Rachel Moss
Lifestyle Writer at The Huffington Post UK

Entries by Rachel Moss

The Majority Of Successful Dieters Eat Chocolate, Crisps And Carbs, Study Suggests

(0) Comments | Posted May 6, 2015 | 1:46 PM

If you're trying to lose weight, cutting out chocolate, crisps and some carbs may seem like the obvious first step.

But a new survey has found 86% of dieters who have successfully lost weight in order to improve their health have done so without cutting out...

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Sugar In Fruit May Trigger Hunger Cravings And Cause You To Eat More, Study Suggests

(0) Comments | Posted May 6, 2015 | 11:15 AM

We tend to think that eating five (or more) portions of fruit and vegetables per day will be beneficial for our health, especially if we are trying kickstart weight loss.

But a new study has suggested the sugar found in fruit...

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Sexy Lingerie For Men Is Now A Thing (Apparently)

(0) Comments | Posted May 6, 2015 | 10:23 AM

When it comes to underwear, women usually have all the fun.

While ladies can choose from different colours, cuts and materials, men are limited to fairly generic boxers that are, more often than not, white, black or grey.

But Australian lingerie brand HommeMystere...

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Oxford English Dictionary May Include The Gender Neutral Title 'Mx' Alongside 'Mr' And 'Mrs' In New Edition

(0) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 5:35 PM

Most forms will require us to tick a box marked "Miss", "Mr", "Ms" or "Mrs", but selecting a title from these options can be problematic for some transgender people.

That's why government departments, high street banks, some universities, councils and the Royal Mail all now accept "Mx".


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Cooking Hacks: How To Scramble Eggs Inside Their Shells Using An Old Jumper And Some String

(0) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 4:14 PM

Scrambled eggs are delicious, but they're not exactly showstoppers. That is, unless they are scrambled in their shells.

That's right, you can scramble eggs without even cracking the outer shell, enabling you to serve up perfectly shaped scrambled egg to all your friends.

All you need for this...

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'It Was Never A Dress': Tech Company Axosoft Reimagines Symbol For Women's Toilets As A Superhero In A Cape

(7) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 4:08 PM

Usually, when we see a silhouette wearing a triangle dress, we view it as a symbol for the closest women's toilets.

But one tech company has managed to change the way we'll see this universal sign forever.

As part of a new project titled It...

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Men Shave Their Armpit Hair For The First Time And Gain Newfound Respect For Their Female Friends

(1) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 12:26 PM

For many women around the world, shaving their armpits is the norm. But for the guys in the above video, removing underarm hair is a confusing, alien concept.

Watch as these men depart with the armpit hair they've been lovingly growing since the day they were...

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The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique Could Help You Fall Asleep In Just 60 Seconds, Scientist Claims

(1) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 11:51 AM

The majority of Brits find nodding off at night difficult, but a simple breathing technique could help us get all the sleep we need, according to one scientist.

Dr Andrew Weil says the 4-7-8 breathing technique can help us fall asleep in just 60 seconds,...

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Royal Baby Named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana: 9 Amazing Women Past And Present Named Charlotte

(3) Comments | Posted May 5, 2015 | 10:58 AM

Unless you've been living under a rock, by now you'll probably know that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have named their baby daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

What you may not know, is that Prince William and Kate Middleton have chosen a name linked to great...

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Estas hermosas fotos de sobrevivientes de cáncer prueban que el amor realmente lo conquista todo

(1) Comments | Posted May 4, 2015 | 1:30 PM

Ocurre a menudo que cuando nos encontramos frente a los momentos más difíciles nos sentimos más amados por la gente que nos rodea.

El fotógrafo Randy Bacon ha retratado a más de 50 sobrevivientes de cáncer para su actual proyecto "Sweet Life" y ha hallado que...

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Krebsüberlebende: Diese wunderbaren Fotos zeigen, dass Liebe ALLES besiegt

(0) Comments | Posted May 4, 2015 | 11:46 AM

Wenn wir die härtesten Zeiten durchleben, fühlen wir erst richtig die Liebe und Nähe der Menschen um uns herum.

Der Fotograf Randy Bacon hat über 50 Menschen fotografiert, die ihre Krebserkrankung überlebt haben. In seinem Foto-Projekt „Sweet Life“ hat er herausgefunden, dass Liebe...

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Men's Magazine 'Vangardist' Uses HIV Positive Blood On Cover To Fight Social Stigma

(0) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 4:28 PM

The latest issue of an Austrian men's magazine is printed with ink containing HIV positive blood.

The special edition of Vangardist magazine is "dedicated to the fight against the stigma of HIV and AIDS".

"We believe that as a lifestyle magazine it is our responsibility to address the...

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These Beautiful Photos Of Cancer Survivors Prove That Love Really Does Conquer All

(0) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 4:17 PM

It's often when we hit the hardest of times that we feel the most love and affection for the people around us.

Photographer Randy Bacon has photographed over 50 cancer survivors in his ongoing photo project Sweet Life and has found love is the one thing...

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Sun Exposure May Decrease The Risk Of Pancreatic Cancer, Study Suggests

(2) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 1:12 PM

We know sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer, but new research suggests spending some time in the sunshine could reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine examined data from 107 countries and found...

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Woman Discovers Her Dramatic Weight Loss Is Actually Due To Cancer - Not Dieting

(38) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 12:26 PM

When Jemma Doran embarked on a diet, at first she was thrilled by how quickly she lost weight.

The 28-year-old, from Liverpool, banned junk food and upped her fitness regime, going from a size 22 to a size 10 within 18 months.

But as her...

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Photo Project Of Real People At The Seaside Proves All Bodies Are 'Beach Body Ready'

(4) Comments | Posted May 1, 2015 | 11:43 AM

If there's one thing that's been made clear by the backlash against those Protein World adverts, it's that all bodies are "beach body ready".

And photographer Tadao Cern’s photo project Comfort Zone just goes to prove the point either further.

Cern's un-staged series shows...

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Eating An Apple Before Shopping Inspires You To Make Healthier Choices At The Supermarket, Study Suggests

(0) Comments | Posted April 30, 2015 | 3:45 PM

When faced with rows of treats, it's tempting to fill our trollies with food we know isn't particularly good for our health.

But new research suggests eating an apple before going to the supermarket may help us to resist the lure of crisps and chocolate.

After eating an apple,...

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Director Tells Swedish Actress He's Always Wanted To 'Lick Her From Behind' In Disturbing Job Offer

(2) Comments | Posted April 30, 2015 | 3:06 PM

Unfortunately, we're all too used to seeing women sexualised and valued for their appearance rather than their talent in the TV and film industry.

But Josefin Ljungman's experience of sexism is perhaps even more shocking than most.

After attending an audition, the Swedish actress...

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Mum Says She Was 'Lunch Shamed' By School For Giving Her 5-Year-Old Daughter Oreo Cookies

(28) Comments | Posted April 30, 2015 | 10:32 AM

Who should decide what children eat in school: parents or teachers?

The question has sparked debate on social media after a mother said she was "lunch shamed" by her child's school.

Leeza Pearson, from Colorado, put a packet of four Oreo cookies in her five-year-old...

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Khloé Kardashian Opens Up On Body Image: 'I Have Never Felt Fat, I Just Didn't Realise How Unhealthy I Was'

(1) Comments | Posted April 29, 2015 | 6:05 PM

Even by celebrity standards, Khloé Kardashian's body is discussed a lot.

But in the latest edition of Cosmopolitan Body, the star says she doesn't pay attention to anyone else's opinion about her figure.

Instead, she focusses on feeling happy.

khloé kardashian


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