January 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

Elephant Editions Archive. A work in progress.

When words mingle with the passion to deepen our understanding of reality they become indispensable weapons for the self-organisation of the struggle against all that oppresses us. They don’t remain on paper – or the screen – but penetrate rebel hearts and spirits, giving courage and decision – for if many of us don’t act against what offends our dignity it is often not courage that is lacking, but that we simply don’t know where to start.
We need to liberate reality from the fictitious dimension created by the media into one that is tangible and exposed to attack. In order to carry this out we require knowledge of the enemy in all its forms, including those that lie concealed within us, crouching, waiting to pounce to push us back into the fold of consensus or manageable dissent. Reading certain texts becomes an encounter, tensions we feel burning inside us become clearer, making it easier to assimilate them in order to act.
We also need analysis – of the economy, the ‘new’ technologies. Without our own ideas, analysis and projectuality we are nothing, mere abstractions building castles in the air.
Attack and the theory of attack, which is the same thing for anarchists, are an essential element of the struggle, without which it would exist in name alone. We therefore also need a critique of anarchist methods: of the fixed anarchist organisations of synthesis, syndicalism or federations that rely on numbers, as being limiting and anachronistic in terms of this attack. At the same time we need a critique of fixed clandestine organisations and ‘attack on the heart of the State’ that was prevalent in the seventies, and a valorisation of small groups based on affinity, acting directly to transform reality without any sense of sacrifice but for their own immediate joy and freedom, in the context of the freedom of all.
Anarchism is not an historical concept or a political theory, it is a way of conceiving life, ‘a stake we must play day after day’, and we do not consider history the foundation – or ‘making history’ the aim – of our action. Nevertheless anarchists have a rich and passionate past, or rather heritage, which only becomes ours when encountered through our own confrontation with authority and domination. Far from the tedium of scholastic tomes, the lives of past comrades, their ideas, their methods and their actions, their struggle and its consequences (often imprisonment and even death), are alive and have a significance for us today as we try to struggle against the conditions of post-industrial capital. For that reason we have also published and will continue to publish texts by or about anarchists and rebels of the past who still have much to say today when encountered through a dimension of an exchange of ideas and experience between reader and writer.
So Elephant Editions is simply a collection of texts, a contribution to the great cauldron of dreams, ideas and experimentation for those who have decided to make their desires reality, now, without delay.

January 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

France, Montreuil, 93: Meal in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in Italy in operation « Scripta Manent »


 6 September 2016 8 anarchist comrades were arrested in Italy, accused of having carried out various attacks between 2005 and 2012 against cops, army barracks, managers and commercial structures, men of State and the manager of a detention centre for people with no documents.
Sunday January 29 2017, from 19h: meal in solidarity at Condensateur, 45 rue de Stalingrad in Montreuil (Métro Croix de Chavaux).
Super food and drinks. Moment of information on operation Scripta Manent and anarchiste solidarity.
 [Published in indymedia nantes, Tuesday January 24 2017]
Via: https://lechatnoiremeutier.noblogs.org/post/2017/01/25/montreuil-93-repas-en-solidarite-avec-les-anarchistes-arretes-en-italie-lors-de-loperation-scripta-manent/
Translated by Act for freedom now!

January 28, 2017
by actforfreedom


” Liberty in flight “
Vernissage of the exhibition – Projections / exchanges – Solidarity Meals – and
Les Trois Passants and Le Chinabulle invite you to a full day of SOLIDARITY WITH THE PRISONERS IN STRUGGLE IN MEXICO


Saturday, February 4, 2017
At the Chinabulle counter
47 rue du Château du Roi
81600 Gaillac
 Come many to support our comrades in struggle who are resisting and fighing from inside the Mexican jails, against the penitentiary system, isolation, contempt and being forgotten!
 At 4:00 pm: Vernissage of the exhibition: «Liberté en fuite»
Exhibition of paintings and sculptures / Sale of posters, printed canvases and maps of the exhibition in solidarity with the comrades-prisoners in struggle: Fernando Barcenas Castillo, Miguel Ángel Peralta Betanzos, Abraham Cortés Ávila, Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano, Álvaro Sebastián Ramírez and Natacha Lopvet Mrikhi.
via:: liberonsles.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

