Posts Tagged ‘UK’

KLF 01 01 2017 WTF FOUND VHS [not available on mobile devices – VIEW ON PC/MAC/LINUX]

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Anti-nuclear activists interrupt the routines of HMNB Clyde (UK)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

UPDATE: 07.45 AM
The two remaining anti-nuclear activists have now been removed from the road leading to the south gate of HMNB Clyde and arrested by the MoD police. As far as we know, all three arrested activists are being taken to Clydebank and expected to be released later.

This morning at 06.45 AM, four anti-nuclear activists blocked the ongoing morning traffic at the south gate of HMBB Clyde in Faslane. Action was recorded by activists from the nearby Faslane Peace Camp, a protest site dedicated to campaigning against nuclear weapons since 1982. The protesters interrupted the morning routines by walking into the line of traffic and pulling a banderol over the road.

Three activists formed a sit-in blockade, shutting the entry and soon causing a traffic jam of estimated 300 cars. The undercover MoD police car and a regular police vehicle arrived to the scene soon. The protesters are being cleared from the road. Three arrests are to be expected. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Feedback about the governors of HMP Liverpool and HMP Hindley (UK)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Recently we received an email about the governors of HMP Liverpool and HMP Hindley, following on from the successful demo at HMP Hindley which took place in protest to the poor conditions there. The demo was organised by No Prisons Manchester and Smash IPP, and supported by Liverpool Solidarity Federation and A World Without Police. We present the feedback info here to shed more light behind the bars:

I saw your recent protest outside HMP Hindley and thought it was important to share with yourself that the Governing Governor there Mr Mark Livingstone, was the Deputy Governor at the jail during the escape of an E lister prisoner and the tragic suicide of a juvenile prisoner who was on an ACCT document at the time.

After these scandals Mark Livingstone was moved to HMP Buckley Hall and strangely promoted to Governing Governor – when huge security lapses were found to be present at that jail he was quickly moved on again – but bizarrely he was moved back to HMP Hindley, were he was the second in command to a negligent management team who over saw the above mentioned scandals.

As Governing Governor of HMP Hindley he has oversaw and thereby been responsible for the shocking HMIP report which was the catalyst of your protest. During a time of this Government’s ‘total prison reform’ is it realistic or even possible to achieve ‘total prison reform’ with incapable Governors such as Mark Livingstone in charge and seemingly protected/rewarded for his repeated failings?

The Governor of HMP Liverpool, Governor Peter Francis, has presided over the escape of the first ‘escape risk prisoner’ since Ronnie Biggs, multiple deaths and he uses his staff as cannon fodder! He was labelled a ‘questionable leader’ in a public record investigation into use of force in which a young persons wrist was broken. (HMYOI Hindley – 2010/11). The following have all occurred under his leadership as well…

HMP Liverpool slammed after probes
Jake Hardy’s death in custody is nothing less than a state-committed crime
Prisoner Ashley Gill died because jail staff ‘didn’t treat his asthma’
Here’s how bad Walton prison staff say things have got inside after walkout
HMP Liverpool riot: Three prison officers in hospital after violence at Walton facility

How can this continue, unchallenged? An MP would be expected to resign after any one of these incidents – its a disgrace.

With ‘total prison reform’ a main priority for your Government, the tax paying public want to know why our taxes are paying the huge wage and pension of this incapable Governor. Surely the true reform of a system designed to rehabilitate and care for the vulnerable in custody can not be achieved with incapable Governors such as HMP Liverpool Peter Francis at the helm.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Blood & Honour list leak (UK)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Blood & Honour is a neo-nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the UK in 1987. Founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18, a neo-nazi terrorist group.

PDF: Blood & Honour list leak

‘The force of Hitler makes us small
But one day we will be free again;
we are about to break the chains.
For our fists, they are hard;
yes — and the knives sit ready;
for the freedom of the youth
Navajos fight’

Edelweiss Pirates

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

London: Know the Enemy – Journalist Spotter Card (UK)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

From RabbleLDN

In the past year or so, the bottom feeders of the press managed to write many lurid stories about comrades in the UK and our networks, which have not only invaded people’s privacy but have put them at risk from the state and fash. These journalists infiltrated our protests and social events, took close range pictures, trawled social media and pieced together sensationalist and often wildly inaccurate pieces about individuals, and put footage on the internet that led to people being targeted by the cops.

