How to be creative: get up early and follow a routine

Among corporate leaders and finance types, an early start with exercise is a regular feature of daily life. Creatives ...
Among corporate leaders and finance types, an early start with exercise is a regular feature of daily life. Creatives tend to get straight to work. Janie Barrett
by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

Every morning at 5, Scott Adams wakes up and heads downstairs to his kitchen, has a cup of coffee and a protein bar for breakfast, then goes into his home office.

By 5.10 he's settled into his chair and working on his first task of the day: a new strip of Dilbert, the comic strip he's been drawing for almost 30 years and which now appears in 2000 newspapers in 65 countries.

Dilbert began running in newspapers when Adams was an engineer working at Pacific Bell; back then, he had to get up at 4am to write. ("That's why I rarely drew background scenery," he once explained. "I literally didn't have the time.")

By 1995, Dilbert was doing well enough for him to become a full-time comic strip artist and to start expanding the Dilbert empire: The Joy of Work, his first nonfiction business book, came out in 1996. Still, he kept up his morning routine, and the morning hours are still when Adams gets most of his work done.

Scott Adams, creator of the <i>Dilbert</i> cartoon. By 5.10 every morning he is at work, drawing a new strip of the ...
Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoon. By 5.10 every morning he is at work, drawing a new strip of the comic he has created for almost 30 years. Supplied

As he gets more deeply into the work, he notices, "Time passes differently when you are in the creative mindset. The first four hours of my day pass as though minutes".

By then, if all goes well, he'll have finished a couple of strips, blog posts and tweets, and handled some correspondence or paperwork. An hour later, "the creativity well starts to run dry".

By lunchtime, it's time for the gym. At that point, "my barely functioning brain is ideally suited for lifting heavy objects and putting them right back where I found them".

Adams is famous for making comic hay of the absurdities of corporate life and all the obstacles that get in the way of real creative work. So it's not surprising that his own early-morning routine is designed to avoid creative impediments. There are no variations in this routine. Setting "my physical body on autopilot for the morning … frees my brain for creativity". He purposely excludes external stimulation. "My morning is all about stilling the outside world so my mind can soar."

Like many writers, he keeps this routine because creativity "is not something you can summon on command", he says. "The best you can do is set an attractive trap and wait. My mornings are the trap."

Apple chief executive Tim Cook's first emails are out at 4.30am and he is working out by 5am daily.
Apple chief executive Tim Cook's first emails are out at 4.30am and he is working out by 5am daily. AP

Power of deliberate rest

Adams' schedule illustrates two features of the working days of creatives who discover the power of deliberate rest: it starts early, and it follows a well-thought-out routine. Some writers and artists and scientists burn the midnight oil, depend on a looming deadline to help them focus, or wait for inspiration to strike before putting pen to paper. They accept that inspiration is unpredictable, creativity is unavoidably messy, and great work requires sacrifice and working under pressure.

In contrast, many creatives who have long, productive careers take a different approach and attitude. They start work earlier, sometimes before dawn, even if they're night owls rather than early risers. They concentrate on their most challenging work first, when their creative energy is likely to be at its peak. They believe in inspiration but don't wait for it; instead, they find that work creates the conditions for inspiration. And they discover that rest improves rather than inhibits their creativity and can make them more productive, not less.

Developing and maintaining a morning routine creates space in the day for rest, and makes rest more valuable.

Anthony Trollope paid a servant an extra £5 a year to make his coffee and wake him up at 5am so he could write for three ...
Anthony Trollope paid a servant an extra £5 a year to make his coffee and wake him up at 5am so he could write for three hours before going to his job at the post office. David Rowe

Among corporate leaders and finance types, an early start is a regular feature of daily life, especially with international markets operating around the clock.

The first emails of the day from Apple chief executive Tim Cook go out around 4:30am California time, and by 5 he's working out. Hans Vestberg, CEO of Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson, rises early to run or work out at the gym. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square, wakes up at 5.30am to meditate and run. By then, Starbucks' Howard Schultz has already been up an hour and has finished his morning bike ride. Xerox CEO and chairwoman Ursula Burns rises before 6 and works out with a personal trainer twice a week. Frits van Paasschen, formerly CEO of Starwood Hotels and Resorts, goes for a run at the relatively late hour of 6am but makes up for it by running 10 miles.

For creative workers, in contrast, the dominant pattern is to wake up and get right to work. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright would wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning, work for three hours, then go back to sleep. After he became a full-time writer, John le Carre would start writing between 4.30 and 5 o'clock in the morning. Ernest Hemingway and John Cheever, to name but two, started writing around dawn.

Early risers

Stephen King says writing is "just another job like laying pipe or driving long-haul trucks" and spends up to six hours ...
Stephen King says writing is "just another job like laying pipe or driving long-haul trucks" and spends up to six hours a day at his desk. Supplied

Anthony Trollope paid a servant an extra £5 a year to make his coffee and wake him up at 5am so he could write for three hours before going to his job at the post office. He later declared, "I owe more to him than to anyone else for the success I have had". Maya Angelou would "rent a hotel room for a few months, leave my home at 6, and try to be at work by 6.30", writing until lunchtime.

