Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Apply autoscaling to virtual machines for high availability

Control it like IaaS, scale it like PaaS

Deploy Virtual Machine Scale Sets using Azure Resource Manager templates—with support for Windows and Linux platform images, as well as custom images and extensions.

Azure virtual machine sizes and scale sets

Reliably deploy and update at large scale

You can confidently deploy hundreds of identical virtual machines in minutes. With easy updates at scale, focus more on what matters—your application—and less on the infrastructure.

Azure autoscaling—virtual machine sizes to fit your needs

Scale automatically

Integrated with Azure Insights Autoscale, Virtual Machine Scale Sets gives you true autoscaling. There’s no need to pre-provision virtual machines, so you use only the compute resources your application needs at any time.

Virtual machine scale sets simplify networking

Simplify networking

Virtual Machine Scale Sets integrate with Azure networking resources such as Azure Load Balancer and Application Gateway. Easily spread your workloads across the virtual machines in your Virtual Machine Scale Set, and configure network address translation (NAT) rules to connect to specific virtual machine instances for troubleshooting.

Support hyperscale workloads

Support hyperscale workloads

Virtual Machine Scale Sets are elastic and designed to support your scale-out workloads—including stateless web front ends, container orchestration, and microservices clusters. Azure Container Service and Azure Service Fabric run on Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Related products and services

Virtual Machines

Provision Windows and Linux virtual machines in minutes

Azure Container Service

Use Docker-based tools to deploy and manage containers

Service Fabric

Build and operate always-on, scalable, distributed applications

Get started with Virtual Machine Scale Sets