While I expect no better of the media, I do expect us to put up more of a fight. The tolerance of the broader London anarchist/anti-authoritarian scene for the presence of journalists on our demos, and sometimes in our spaces (at times even on invitation!), is exceptional and I’ve witnessed it in few other anarchist milieus. Why is this? Is it mere slackness, a fear of rocking the boat, or are people actually buying the liberal bullshit from the likes of the NUJ about “freedom of expression”? A combination of the above seems the likely contender. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

‘Swaleside is burning!’ Masked prisoners riot on wing for 6 hours (UK)

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

Masked rioters amongst the destruction of the wing

via Fire on the Horizon:

Last Thursday (23rd Dec) another riot broke out on prison island, this time it exploded at HMP Swaleside, as 60 masked prisoners took over a wing at the Category B training prison on the Isle of Shippey. The riot lasted for more than 6 hours as fire as extensive damage was done to the wing, fire extinguishers let off and pool balls thrown at screws. Again a riot unit called ‘Tornado Team’ had to be sent into the prison to quell the riot, which did not end till 1am the following day. Pictures and video footage that were sent out on illegally smuggled in phones show the rioters in full control of the wing rearing themselves up to fight the authorities, chanting loudly ‘Swaleside is burning!’

More masked prisoners

Pool balls at the ready!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Noise Demo at the ‘very worst’ jail in the UK – HMP Hindley

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

From Smash IPP, via Rabble:

UPDATE: Reportback from demo

Noise Demo at the ‘very worst’ jail in the UK

Thurs 29th Dec, 6.30pm at HMP Hindley, Bickershaw, Wigan WN2 5TH

HMP Hindley has been branded “the very worst prison ever seen” by a watchdog, with prisoners often banged up in their cells for days at a time, and very high levels of violence. Right now a prisoner takes their own life every 3 days, and many more harm themselves, at the highest rate since records began. “IPP” prisoners, trapped inside without a release date, are the most likely to kill and harm themselves.

This time of year will be a difficult time for prisoners and their friends and families on the outside. Let’s stand with prisoners & let them know they are not forgotten. Come to this prison demo with your loudest noisemakers, and let’s build the pressure on the Governor of HMP Hindley to act.

There will be lifts from Manchester and Liverpool. If you would like to have a lift or can offer to give others a lift then e-mail us at info@smashipp.org to arrange.

Hosted by Smash IPP and Manchester No Prisons

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Largest prison riot in 26 years takes place in HMP Birmingham as the entire prison system looks like it’s going up in flames soon (UK)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

'Stormtroopers' prepare to enter as smoke billows from the fires in the prison.

‘Stormtroopers’ prepare to enter as smoke billows from the fires in the prison.

Last night a full scale riot escalated at HMP Birmingham, better known locally as Winson Green, continuing for 12 hours as several riot cop units were unable to contain the escalating rebellion. The outbreak of rage began when some inmates broke lights and grabbed fire hoses in the prison’s N Wing. The screws moved in to lock prisoners back in their cells while the fracas was contained, prisoners overpowered a screw, took his keys and started unlocking the cells. Screws were forced to flee after the rioters numbering 600 cut through chains and burned documents in the worst prison disorder for more than 20 years. Internal connecting security gates were left chained to prevent rioters taking control of the whole prison, but it was not enough to stop the rebellion spreading. Prisoners used stolen equipment to cut through the chains. Within a short time four wings – said to be L, M, N and P – fell under the control of the rioters, who also broke into the security store, pharmacy and gym.  Prison owners scumbag G4S had to admit defeat and handed over control of the jail to the Ministry of Justice. Specialist response ‘Tornado’ teams were sent in to try to restore order as fires broke out and inmates chanted ‘war cries’ which could be heard outside. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Police vehicle windscreen smashed in South Shields, Tyneside (UK)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

An anarchist in South Shields smashed a windscreen of a police car at
20:45 p.m tonight 10/12/2016. This happened in Newmarket walk, South
Shields, Tyneside.

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Posted in Direct Action

Class War London take responsibility for devastating indiscriminate flood sabotage in posh area (UK)

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

“CLASS WAR hit watermain outside Foxtons Islington… and flood Boris Home in COLBROKE ROW……………. WE SAID WE’D BE BACK!”

Class War London opened up a water main outside gated estate agents Foxtons, which flooded dozens of expensive multi-million pound homes in a posh area. 100s of people had to be evacuated and the cost of the damage is extensive. Boris Johnson, the ex-mayor and now foreign secretary also had his basement flooded by waters which were reported to be up to 2 metres deep in the surrounding streets. The rich people were reported to have been taken to some kind of refugee camp for the upper class.

