Posts Tagged ‘Sabotage’

Anarchist Call for G20 – Come to Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017


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Posted in Autonomy

Den Haag: ATM machines demolished in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Last night we demolished 9 ATM machines in Den Haag, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen, Germany. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will take around 26 days spread over a 5 months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Love, rage and solidarity!
Destroy all banks! Fire to the prisons!

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Berlin: Arson attacks against Sodexo and Vodafone in solidarity with prisoners and for a world free from rulers (Germany)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Berlin, January 6, 2017

Different reasons have caused us to express ourselves again, even if the resources used, in terms of material expenditure and ‘man’ power were very small. One of these reasons is the ‘message barrier’ which was partly imposed on militant actions. Anonymous comrades of the ‘Autonomous Groups’ already pointed this out in the framework of their attack against the Ordnungsamt (public order police) on 25.12.16.

In the meantime, it should be clear to the authorities that the two torched vans did not fall victim to a technical defect on ‘company premises’ on Sewanstraße as they initially suspected but were torched using fire accelerators. One on the right front tire and one on the right rear tire. The vehicles belong to the company Sodexo whose activity in the prison industry has been reported several times, which is why they have been repeatedly subjected to militant actions.

We hope that there was damage to the building structure and we want to emphasize that we are not interested in frightening the workers. As a character mask of the capitalist social formation they contribute to the continuation of the same but only to a limited extent.

This attack is to be understood as a small flame of solidarity with the diverse range of people affected by repression. Examples include the revolting / striking prisoners in the USA. Also in the exceptional condition, due to the riots of the inmates, are some prisons in the UK.

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Communique for coordinated arson attacks against energy multinational RWE (Germany)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

In the late hours of 25-11-16, we carried out coordinated arson attacks against the German energy multinational RWE in the vicinity of the Hambach opencast lignite mine. We have delayed this communique until now (11-1-17) for strategic purposes.

After a scout of the area, we split up and set fire to six pumping stations, two electrical transformers, one digger and a substation of the electrical grid.

Pumping stations are key pieces of the mines infrastructure used to lower the water table and prevent the flooding of the mine. They most often resemble a section of exposed pipe and an electrical box surrounded by construction fence. We prised open the electrical boxes using a crowbar and placed simple timed incendiary devices and a bundle of bicycle inner tubes inside to ensure the flames caught nicely.

The incendiary devices were composed of a candle secured to a firelighter cube with a strong rubber band. The candles burnt down slowly, then ignited the firelighters once we were safely away from the area. After smashing a window to gain access, we used the same devices to burn out the cab of the digger. (more…)

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Arson and sabotage at Hambach open cast mine (Germany)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

This new years night while everybody was celebrating, we had a special party of our own, visiting the hambach opencast mine and putting on a nice fireworks display for RWE and breaking some glass for a lucky new fear.

After wandering along the railway tracks which transport brown coal from the mine to nearby power stations, we came across two signal boxes and a bundle of cables and thought these were perfectly suitable targets for our mischevious intentions.

We opened the boxes with a wide chisel and placed inside 10cm lengths of inner tube stuffed with gasoline soaked cloths then smeared the inside of the boxes with burning gel to make sure it all burnt properly.

We thought the party was over, but then on the way back we noticed some welcoming lights from an office trailer in a fenced compound. Next to the trailer were two parked diggers in dire need of maintenance, we checked the trailer was empty by smashing its windows, then cut the fence and set about immediately improving the air conditioning of the diggers, smashing their windows, cutting all of the hydraulics and adding some extra holes to the coolers. We also poured some dirt and broken glass in the gas tanks and used a bolt cutter to cut the valves of the trailers tires.

200m further, we found a front-end loader and gave it the same treatment aswell as emptying the fire extinguisher found inside the cab into its gas tank.

According to the media reports all of this caused a damage of “tens of thousands” of euros, making it our most expensive new years party so far.