January 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

[Paris] Damien Camelio sentenced to 10 months prison

Report of Damien’s trialJaguar-paris-15-4-2016-2-300x225
Thursday, January 19, 2017, Damien, incarcerated since December 8 and accused of degradations committed during the wild and rampant demonstration of April 14 went on trial in Paris.
About forty people were present in solidarity. Context of immediate appearances mainly of cases of survival and small parallel economy. A young proc with an indigestible vocabulary asks for detention in turn with the banality with which I jump porticos of metros, the notion of obstacle less. A paternalistic judge who in addition to
An ambiance. And not implying that there are any good ones in these
At the time of the reading of the accusations there is agitatation in the room. Windows have been broken, Pôle Emploi, Chamber of Commerce, Jaguar, Franprix. Each target stated is followed by a burst of applause. The chief in toge asks Damien if he recognizes the facts. The latter expresses himself clearly, declares that he does not recognize the categories of innocent and guilty, neither the legitimacy of the judge nor justice in general. The hall iresounds with slogans “down with the State, the cops and the bosses”! “Fuck la bac “,”and the judges ” and the procs “. In response he cries “Fuck justice”, the pertubators in the audiences go out, including him.

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January 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany – An evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen.

Faced with an apparatus of repression that is developing ever more suffocating forms within a context of on-going technocratic and scientific mania, it is easy to fall into a state of inertia.
The aim of this repression, achieved through permanent technological armament, the development of research and studies in the field of DNA and video analysis, and the accumulation and evaluation of data of any sort, is to impose itself on us as undefeatable and inevitable.
We are led to believe it is impossible to avoid the total surveillance, acquisition, and storage of data. To counter and overcome this fallacy of total control, we must approach the situations in which we struggle with continued analysis and reflection. We have to seek and share ways to meet these developments on battlegrounds of attack, solidarity and self-organization.
We are facing questions that have already been the focus of anarchist analysis for a long time and which haven’t lost (and probably never will lose) their relevance – questions concerning expropriation, repression and solidarity.
On Saturday, 11th of February 2017 at 7pm, we invite you to come to Infoladen Aachen in Bismarcksraße 37. We would like to share experiences and thoughts with each other regarding the questions raised above, questions that have been brought into focus by the recent repressive blows against anarchist comrades who are accused of bank robberies in Aachen and who are currently facing trial.
Also read:
[poster] Solidarity with the anarchists facing repression in Aachen.
Germany – Short report from the first day of trial against our anarchist comrades accused of robbing a Pax Bank branch in November 2014 in the city of Aachen.
[texts for discussion] Pecunia non olet
[texts for discussion] the world in a spit, over DNA

