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Trump refugee ban causes chaos, panic, anger worldwide

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump's sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries caused confusion and panic among travelers on Saturday, with some turned back from U.S.-bound flights.

Recent World News

U.S. lawyers for Iraqis sue to block Trump immigration order

NEW YORK Immigration lawyers sued on Saturday to block President Donald Trump's order halting the entry of refugees and foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries to the United States, saying numerous people have already been unlawfully detained.

Politics, Election 2016, 9:54am EST

Trump has 'friendly' call with Mexican leader but he demands change

WASHINGTON The presidents of the United States and Mexico spoke by phone on Friday after relations between the neighboring countries frayed further over Donald Trump's border wall plan, with the U.S. leader calling the talk friendly but still demanding reworked trade and other ties. | Video

Politics, Election 2016, Mexico, Jan 27 2017

Former Italy PM Berlusconi to stand trial in sex bribery case

MILAN An Italian court on Saturday ordered ex-prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to stand trial on charges he bribed witnesses to silence them over accusations he paid for sex with young women.

Italy 11:36am EST

Russia sanctions must be tied to progress on Ukraine peace: Gabriel

PARIS Germany and France agree that any moves to lift sanctions against Russia must be tied to progress in the peace process for eastern Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Saturday.

6:20am EST

Japan PM Abe: To meet Trump February 10; reaffirmed importance of alliance

TOKYO Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed on Saturday to meet early next month for broad-ranging discussions, while confirming the importance of the bilateral alliance.

Japan 11:33am EST

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