We wish to send our thanks to all the people who provided us with perfect soundcover by wasting huge amounts of explosives, terrifying the local wildlife in a stupid capitalist ritual.

Criminal Mechanics Party

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Train sabotage at Hambach open cast mine with Thermite (Germany)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the night of the 5th of January I paid a visit to the Hambach open cast browncoal mine close to Aachen. My goal was to destroy the railroad tracks with a load of thermite i stole from an other industrial company.

Thermite burns around 2500 degrees celcius and the steel of the tracks melts around 1500 degrees celcius so the thermite does a lot of damage when ignited properly.

I chose the location so it would hurt them most, at the part where the train can switch to the other track since this part is one of a kind and they have to make a new one on site. When I got there I set everything up after checking the target and my escape route, the termite I put in 2 plantpots with a hole in the bottom to guide the molten mixture to the right place. The stuff is easy to ignite with sparklers which you can get anywhere around new years but to be sure it all goes up I put around 20 in each spot.

I placed the devices and set it ablaze, just in the moment I lit the 2nd one I saw the headlights of an train coming my way. I had plenty of time to get some space between me and the molten mixture and watch the train driving into one of the pots. The tracks and front wheel was covered in the burning thermite and making a repetitive noise of the wheels hitting the damaged

After one last look at this spectacle I got my ass out of there.

Piromane against RWE.

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Green Nemesis #2: Sabotage of consumer goods hits major multi-national corporations Coca-Cola, Nestlé and Unilever, forcing them to withdraw goods at huge cost (Greece)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Last Monday eco-anarchist comrades took responsibility for a successful sabotage of products produced by our enemies, the multinational corporations. The sabotage will cost millions of euros in lost revenue over the Xmas holiday period and it is an attack against the projected impenetrable images of the corporations during the Christian consumer spectacle as the story has been spread by the terror hungry media hysteria. The following is a machine translation of info on Athens IMC. We will update this report with any developments and more accurate translation as it comes. The first act of the Green Nemesis project took place in December 2013 with a similar victorious sabotage costing millions. Long live subversive anarchy. Death to civilisation.

Specifically, the companies announced that immediately proceed on a precautionary removal of these products from all points of sale in Attica:

Hellmann’s Caesar Salad Dressing (plastic bottle of 235 ml)
Pummaro “classic” and “more concentrated” (Carton of 500g and 520g respectively)
Nestea Ice Tea Peach (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)
Nestea Ice Tea Lemon (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)
Coca-Cola Light (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)

It all started yesterday when organizing a suspension of the indymedia, and message sent to media, warning that has poisoned food and has repositioned in soupermerket shelves.

The text of the organization accompanied by the corresponding photos and was as follows:

Products megacorporations Coca Cola, Nestle, Unilever and Delta (detail listed below) were poisoned with chlorine and hydrochloric acid. For a time, which will not reveal as we do not want to partially withdraw the lots marketed, expropriation of knowledgeable super market chains throughout Attica these products.

The sauce for the Ceasar salad Hellmans (owned by Unilever) was quite easy. Just pulled the lid firmly, without xesfragistei, removed 10mL product and added 10mL bleach. We are shaken, and the product does not present any obvious deterioration.

For ” Fresh milk ‘DELTA was also simple process. All you needed was to ram a syringe at the top of the pack, to tilt the package to remove the product 20mL and 20mL fill with hydrochloric acid (HCl). We pressed me carton to make sure it does not drip and made sure that it is like new.

For Pummaro tomato sauce (to Unilever) followed the same procedure with the milk, with the difference that just needed to raise the top of the package, so as to position the syringe to remove product 10mL and 10mL fill with hydrochloric acid. Then simply welding the sides of the upper part with a little glue in a thin brush.

For products of Nestle and Coca Cola followed the following procedure: little unstuck on a label to the point of glue opened with calcined tweezers very fine hole to country barely the tip of the syringe and remove 20mL than products, repositioning 20mL hydrochloric acid. Seal the hole with minimum silicon and simply stick again label. There was no apparent deformation of the product.

