• Saturday, January 28th, 2017

    Call For Actions Against Grand Juries and Dakota Access on February 1st

    This a national call for actions against the grand jury, the feds, the pipeline and its world on February 1st. Spread the resistance to the federal grand jury convened to investigate the struggles of Water Protectors at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline!

  • Friday, January 27th, 2017

    New Book Wishlist for Joseph Buddenberg!

    At the moment, Joseph is in the SHU (solitary confinement). The good news is that he can still receive mail, including letters, cards, photos, articles, etc.

  • Friday, January 27th, 2017

    IEN Responds to Trump's Memorandum for Approving KXL and DAPL

    “These attacks will not be ignored, our resistance is stronger now than ever before and we are prepared to push back at any reckless decision made by this Administration.”


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