Treat Your Eyes With Australia's Most Mesmerising Indigenous Art

Just try and look away.

02/12/2016 8:26 AM AEDT | Updated 02/12/2016 9:08 AM AEDT
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Art is life.

Indigenous Australia is the oldest living culture on earth, so you can imagine the art it bears is as sacred as it is significant.

Stories from the Dreamtime are at the centre of existence for Aboriginal people, and through art, language, dance and music they are passed down through generations.

Dating back some 65, 000 years, perhaps even more, the Dreamtime was a holy world and the beginning of knowledge where the land, and Aboriginal people were created by their Ancestor Spirits.

Ahead, just a handful of the magical art from some of Australia's most talented Indigenous artists.

The King Sisters - Sarrita and Tarrise

Contemporary artists Sarrita and Tarisse are the daughters of the highly regarded Aboriginal artist, William King Jungala. Born in Adelaide, they each use their art to communicate their ties to the land.

Donna Napurrurla Wilson

Beautiful dot work by Donna Napurrurla Wilson 😍 Available via our homepage 👍

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Donna paints with Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation, an Aboriginal-owned and governed art centre located in Yuendumu. Her paintings focus on the traditional role of women who gather edible seeds in the winter-time.

Goody Barrett

Goody Barrett, a Kija woman from the Kimberley region of Western Australia is a singer and painter. She is known for her unique treatment of the familiar landforms in her country.

Margaret Boko

How wonderful is this work by Margaret Boko 😍 It puts a smile on my face every time I see it and hopefully a smile on yours too. I re-stretched the work today and also made a basic frame/timber surround for it which for a limited time is included with the work at no extra cost 😊 76x49cm | $669 | Free delivery | Free frame | Ready to hang | Available on our homepage (bio link) This is my family outstation at M'Bunghara. That's Glen Helen Station. This is my father's country, Glen Helen and Winparrku. That's his country. My father worked on Glen Helen for long time as a stockman, when I was little girl. See all the bullock there? He used to ride horse to muster up all the bullocky. I love going to visit Glen Helen. [Central] Land Council talked to us and to manager, and we got Native Title back. We always been there, or just down the road, so we always really had that country, anyway. But it was nice for them to recognise us.

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Born in Alice Springs, Boko paints stories of her family and life experiences. She's also a two-time finalist for the NATSIAA Telstra Awards.

Walangkura Napanangka

Walangkura Napanangka is one of the last generations to remember a childhood lived in remote desert, hunting and gathering with her family. Her paintings tell the story of this time.

Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori

In the decade before her death aged 90, she was one of the leading contemporary artists in Australia. A senior Kaiadilt woman artist from Bentinck Island in the Queensland's Gulf of Carpentaria, she was known for her bright, abstract works.

Wawiriya Burton

Wawiriya Burton began painting for Tjala Arts in 2008. She is Ngangkari (traditional healer) and this is demonstrated in her work.

Peter Mungkuri

He grew up in South Australia's Mimili and paints memories of his childhood riding horses and spending time in his country.

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