Throughout the course of the procedure took care to not let any genetic material that can be our identification, and also after the end of the process for all products, sufficiently purified, for added confidence.

More specifically, they expropriated and poisoned:

-12 Salad Ceasar salads Hellmans (Unilever)
-23 Packaging Pummaro tomato sauce ” Classic ” (Unilever)
-11 Packaging Pummaro tomato sauce ” more concentrated ” (Unilever)
-35 Packages’ fresh milk ” DELTA
-12 Bottles Nestea peach of Nestle
-10 Bottles Nestea lemon, Nestle’s
-29 Bottles of Coca Cola Light

Poisoned products will be repositioned in large super market chains shelves throughout Attica. Be sure not to be prevented rather the repositioning process, as well as the so expropriation and put them back (away from Katha kind ” eyes ”, electronic or otherwise). The repositioning of the products will start just three days after sending this message (that will start from 12.22.2016) and will last exactly two weeks (until 05/01/2017).

Operations targeting this action is the sabotage of these companies through the full withdrawal of the products for these 2 weeks, making it clear that it does not intend to cause any damage to consumers. Hitting the marketers profile of these megacorporations, seek to challenge the economic blow, as if they want to be ” safe ” their clients should withdraw all batches of products will be on for as long shelves in which would take action.

For the publication of this warning message are making a responsible regime’s media to which it was sent (Daily, Jungle, Bloko, Newsbeast). In case of non-publication, with the, what it entails, net charge is the specific means again.

With the completion of the action will be published detailed sponsorship text.

The text meant immediate alarm in the headquarters of the Hellenic Police commissioned the inquiry into the case in Counter-Terrorism and informed the FSA.

Following the announcement of the Greek Police, the Coca-Cola company, Nestle and Unilever decided to precautionary withdraw the products mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Even invited consumers for any questions or information call the following numbers:

Coca-Cola: 800-11-55800
Unilever: 800-11-99099
Nestea: 800-11-55800

“We will continue to inform consumers and others concerned with newer releases, by prior agreement with the competent authorities. We understand consumers and our customers who trust us for so many years, for any disruption, “they said in their joint press release.

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Three trolley buses incinerated in downtown Athens (Greece)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

During the night of Monday December 19th 2016, a group of comrades decided to slightly heat up the urban winter by setting fire to social peace and apathy.

With just 5 liters of flammable material and infinite hatred of all Power, we took to Patission Street, stopped passing trolley buses and torched them after taking down all passengers and drivers.

Three burned trolley buses, one for each pretrial detention imposed on those arrested during clashes of December 6th 2016 in Athens.

Strength to the anarchist prisoner (CCF member) Panagiotis Argirou, who was recently sentenced by the State to 7 more years of captivity, this time for attempted arson on a bus in 2009.

Fire to the machines and the civilization!

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Cremona: Sabotage of cell phone mast (Italy)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

“On a November night a cell phone mast was sabotaged near Cremona.
From city centre to suburbs, in solidarity to all anarchists hit by repression and imprisoned. We like the Latin ‘Omnia sunt Communia’.”

Via : informa-azione.info, Traces of Fire

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Athens: ATM of Piraeus Bank destroyed (Greece)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

In the evening of Friday December 16th, shortly before 20:00, we decided to pay a visit to the Piraeus Bank branch located at Canningos Sq. After smashing the ATM screen and the windows next to it with a hammer, we poured gasoline on the machine and torched it. Before leaving, we also threw a molotov to the ex-Ministry of Commerce located opposite the bank.

This action is dedicated to the memory of anarchist-nihilist Sebastian Oversluij, who was shot dead by a security guard while attempting to expropriate a BancoEstado branch in Santiago, Chile, on December 11th 2013.

