The Tale Of A Pregnant Goat With A Cat As Its Midwife Is Pretty Wild

Because love comes in all shapes, sizes and species.

24/01/2017 12:48 PM AEDT | Updated 24/01/2017 1:42 PM AEDT
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A pregnant goat with a cat as a midwife. Is this the most adorable (albeit slightly alternative) pairing in the world? The answer is YES and there's pictures to prove it.

A goat called Copper from West Virginia found itself with a birthing coach that wasn't of the human kind. It was a male cat called Pretty Boy, and boy was he pretty helpful.

In a video posted to USA Today's Facebook, Pretty Boy can be seen massaging the goat through her contractions. He didn't leave her side for days.

The goat gave birth to three healthy offspring who allegedly love Pretty Boy as much as their mum does. Who ever said cats are cold, hasn't seen this.

They've even got their own Facebook page and if these images don't melt your heart, nothing will. It's a love story for the ages. 21st century birthing at its very, very best.

On their page it describes's Pretty Boy as the "now the new age goat midwife/masseur. Who says kitties can't be multifaceted".

We completely agree.

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