
Annual Report

Chairman's Statement

As Chairman of the Board, I am pleased to report that DMGT has once again demonstrated the quality and depth of a business portfolio that spans world-class journalism, both print and digital content, specialist information and B2B operations.

CEO's Strategy Review

DMGT’s results reflect the ongoing resilience of the portfolio through varying market conditions. Revenues were supported by good organic growth in many of our B2B and consumer digital operations. This was balanced by challenging market conditions for print advertising, property information, energy and financial sectors.


Financial review

The Financial Review details DMGT’s performance in the year, which saw stable underlying revenues and a resilient profit performance. Underlying operating profit declined as a result of challenging trading conditions in some of our markets, and disposals adversely impacted adjusted profit before tax and earnings per share. Overall performance was in line with our expectations.


Highlights from our businesses

Group revenues are split across our five operating businesses.

  • Revenue
  • Operating Profit
  • Margin
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  • Revenue
  • Operating Profit
  • Margin
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  • Revenue
  • Operating Profit
  • Margin
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  • Revenue
  • Operating Profit
  • Margin
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  • Revenue
  • Operating Profit
  • Margin
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