This is also an act of complicity in solidarity with anarchist Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, who is held captive in the Chilean dungeons for taking revenge for the loss of Sebastián by opening fire against another private security guard of the same bank on January 21st 2014.


via ContraInfo

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Incendiary attack against ATMs in Tijuana by Black Wolves & Mario Buda Incendiary Cells FAI-FRI (Mexico)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

The dawn of December 7 we placed and set off an incendiary device in one of many automatic teller machines in the rotten city of Tijuana.

The device was composed of 250 grams of black powder and 250 of luxury, the package was attached to a gallon jug with 8 liters of benzene and a homemade wick for its activation.

Violence is attacked with violence, we leave to the side the oppressor who from childhood instructed us, killing our freedom.

The anarchist struggle and ideas once implanted are like a seed that grows, which never returns to its original state, therefore, they will not stop us compañerxs, here and now our heart is black and that will never change, we will continue taking action in the night, at dawn, any day, this is not the beginning, much less is it the end.

Our most powerful weapon is the ideas that are accompanied by actions that reaffirm every word spoken, every thought. (more…)

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Nemesis Project: Incendiary/explosive attack against the ‘National Association of Judiciary Officials’ / Proyecto Nemesis: Artefacto incendiario/explosivo contra ‘Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios del Poder Judicial’ (Chile)

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

On the night of December 11, we placed a homemade incendiary/ explosive device with a delay system in the National Association of Judiciary Officials building located on Cienfuegos street in the center of Santiago. The device detonated perfectly and set fire to the door of the building.

The National Association of Judiciary Officials is the place where the officials who authorize the operation of the prison-court complex meet every day. We attacked a den of the active machinery of the system that each day allows the miserable individuals of the State apparatus to exercise the right that they have assumed to judge and imprison other people.

Each sentence issued by judges, each conviction requested by a prosecutor, each imprisonment in the prisons of power is supported by the role of judicial functionaries who validate with their work the existence and maintenance of this repressive industry.

In these times of trials against anarchists who risk long sentences our action is a ray of fire from the depths of our dark intentions towards the social order of dominion.

To act as part of the international proposal of the NEMESIS PROJECT that was initiated in Greece by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to hit the powerful and their accomplices in their homes, their work and meeting places. (more…)

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Oaxaca: Explosive attacks against Santander Bank and PRODECON in memory of anarchist compañero Sebastián Oversluij (Mexico)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

On December 11, 2013 anarchist compañero Sebastián Oversluij was shot dead by a security guard while attempting to rob a bank branch in Chile.

Today we decided to attack with explosive devices a Santander Bank branch and a PRODECON* office (belonging to the Secretary of Finance) in Oaxaca.

Remembering three years since this event not to make him a martyr nor to victimize his death but in the name of all illegal and clandestine actions that arise, have arisen and will arise within this war.

We emphasize that we (BAIBF / Bruno Filippi Brigade of Informal Action) have nothing to do with the wave of pseudo-left-wing anarchists who are at the mercy of and defend the interests of social and trade union organizations since we opt for the antagonistic and informal individual affinities and the total destruction of this prison-society and all its structures. (more…)

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Police vehicle windscreen smashed in South Shields, Tyneside (UK)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

An anarchist in South Shields smashed a windscreen of a police car at
20:45 p.m tonight 10/12/2016. This happened in Newmarket walk, South
Shields, Tyneside.

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Bloomington, Indiana: Rainbow Bakery sabotaged for Feral Pines (US)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Last night we sabotaged the locks of Rainbow Bakery with superglue.

We did this for Feral, an anarchist comrade who died in the Oakland fire.

Before living in Oakland, Feral worked at Rainbow Bakery. While working there, she suffered daily emotional abuse at the hands of her bosses – Matt Tobey and Lisa Dorazewski – and was paid a shitty training wage for the entire time she worked there. They knew they could get away with this behavior because few other places in town would hire a trans woman. When she had an emotional breakdown (exacerbated by their cruelty towards her) and needed a week off from work, they cut her hours to zero, leaving her with no job and no possibility of receiving unemployment. (more…)

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