Greece: Two comrades from Spain on trial following the eviction of a squat for refugees


Itziar and Iñaki, Zabaldi’s internationalist militants, were arrested in the eviction of a space occupied by migrants and Greeks in Thessaloniki. The police operation resulted in three evictions and several detainees, some of whom have already been tried. These two comrades will not be present at the trial.

On July 27, the police carried out the coordinated eviction of three buildings that had been squatted in Thessaloniki, Greece, which provided shelter to some of the thousands of displaced persons who were trapped in the country following the border closure.

The people who were in the buildings were then treated differently: non-European migrants were sent to militarized refugee camps, while Greeks and Europeans were detained and prosecuted, including the two Zabaldi militants. This Thursday, January 26, two of the three trials related to these events will be held. The comrades are facing squatting and property damage charges.

The three projects, Orfanotrofeio, Nikis and Hurriya, responded to the needs of people trapped by the closure of borders in Europe. Nikis was a squatted social center that decided to welcome migrants who had to stay in the country due to closed borders. Orfanotrofeio was squatted in December 2015 in order to accommodate displaced people. Its food store, pharmacy and all the collected materials were lost when the building was demolished after the eviction.

Hurriya was a new project, it was occupied only for two weeks and was full of people dedicated to the tasks of reconstruction and adaptation to make it habitable. It was a project of coexistence and joint struggle, in which people from the social movement and migrants would live on the basis of self-management.

(via Ahotsa, submitted by BlackCat)

Posted in Greece, Iñaki, International Solidarity, Itziar, Refugee Housing Squats, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Spain, Squatting, Thessaloniki, Zabaldi

So-called ‘Australia’: Some anti-colonial actions in Sydney

Received on 27.01.17:

Over the past week thousands of anti-colonial posters were put up all around Sydney, especially around locations holding “Australia Day” celebrations. On the 26th of January, six Unaustralian banners were tied to various highway overpasses.

While these minor acts can not prevent the official celebrations of Australian colonialism, it was very inspiring to see an increase in acts of resistance to ‘Aussie’ patriotism this year.

We’ve seen anti-Australian graffiti in a bunch of areas, including some huge indigenous flags painted in prominent locations,heard of paint attacks on colonial monuments and seen a bunch of videos of people burning captured flags. But most of all we were encouraged by the massive Invasion Day march, the front of which was attacked by riot police with fire extinguishers to prevent an indigenous revolutionary from burning a colonial rag. The crowd immediately reacted to this aggression by physically expelling the cops from the march, forcing the arrogant dogs of the riot squad to flee in fear, a very rare sight at demonstrations in this city.

This year has also seen a large increase in those calling for changing the date of Invasion Day, to a more “appropriate” time. The Greens mp David Shoebridge spruiked this agenda in his speech at the Invasion Day rally, which the Greens attempted to dominate with dozens of their party flag spread throughout the crowd. This is the very same party that a week ago denounced flag burning for being “violent” and in complete opposition to the party principles.

We stand alongside the indigenous and non-indigenous people who oppose any date to celebrate this nation of occupation. Every day is invasion day and every day is a good day to fight back against the promotion of patriotism and loyalty to the state and its institutions.

For the spread of anti-colonial resistance.
Fight Australia, every day!


Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Graffiti, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia', Sydney

So-called Australia: Banner drop in southeast Victoria for #7DaysOfResistance

Received anonymously on 25.01.16:

Banner drop on an overpass above the Princes Freeway, heading east in southeast Victoria as part of the #7DaysOfResistance in the lead-up to Invasion Day 2017.

The banners read: ‘No Pride In Genocide’ and ‘Abolish Aus Day’. A poster placed next to the banners features an Aboriginal flag with the words ‘Always Was Always Will Be’ super-imposed over it. This is a reference to a chant regularly heard at demonstrations in so-called Australia: ‘Always Was, Always Will be Aboriginal Land!’

Apologies for the poor quality of the photos!

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia'

Scotland: Anti-Nuclear activists block traffic at nuclear submarine base HMNB Clyde


Received on 25.01.16:

PRESS RELEASE: Anti-nuclear activist form a sit-in blockade at HMNB Clyde: Off Trident – You can’t cover up a nuclear disaster!

24.01.16: This morning at 06.45 AM, four anti-nuclear activists blocked the ongoing morning traffic at the south gate of HMBB Clyde in Faslane. Action was recorded by activists from the nearby Faslane Peace Camp, a protest site dedicated to campaigning against nuclear weapons since 1982. The protesters interrupted the morning routines by walking into the line of traffic and pulling a banderol over the road.

Three activists formed a sit-in blockade, shutting the entry and soon causing a traffic jam of an estimated 300 cars. The undercover MoD police car and a regular police vehicle arrived to the scene soon. The protesters are being cleared from the road. Three arrests are to be expected.