January 27, 2017
by actforfreedom


HUNGER STRIKE HIDES IMPORTANCE. Importance that results from a combination of body weakening and debilitation of the strikers, and from the actions/reactions that are created. These two factors usually (but not necessarily always) are connected in relation.
The sharpness that is hidden in the act of hunger strike creates sections within our milleau and also within the handlers of state authority. Main target of every strike is the creation of flows in the social ground. Till now in Greece, the handling of hunger strikes from the state is relatively “painless” (compared with examples that have written the history of hunger strikes). Strikers have reached real  critical  limits rarely, even if this of course is not any kind of guarantee for the process of future strikes. This prevention of extreme situations is not because of some moral features of institutional officials. Morality is not an independent condition, it is determined from the power correlations inside the field of war we are conducting. If the concept of political cost didn’t exist, no state and the Greek one would have any concern about leaving the strikers to die. The political cost also is balanced in relation with the result of a partial complaisance to the strikers demands.
Also, rarely, especially in the last years following the big wave of arrests of anarchists, demands of a hunger strike have been accepted in total. This shows that in the conflict that is signaled by a hunger strike, demanded from both sides is balance, forceful but at the same time fragile. The fragility of this balance depends on the level of competition that developes every time, that is organization, determination and perseverance that each side shows in order to defend their position. A lot can be said about the way the state (talking specifically about Greece), regardless of who is managing power each time, faces hunger strikes and mostly the ones that feature political characteristics, leading to political conflict and social turn moil. I believe though that something like that would lead me to ramble and at the end i would tire, since in all hunger strikes, during their process and also (and mainly) after their end, this topic has been sufficiently discussed. What i see most important in the matter is a calm look on the ways that we perceive, signal and analyze hunger strikes. A look in our weaknesses which are seen more clearly after a hunger strike because of the polarity that preceded.

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January 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Bern, Switzerland – Three Actions in Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle in Greece

1. color bombs against a local jail and cops. the action was in solidarity with the global trans*prisoners day and with revolutionary struggle. after the attack against the jail police try to follow the people. the people reacted quickly and attacked the police car with color bombs and bottles. the front window of the car was destroyed. a foto from the colored jail is in the attachment

2. banner in solidarity for pola roupa
3. banner in solidarity with  rev. struggle

January 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

[poster] Solidarity with the anarchists facing repression in Aachen.

soli-poster-jan-2017-vertical.jpg 1Text from poster:
Two comrades from Barcelona were arrested on different occasions during the spring of 2016, and have since been extradited and incarcerated under pre-trial investigative detention. The prosecution of Aachen is accusing them of carrying out a bank robbery which took place in 2014, against a Pax Bank in Aachen. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will unfold during a 5 month period.
An other comrade, from Amsterdam, was tried for an other bank robbery which took place in July 2013 at an Aachener branch. In December 2016 she was acquitted. The State has since gone into revision appeal.
Whether these charged comrades ever entered these banks as unusual customers or not is none of our concern, although we have nothing to reproach to anyone who chooses to enter a bank armed. Our solidarity lies with the struggles and ideas of these individuals, who, faced with repression, have not compromised their dignity or ethics, their love for freedom or their disdain for all authority.
The forensic police is talking about having found DNA traces in or around the banks, on movable objects, which apparently resulted compatible with the DNA of the accused anarchists. This evidence is presented as an impartial and infallible indication of their presence on those specific days in those financial institutions. Although we will leave it to the courts and lawyers to argue about the technical fallacies of this investigative method, these ever-growing international DNA databases, acquired through all necessary means, become a problem concerning everyone. These forensic proofs which are presented as absolute truth, are in fact an other example of sciences in service of social control and the State. This rational “neutrality” in the name of the neutralization of unmanageable and unwanted people is in complete conformity with democratic values: in the name of safety it attempts to make us all willful participants in the codification of our lives.
Like in most juridical cases this technological evidence is paired with the criminal profile of anyone considered undesirable and unprofitable by the State (be it socially, economically, ethnically, or ethically). These characteristics are amplified by the mainstream media, which helps in the legitimization of repression. They are accomplices in manufacturing these “dangerous” figures and creating the consensus to remove them from “civil” society.
It is up to those who do not accept and are not accepted by this world, to fight and organize ourselves against exploitation, alienation and the sterilization of our imagination for self-determination. It is up to each one of us to attack these logics based on accumulation and authority, wage-slavery and submission, wars among the poor and wars among the States, industrial destruction and technological colonization. To struggle for a life of dignity, autonomy and freedom.
Until we all are free…
For revolt!
Dowload poster here: soli poster jan 2017 vertical 

January 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany – Short report from the first day of trial against our anarchist comrades accused of robbing a Pax Bank branch in November 2014 in the city of Aachen.