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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchist arson of council vehicle in South Shields, Tyneside (UK)

Friday, November 18th, 2016

An anonymous person (anarchist) set fire to a council vehicle in Pine Avenue, South Shields (Tyneside) in the early hours of Wednesday 9th November 2016. There was no media coverage at all of this fire.

This van was set alight as a direct attack against the council, local authority and councilors to cause disruption and cost money. The normal working class person in the U.K. is getting poorer each month and finding it harder to survive, meanwhile the rich fat cat councilors get richer by means of parking tickets, fines for dropping litter, putting a bin out at the wrong time and other so called offences.

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Posted in Direct Action

London solidarity event for anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou (UK)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

“Concrete and wires prevail everywhere.
Looking out from the window of my cell, behind the bar,
I see a piece of sky decorated with some barbed wire.”

Tasos Theofilou

Join us on Friday 18th of November for our info night event in solidarity with the anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou who is currently in prison, after being sentenced on the basis of forged and non existent evidence. He was convicted just because he is an anarchist. He was convicted because he didn’t lose his smile even when the court of first instance announced his sentence.

Projections, case updates, phone call interventions and presentation of Tasos’ inspiring writings…
Bring your insurrectionary poetry for our open mic!

Starting at 18:00 sharp at L.A.R.C. (62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES London)
18:30 Phone call intervention with comrades in Athens, Greece
20:00 Phone call intervention with imprisoned comrade Tasos Theofilou.

Live music will follow, starting at 21:00.
Bar will run throughout the evening. Entry on free donation.

Feel free to spread the word!!!
See you all there!

P.S. Please respect the fact that we do not wish this event to be republished on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.
Anarchists in Solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Apoist Youth Initiative attack fascist organizations in London (UK)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

The Apoist Youth Initiative has attacked a London-based organization that is close to Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı (Presidency of Religious Affairs) and the Turkish Islamic Society in Newington Green / London.

The 30 youths who attacked these two fascist organizations declared that they had targeted them because of their dirty policies against the Kurdish freedom movement.

Both organizations were bombarded with fireworks, the windows were smashed and ‘Turkey = ISIS (DAESH)’ was spray painted on the walls.

The young people declared that similar actions would continue.

via Rojaciwan, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Santiago: Liberation of a rabbit in memory of Barry Horne, 15 years since his death (Chile)

Friday, November 11th, 2016

The rabbit was released from a tiny cage and given a new loving home in memory of Animal Liberation Front warrior Barry Horne, who died on hunger strike until death in defense of all life 15 years ago. For the animals.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Immigration raid disrupted in Bristol (UK)

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

A couple of weeks ago the Home Office once again sent their uniformed bullies into Easton. This time things did not go smoothly for them.

Early evening on a weekday in mid-October: word spread that ‘immigration enforcement’ vans had been spotted near an off-license in the backstreets of Easton, Bristol. People soon started to gather. Some had heard what was happening, others were passing by and stopped to watch.

Several of the ‘enforcement’ thugs were inside the off-license, and a couple of people went inside briefly, presumably to make sure everyone inside knew their rights. Before long someone from inside was marched out and put in the van. The small crowd followed, heckling and shaming the racist quasi-cops as they went.

Then the van drove off, leaving two of the ‘enforcement’ bods behind in the offie. People stuck around to see what they were up to next. As they loitered we overheard them on the phone sounding mildly rattled.

Then they made a silly mistake – they came back again with the same van to pick up these stragglers. By now the crowd of people wanting to challenge them was just a bit bigger, and a bit more confident – enough to make the difference between heckling and resistance.

Finding their van blocked on several sides, while louder chants filled the air, they panicked and turned down a one-way street – the wrong way! As they realised their mistake and came to a halt, they were quickly surrounded and blocked. One of their tyres started to lose some air, albeit very slowly.

A standoff ensued: those inside the van sitting tight waiting for the police to rescue them, those outside unable to find a way to free the person imprisoned inside. Someone was holding up useful phone numbers next to the window, but who knows if they had a pen, let alone their phone?

Eventually, a group of cops turned up, on foot, running and somewhat out of breath. Apparently the rush hour chaos on the main roads had combined with the various one-way backstreets of the area to make life a bit stressful for them.

Bizarrely, their first demand (to someone standing in the road nearby) was: “Who are you with?”. Cue a certain amount of confusion, causing even more grumpiness on their parts.

After a certain amount of shoving and threatening arrest, they pushed us out of the road. The van drove off, in spite of the low tyre, with its kidnapped captive still inside. Not what we might have hoped for, but at least we made it difficult for them – and began to prove to ourselves that it is possible to stop them.

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Posted in No Borders