The action is in response to the revelation of the Royal Navy misfiring of a Trident II D5 ballistic missile from the HMS Vengeance last June. Several sources reported that the missile, rather than heading towards Africa as intended, veered towards the Florida coast. There was also a discrepancy in the awareness of the event among elected officials who weeks later, voted in favour of renewing the missile defence system. It also emerged that Prime Minister Theresa May was briefed about the test and its results and did not inform MP’s.

Besides the political issue, there is also a technical issue as the Trident missile is identical for both the US and UK. In turn, most of the tests are carried out by the US Navy.

“How can UK’s nuclear destiny be claimed to be in safe hands when the country is surrendering its power structure to the Chinese, allowing the Americans to build these haphazard missiles and freely sharing vital secrets to a President whose views and opinions are as vague and inconsistent as they are bizarre and provocative”, says the activist Nick Timer, participating the action.

As a result of the parliamentary vote last July, the decision was made to spend £40 billion to renew Trident. According to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), the figures could well be in excess of £200bn.

“With austerity hitting the majority of UK citizens, it causes immense concern that such sums of money continue to be ploughed into this bloated, ineffectual and unpopular white elephant. Indeed, we have to ask how effective a deterrent Trident is when the world’s superpowers can’t be assured that any retaliatory strike would even reach its intended target. Instead of heading towards a new arms race we need to simply find a way to scrap the nukes: and getting rid of Trident would set a good precedent“, says another activist Molly Garfield.

The Faslane Peace Camp is a permanent protest camp dedicated on campaigning and protesting against nuclear weapons. The camp, located next to the HMNB Clyde, is celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year.

UPDATE: 07.45 AM
The two remaining anti-nuclear activists have now been removed from the road leading to the south gate of HMNB Clyde and arrested by the MoD police. As far as we know, all three arrested activists are being taken to Clydebank and expected to be released later.

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Posted in Anti-Militarism, Anti-Nuclear Struggle, Direct Action, Faslane Peace Camp, Scotland

Athens, Greece: Photos & statement from the intervention at the Immigration Directorate on Petrou Ralli Street

Following the vindictive transfer of imprisoned immigrants to the jail of the Immigration Directorate on Petrou Ralli street, on the afternoon of Friday 20th of January, around 150 comrades carried through an intervention outside the building.

We unfurled a banner, chanted slogans and tried to communicate with some prisoners (on Petrou Ralli the detainees are mainly men) who were at the windows and responded vigorously. They chanted slogans, dropped a banner with the word freedom on it and threw various objects through the windows.

During the intervention, protesting immigrants on the outside used a bullhorn to communicate with prisoners in their language. It was through this contact that we were informed of the lengthy detention of some of the immigrants who live in deplorable conditions, forgotten by the world outside.

We also found out that the women immigrants from the Detention Centre Elliniko are housed on the top floor of the building. Unfortunately we did not manage to communicate with them, because they must have been detained in cells that don’t overlook the street.  (LOOK at the updated section at the bottom for the real reason).

Since we stayed there for about two hours, we left with the promise to return soon.

Detainees you are not alone!

Immediate release of the immigrant women brought there from Elliniko!

Immediate release of all immigrants imprisoned in concentration camps!

Never again concentration camps!

Prisoners Solidarity from the South!

 * Update:
We were eventually informed that the reason we had no contact with the women immigrants during our intervention is not because their cells were not located on that side of the building, as we initially thought, but because female cops threatened them and did not let them get close to the windows. One of them was the same female cop who had punched an immigrant woman inside the Elliniko Immigrant Detention Centre, as she tried to communicate with us during our intervention on the 16th of December.
The vindictive behaviour of the guards and their effort to isolate the women immigrants and cut them off from the people in solidarity will not remain unanswered.

(Source, translated by BlackCat)

Posted in Athens, Direct Action, Greece, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees

Santiago, Chile: Demonstration outside the US Embassy (20.01.17)

Demonstration at the US Embassy in Santiago, in response to the international call against the inauguration of fascist President Donald Trump and the continuity of global terrorism by the United States.

Against terrorism and genocide in the United States and around the world.
Against police brutality against African Americans, Latinxs and the poor.
Against the prison system of extermination.

Freedom to prisoners, destroy the prisons!
Struggle and resist against capital, state and patriarchy!
Solidarity makes us strong, fight for freedom!

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #J20, Chile, Direct Action, Fuck Trump, International Solidarity, Santiago, USA

Athens, Greece: Attack against SYRIZA headquarters in solidarity with imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle

fire isolated over black background

In the early morning of January 7, 2017 we exploded the facade of the headquarters of SYRIZA in the Athens neighborhood of Kato Petralona. This action is a small anarchist response to the arrests of Konstantina Athanasopoulou and Pola Roupa, members of Revolutionary Struggle as well as the imprisonment of the son of Pola Roupa.

Solidarity with urban guerrillas.

Strength to all the anarchists in prison.

Fight with all methods.


(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Greece, Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, Pola Roupa, Revolutionary Struggle, Urban Guerrillas