[update] Aachen: short report from the first day of trial
Today, 23rd of January, the first session of the trial took place against our anarchist comrades accused of robbing a Pax Bank branch in November 2014 in the city of Aachen.
In the room there was the representative of the Prosecutor’s Office, the judge, the defendants with their respective lawyers, a “people’s jury” (which does not take decisions), journalists, who were not permitted to record inside the courtroom in compliance with the request of the defense lawyers (although their cameras were rolling outside the courtroom), and the public composed of family, friends and comrades of the defendants, who occupied the 30-40 seats available.
After the procedural formalities and the reading of the accusations by the prosecutor (armed robbery and illegal weapons possession), one of the defense attorneys requested a deferral of three-weeks of the trial on the grounds that they did not have access to a part of the investigation files because the prosecution had not yet provided it. The lawyers argued that this hindered their ability to give a full and fair defense to their clients.
After hearing the arguments of both the prosecution and the defense, the judge ordered the audience to leave the courtroom a total of three times to deliberate in private with both parties before rejecting the postponement.
Among their arguments, the prosecution alleged the non-relevance of such documents for this case. Only in the end did they admit that there was an other part of the files that is related to the ongoing investigation, which they will not reveal.
Even the judge acknowledged that he did not see a big part of the files that the defense demanded, but countered this by noting that this is common in many trials. However the lawyers insisted that the relevance or not of these documents should be decided by the defense not by the prosecution.
Finally, the judge rejected the three-week deferral, but suspended the session on Thursday, January 26, to give the defense time to read the part of the investigation files to which access was granted (which is not all). The next session will be on February 9th, in principle the program of this day already includes some witnesses taking the stand, including a police officer of the Spanish state.
Several supporters of different countries were present to show their support during the 4 and a half hour session. Our comrades received our warmth in cold Germany, while an exchange of glances and gestures of complicity were passing back and forth all morning, transmitting force, demonstrating once again that in the face of repression and confinement, solidarity among those in struggle defies walls and borders.
[found here: https://solidaritatrebel.noblogs.org

January 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Australia , Melbourne – Philippines consulate redecorated in protest against Duterte’s murderous war on drug users

Received on 17.01.17:
In response to the call for action from drug users in the Philippines to highlight the dangerous situation they are facing under the murderous Duterte regime, we decided to pay a visit to the Philippines consulate in Melbourne.
On the night of 16.01.17 we redecorated the entrance of the consulate with red paint, flyers and syringes. The red paint is to symbolize the blood of the thousands of drug users that have been murdered during a brutal nationwide pogrom by police and Catholic ‘citizen’ vigilante groups since Duterte took power in May 2016. Each syringe represents 25 murdered drug users – around 20 drug users are killed each day in the Philippines. The flyers read ‘PINOY DRUG USERS JAB BACK!’, ‘SHOOT DUTERTE NOT DRUG USERS!’, ‘STOP DUTERTE’S WAR ON THE POOR – DEATH TO ALL FASCIST HEADS OF STATE!’ and ‘ONE SYRINGE = 25 KILLED – STOP THE SLAUGHTER’.
Anarchists Against Duterte

