Rojava Plan

Rojava is the plan you've been waiting for. In 2 years we will finish 26 projects and advance Rojava's decentralized economy. Read more »

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Art, a Pillar of Rojava's Revolution

Is art the fuel that keeps the fire of the Kurdish resistance alive? This is an introduction to the creative mind of Rojava's artists and an attempt to grasp the essence of their inspiration.

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Thank You for Feeding the Revolution

Our Feed The Revolution campaign is now coming to an end. We have now collected over 85,000 euros from almost 600 backers in just 6 weeks. Thanks to all of you, we are able to do this without help from any governments, companies or NGOs.

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Feed the Revolution!

For the revolution and the fight against ISIS to continue, solutions MUST be found to the embargo which is dramatically limiting vital resources. Rojava is now facing famine. But we have a Plan.

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