversary of the Feminicide and Genocide by Islamic State (IS) against Yazidi people in Sinjar/Shengal. On 3 August 2014 IS attacked and captured Sinjar, which is the historical homeland of Yazidis, a Kurdish religious minority whose ancient religion is linked to Zoroastrianism. IS destroyed Yazidi shrines, executed resisters and demanded the residents to swear allegiance or be killed. During the IS-massacre in Sinjar up to 5.000 Yazidis were executed. Almost 200.000 people managed to flee. 50.000 Yazidis fled into the Sinjar Montains, where they were trapped without food, water or medical care, facing starvation and dehydration.

At the same time approximately 5.000 Yazidi women and children were captured. They were appropriated as spoils of war and sold as sex slaves to Muslim men or given to IS commanders. Those who refuse to convert were tortured, raped and eventually murdered. Babies born in the prison where the women are held were taken from their mothers to an unknown fate. Women allegedly raped by IS fighters have committed suicide by jumping to their death from Mount Sinjar. While a high number of women managed to flee or could be liberated, approximately some 3.000 women are still in IS captivity.

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Fight Against Darkness – An internationalist view on Nice (France)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

A dastardly darkness has targeted innocent people in Nice, France. They were watching the fireworks in remembrance of the Bastille Day, an honorable day for the revolution that was, alas, going to be hijacked by the bourgeois class later. Or they were just taking a stroll, an act that has been forbidden for many cities of the Middle East for long. Are the questions ‘How many?’, ‘How old?’, ‘What nationality?’, etc. important now? Politicians of states have already repeated the same old clichés that this was a heinous and horrific attack, that perpetrator(s) are the enemy of humanity, and that they will avenge this treacherous act etc. The journalists have tried to talk to the eye witnesses who have been traumatized by what they had seen and heard. Millions have shared videos of the moments in which the truck has become a death machine that crushed people to death. We had almost got used to shootings , stabbings, and bombings. But now the trucks too have become deadly weapons. What else? What unexpected ends do wait for hundreds or thousands? Will the people be able to look at the things that move around without suspicion from now on? The darkness seems to have terrorized millions irreversibly. But what about those who are fighting against the darkness? They are sending their revolutionary greetings and their condolences to the people of Nice. They try to tear the darkness apart from streets to streets and from the buildings to buildings. Their best answer to the darkness is to intensify the dignified fight against it. Because they know very well that to live is to resist.

Botan Bahoz

via ypginternational

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Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento Sunday July 10th (USA)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on the West Capitol steps in Downtown Sacramento.

They never made it onto those steps. within seconds of stepping onto the capitol they were chased away by a large crowd of anti-fascists. Over 300 anti-fascists and anti-racists had converged hours before the planned march in an attempt to shut it down. When 20 or so white supremacists armed with shields and adorned with TWP imagery attempted to take those steps they were attacked with rocks, bottles, knives, bats, fists, pepper spray and anything that those antifa could get their hands on. They were chased for blocks and when they attempted to escape in a waiting car, all of its windows were smashed out.

In the end it wasn’t only white supremacist blood that splattered the ground. Several antifa comrades had also been stabbed, received knife wounds and suffered serious injuries. Later, the leader of the TWP would call the blood pouring from the chests of our friends a “victory” for him and his bonehead brethren.

Boneheads like the TWP and GSS are only the most obvious and explicit manifestations of white-supremacy. The police, the media and countless other institutions uphold white-supremacy in our everyday lives. On the 26th, anti-fascists fought against the police and the media as well as the more explicit racist in the streets. (more…)

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MI5 were informed of Thomas Mair’s links to neo-Nazi organisations in 2000 (UK)

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

On Thursday 16 June Labour MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death by the fascist nationalist Thomas Mair in Birstall, West Yorkshire. Mair shouted nationalist slogans, apparently “Britain First”, during the assassination. We publish this article and the photo above, in contrast to the corporate media who have overwhelmingly played down Mair’s Neo-Nazi links, instead presenting him in the typical ‘Lone Wolf’ garb suitable for covering up the extensive growth of a dangerous right-wing that has been nurtured by the daily press.

Thomas Mair is portrayed by the right-wing tabloids as being ‘mentally ill’ – a label usually reserved for those perpetrators of a political assassination if they are white. But Mair’s far-right, neo-Nazi links not only span decades but countries: a network of hate and racism that knows no bounds. The network, both formally and informally, links fascist organisations and tendencies globally. In Mair’s case, his links extend to organisations that span at least three continents. Mair is charged with the murder of Jo Cox MP, who was a lifelong campaigner of human rights and spearheaded many humanitarian causes. She was just the sort of person Mair and his fascist associates detested. Some may believe his alleged vile act was not premeditated, but his history proves otherwise. That Mair allegedly chose to carry out the act in the lead up to the EU Referendum speaks volumes. Below is a mapping of the trail of hate that provides the topographical context to Mair’s beliefs and motivations. Moreover, what this trail shows is that Mair and his hate-filed colleagues were the subject of surveillance by an MI5 (and FBI) informer as far back as 2000.

Screenshot from 2016-06-18 20_33_39

Photo showing, allegedly, Tom Mair, [centre with white shirt and blue cap] holding Britain First banner (Dewsbury, 2015)

Read the full story on undercoverinfo.

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Call for the 2nd Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, July 25, 2016

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

via NYC Antifa, check for translations and prisoner list:

In the year since the first July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners in 2015, there has been a disturbing increase of Far Right activity worldwide. Every day brings news of some new wave of reaction—in the name of nationalism and security—which demonizes refugees and immigrants, stokes hatred for Muslims, and attacks LGBTQ and other oppressed groups fighting for their liberation and their very lives.

We see Nigel Farage and UKIP in the UK, the Burmese magazine The Irrawaddy, the Front National in France, and Donald Trump in the U.S. all making the same racist claims about refugees using almost identical Far Right language. In response, anti-fascists from Poland, Thailand, Malaysia, England, Australia, Brazil, Burma, Greece, France, Sweden, the United States, and all points in between, have the same response to this bigoted garbage:

NO PASARAN! (more…)

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“Ethnic” anarchists in Belarus: Debunking the Myths

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Groups that combine anti-authoritarian and nationalist ideas are nothing new. Though they are new for Belarus, where anarchists have always been anti-nationalist and viewed themselves as part of a global movement for freedom. These groups would not deserve your attention if they weren’t trying to disguise themselves as anarchists and make connections to the left-wing and anarchist movement in the West in order to get access to different resources: financial, informational etc.

What follows is a list of facts proving that one cannot be an anarchist believing that patriotism is a vital feature in the anti-state struggle. This text is an attempt to warn our comrades from possible contacts with these groups and give information about what they really are.

For now there are two groups in Belarus that call themselves ethnic anarchists – Poshug (“Flash”) and Khaurus (“Fellowship, Cahoot”). Judging by their pages in social networks (http://vk.com/psh_soc, http://vk.com/union8x9) both groups appeared in 2013.

Looks like Poshug’s adherents have their roots in a patriotic (sic!) wing of antifascist football hooligans of ‘Partyzan’, former MTZ-RIPO (http://vk.com/nasasprava). The background determined what they were fighting for – veganism, straight edge, animal liberation, ecology, anti-imperialism. (more…)

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Video: 11.06.16 – Fascists march against refugees / Counter demo in Bishop Auckland, County Durham (UK)

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Yesterday there was a far-right march and counter demonstration in Bishop Auckland, County Durham.


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