January 24, 2017
by actforfreedom

[texts for discussion] Pecunia non olet

Pax-Bank, now “Pax-Bank eG, Bank of the Church and Caritas”, was founded in Cologne in 1917 as a bank cooperative of priests for the ecclesiastical community itself, under the principles of “self-help, own responsibility and self-management”. Referring to historical events, both the October 1917 revolution in Russia and the growing social tensions in Germany itself, which ended in the fall of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s monarchy and then transformed into the revolution of November 1918, it is not surprising that in those times, when the Catholic Church felt directly threatened by the “red tide” of the revolutionary uprisings, the church decides to protect its capital, in this case not only “spiritual” but rather economic, with the founding of said bank. In addition, in 1920, by virtue of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost all its colonies, where its “civilizing work” was evidently accompanied by “ardent missionary work”.
In the following years, Pax-Bank, unlike many other financial institutions, survived both the inflation following the end of the First World War and the first major financial crisis (unleashed by the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in 1929). Although many German banks were affected by the economic crisis, in 1932 Pax-Bank stated simply “our profitability has not suffered any damage”.
Of course, the Pax-Bank is absolutely silent regarding its relations with the new political power that came to rule its homeland between 1933 and 1945, that is to say the Nazi party NSDAP, who, thanks to the unconditional support of German capital, was able to unleash its expansionist war machine, occupying up to half of the continent and perpetrating the Holocaust and the extermination of peoples considered inferior. Although it is true that the Catholic Church in Germany, bound by its bonds of faith with the Vatican rather than with Berlin, did not collaborate with Nazi crimes to such an extent as the biggest church in the country, the Protestant, its attitude, in general, was very passive. In 1941 its headquarters in Cologne was, luckily for the image of the bank, destroyed during Allied bombings, along with all its documents, protocols and minutes of previous years. However, the Pax-Bank does not shy away from boasting that it continued to reap significant profits even during the “turbulent war years”, as they themselves laconically describe those years.
In the period after the end of World War II and with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new currency in 1948, Pax-Bank continued to grow and expand. In 1950 it began to train its future employees, while in 1952 it extended its services from churches and priests to monasteries, hospitals and orphanages.

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January 24, 2017
by actforfreedom

[texts for discussion] the world in a spit, over DNA

 A few days ago in Italian prisons commenced the collection of samples destined to compose the National Archive for DNA, an institution run under the Minister of Internal Affairs who is busy compiling the genetic profile of all the individuals incarcerated, investigated, arrested or detained, along with the Dna found on crime scenes. This process is in accordance with a decision taken on a European level – sanctioned in 2005 by the treaty of Prüm, endorsed by Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Austria (and adopted by Italy in 2009) – as part of the the so-called “fight against terrorism and criminality”, which also extends beyond the European Union’s borders. Now, officially and with a few years of delay, the italian authorities have started to put into practice a measure which has already been implemented since years in other countries.
In the United Kingdom, the homeland of the inventor of the genetic print, Alec Jeffreys, the National Dna Database was already instituted back in 1995. Also France certainly did not wait for the Treaty of Prüm to create its very own Fichier national automatisé des eimpreints génétiques, founded in 1998.
Genetic profiling is described by all governments as a “powerful weapon in the fight against crime”, capable of providing key elements to punish the perpetrators of particularly heinous crimes and of exonerating the innocent. Especially evoked in the cases of homicide and rape, Dna as a piece of evidence, is presented as if it were definitive, irrefutable, synonym of absolute truth. Today the british archive as well as the french one contain millions and millions of genetic codes and their number is constantly increasing.

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January 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

Netherlands – ATM machines demolished in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany –

Last night we demolished 9 ATM machines in Den Haag, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen, Germany. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will take around 26 days spread over a 5 months.
We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.
We want them free! Love, rage and solidarity!
Destroy all banks! Fire to the prisons!

January 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

Call for solidarity demonstration for the members of the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle – Athens ,Greece


Solidarity demonstration for the members of the armed organization
Revolutionary Struggle, Saturday 21/1 at 12.00 in Monsatiraki. Athens
Collaboration for the diffusion of revolutionary prospect.

