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Andrew Giles

Labor Member for Scullin

Andrew Giles is Labor Member for Scullin.

Getty Images

I Cried In Parliament House Because I Am Ashamed

I was listening to a brave group of children from Rainbow families. These kids were telling me about themselves, who are they are and what they like, about their families and why they are fearful of a plebiscite on marriage equality. I cried because their stories were powerful, and so bravely told.
21/09/2016 5:29 AM AEST
xPACIFICA via Getty Images

Our Cities Must Keep Up If We're To Remain Globally Competitive

As we grapple with the vital challenge of making the places where most Australians live and work more productive, liveable and sustainable let's make sure we look around us. Let's not assume the answer to every problem can be found within. Sydney and Melbourne need to be at least as attractive a place to locate as Singapore if we are to remain globally competitive.
02/11/2015 5:47 AM AEDT