We're not Victims – We are Fighters (Kulon Progo, Indonesia)

For more background on the community of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and their resistance to the planned Iron Mine on their land see: 325 #7 and this article.

We hope that comrades from abroad can make a solidarity action for the farmers of Kulon Progo and make a presence to the nearest Indonesian Embassy regarding this case. Our dear comrades of Kulon Progo are in one spirit with us. They are our friends in struggle and daily lives. A recent statement from the Sultan of Yogyakarta dictates that they will continue this megaproject and so the consequences are more repression to come. But for sure, from recent gathering and since the beginning of resistance, the Kulon Progo’s peasants remained determined in their resistance and ready for the next social war. This is just a beginning.

We’re not Victims, we are fighters and yes we’re all provocateurs: video chronology and riot footage of Kulon Progo Peasants Resistance

1. August 23, 2007

2. October 23, 2008

3. October 20, 2009

4. October 20, 2009

Soli website – with English translation


This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 at 2:01 am and is filed under Eco Struggle.