January 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

Debating Justice: A letter from Damien out of the Fleury-Mérogis jail – France

Damien is an anarchist arrested on Wednesday, December 7 in Bretagne, charged with attacks against the Chambre of Commerce, a Jaguar dealership, and other targets during a demo that took place on April 14 between Paris’ 10th and 19th districts during the mobilization against the Loi Travail. This letter was published on January 7 and was intended as a contribution to a public discussion about how to engage with the justice system, in a bid to break the isolation that it seeks to impose.
When I heard that on January 9 in Paris there was going to be a debate about justice, I wanted to try to contribute by letter, but because I’m not allowed any visits or phone calls, I don’t have any details about the subject of the debate. The theme of justice is tied to many issues, like repression, authority, and incarceration, as well as obviously questions of defense or attack, resignation or dignity, inaction or vengeance.
This is a personal choice belonging to each individual and I don’t want to lecture about it or present myself as a martyr or hero, which I am not. So I will speak only of my own choice, one that isn’t motivated by the specter of revolutionary duty, but by desire, my own need to feel more free, more dignified, and more alive than my jailers permit.

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January 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

Florence, Italy – Update on raids carried out 1st January following the explosion of a device at “Il Bargello” [neo-nazi] bookshop

1st January 2017 at around midday the Digos of Florence turned up at three flats in the city and a house in the province of Prato. They searched the homes and cars of those who were there, looking for weapons and explosives. They found nothing apart from one instance, where they seized electrical material (cables, switches, bulbs) and various items (computers, ‘bormioli’ glass jar lids, beeswax…)
Five people were taken to the forensic unit in Florence where they were photographed and fingerprinted; after several hours in the police station they were requested to do a swab test on their hands to detect traces of explosive material. Four people agreed to it, whereas one of them refused so the police decided to seize the jacket they were wearing. At 8pm all five were released with investigation reports showing negative results.
The search of the house in the province of Prato also went on for a long time, followed by a clumsy attempt by the forensic police (who went there after the Digos of Prato and Florence) to do swab tests to look for traces of gunpowder on the hands of those being investigated. The cops wanted to do the test in the middle of a wood using cotton wool from an envelope that had already been opened. At their refusal to submit to the test, the four people were taken to Prato police station where – besides the material already seized – their coats were also taken.
Charges being considered by the investigators are attempted murder, serious bodily harm and fabrication and transport of an explosive device. So far no one is known to have been declared under investigation.
Translated by act for freedom now!
encircled A

January 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (16/01/2017)

The Court of Cassation decided to commit Daniele Cortelli for trial, concerning the decision of Court of Liberty [provincial appeals court]. Additionally, on January 10th the judge for the preliminary investigations rejected the house arrest.
We have been informed, after the prison visits, that Marco Bisesti has had the disciplinary council on January 13th, but he did not know its outcome yet, following the fact that he smashed with a coatrack several objects in prison office. This gesture was triggered by the installation of opaque windows which actually made impossible to look outside the building.

January 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

Mapuches still resisting in “Chile”

In a march commemorating the ninth anniversary of the murder of indigenous Mapuche activist Matias Catrileo, shot in the back by police,  protesters stormed the financial district of Santiago, Chile.
They demanded charges against Mapuche spiritual leader or ‘Machi” Francisca Linconao be dropped. She is charged in an arson attack that killed two wealthy land owners in ancestral Mapuche lands. After a 14 day hunger strike ‘to freedom or death,’ she was released on house arrest the same day as the march and ended her hunger strike. Protesters denounced ongoing  police violence against indigenous peoples in Chile.
Decrying cases like that of Brandon Hernández Huentecol, 17, who was shot in the back by police last month. Huentecol has had 12 operations and remains in critical condition. His family denounced police efforts to buy their silence.

January 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

Sydney, Australia – Solidarity mural for the Revolutionary Struggle comrades in Greece

Received on 14.01.16:
On January 5th 2017, fugitive Pola Roupa and anarchist Konstantina Athanasopoulou were arrested in Athens. Anti-terror cops raided a home with Pola and her six-year-old son inside, while Konstantina was arrested nearby.
Both women are members of Revolutionary Struggle, an anarchist guerrilla organisation which has waged war on capital and the state for the past decade.
As a minimum response to the capture of our comrades, some anarchists in Sydney painted a solidarity mural.
Solidarity with the prisoners of the social war.
For the annihilation of every prison.