Some authors discover the virtues of focused mornings the hard way. When he first started writing fiction, Gabriel Garcia Marquez tried writing all day but soon found "what I did in the afternoon had to be done over again the next morning". Focusing on his writing in the mornings helped him complete his masterpiece, One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Scientists are often early risers. Arnold Sommerfeld, a mathematician and theoretical physicist who trained some of the 20th century's greatest physicists, insisted that serious science required an early-morning start. When he was a student of Sommerfeld, Werner Heisenberg (a future Nobel laureate) recalled, Wolfgang Pauli (another future Nobel laureate) would roll into the lab around noon. "Well, this is a mistake," Sommerfeld told him. "You do not work well at night; you work very much better early in the morning. So I think tomorrow morning you will come at 8 o'clock to the Institute."

For many, the aim is not to shake off sleep quickly and start work but to ease their way from a state of dreaming to wakefulness. The Irish writer Edna O'Brien felt herself "nearer to the unconscious, the source of inspiration" in the morning.

<i>Rest</i> by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang argues that we have underestimated how important rest is for success. Published by ...
Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang argues that we have underestimated how important rest is for success. Published by Penguin General on January 30, $29.99 Supplied

I discovered this myself a few years ago. As a student I burnt lots of midnight oil, but once I had a job and children, I struggled to muster the energy to write at night. So I tried getting up before dawn and writing before anyone else in the house was up. To my surprise, not only did I have more time to write, the words came more easily: I was less prone to self-distraction and had just enough energy and awareness to write.

Nobel prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer lamented, "I am all the time interrupted" during the day, and writing in the early morning was his way to create undistracted time. For Toni Morrison, "writing before dawn began as a necessity": when she was raising two children and working as an editor in the day. Later, she said, "I realised that I was clearer-headed, more confident and generally more intelligent in the morning".

Methodical approach

An early start also opens space in your day for rest and allows you to establish a clean division between working and resting time. One should "either work all out or rest completely", Cambridge mathematician John Littlewood advised. "It is too easy, when rather tired, to fritter a whole day away with the intention of working but never getting properly down to it."

When you start early, the rest you take is the rest you've earned.

Stephen King exemplifies the attitude that routine is critical to creative production. He hasn't written dozens of books in transcendent, days-long blazes. King works methodically, he explains in On Writing, putting in "four to six hours a day, every day".

Writing, he says, is "just another job like laying pipe or driving long-haul trucks". Just as a regular bedtime helps you sleep better, a regular daily schedule – "in at about the same time every day, out when your thousand words are on paper or disk – exists in order to habituate yourself, to make yourself ready to dream just as you make yourself ready to sleep".

For King and other prolific creatives, this kind of routine doesn't impede creativity but supports it.

Just as American philosopher William James argued in The Gospel of Relaxation that a steady emotional state is less wearying and more productive than grand displays of passion, Trollope advised that a "small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules".

Work drives creativity

But what if you aren't inspired? Ingmar Bergman said that it was necessary to "sit down pedantically every day at a definite time, irrespective of whether you're in the mood or not". Tchaikovsky believed that "a self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood". Joyce Carol Oates agreed: "One must be pitiless about this matter of 'mood' " and start writing no matter what; "the writing will create the mood".

Creativity doesn't drive the work; the work drives creativity. A routine creates a landing place for the muse. Do the work, says Stephen King, and "make sure the muse knows where you're going to be every day from 9 to noon or 7 to 3", and "sooner or later he'll start showing up, chomping his cigar and making his magic".

Routines don't tap into willpower, resilience, or intrinsic motivation, leaving you more of those resources to spend on hard problems. And if creativity is supported by routine, rest is absolutely dependent on it. Each is easily crowded out by the day's noise, by regular demands and distractions, and by unexpected emergencies or opportunities. In order to keep rest from being invaded, you need to use your routine like a fortification to protect your time.

By organising their days around early starts and regular hours, creative people don't have to rely on their conscious minds. For them, early mornings and routines set the flywheel of the unconscious spinning.

As Stephen King puts it, a routine will "train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction". The afternoons of creative people may be spent doing more mundane tasks, but they're able to do more, and do better work, because they use routines, concentrated periods of focused work, and periods of deliberate rest, rather than long hours of labour.

You need time for rest because that's when the unconscious mind can get to work. But for the 19th-century French mathematician Henri Poincare, who studied his own creative process pretty carefully, it seemed that the flash of insight – what he called illumination – only occurs "if it is on the one hand preceded and on the other hand followed by a period of conscious work".

Inspiration finds you

Or as Pablo Picasso said, "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working".

Late in life, Anthony Trollope explained what allowed him to be so productive. Even while he held down a full-time job, over a writing career that stretched more than 40 years, he published 47 novels and 16 volumes of nonfiction (more than a book a year), as well "political articles, critical, social, and sporting articles, for periodicals, without number".

Despite this amazing output, he went hunting twice weekly, "lived much in society in London", regularly entertained friends at his home Waltham House in Waltham Cross, and "always spent six weeks at least out of England". "Few men, I think, ever lived a fuller life. And I attribute the power of doing this altogether to the virtue of early hours."

This is an edited extract from Rest: Why You Get More Done when You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pan, published by Penguin General on January 30, $29.99

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