
Blazing fast, planet-scale NoSQL

NoSQL service for highly available, globally distributed apps—take full advantage of SQL and JavaScript over document and key-value data without the hassles of on-premises or virtual machine-based cloud database options.
DocumentDB guaranteed low latency

Guaranteed low latency

Azure DocumentDB guarantees less than 10 ms latencies on reads and less than 15 ms latencies on writes for at least 99% of requests. DocumentDB leverages a write-optimized, latch-free database engine designed for high-performance solid-state drives to run in the cloud at global scale. Read and write requests are always served from your local region while data can be distributed to other regions across the globe.

Achieve limitless scale for NoSQL databases

Scale data throughput and storage independently and elastically—not just within one region, but across many geographically distributed regions. Add capacity to serve millions of requests per second at a fraction of the cost of other popular NoSQL databases.

Replicate data globally

Easily build apps at planet scale without the hassle of complex, multiple data center configurations. Designed as a globally distributed database system, DocumentDB automatically replicates all of your data to any number of regions worldwide. Your apps can serve data from a region closest to your users for fast, uninterrupted access.

Benefits of SQL and JavaScript, schema-free

Query using familiar SQL and JavaScript syntax over document and key-value data without dealing with schema or secondary indices, ever. Azure DocumentDB is a truly schema-agnostic database capable of automatically indexing JSON documents. Define your business logic as stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions entirely in JavaScript, and have them executed directly inside the database engine.

More choices for consistency

Instead of offering extreme choices between strong and eventual consistencies, DocumentDB offers four well-defined consistency levels—strong, bounded staleness, session, and eventual—for an intuitive programming model with low latency and 99.99 percent availability in the face of local and regional failures.

Enterprise grade SLAs

Focus on your application without having to deal with database infrastructure. Create a collection for data, set your throughput, and let DocumentDB handle the rest. Plus, DocumentDB uniquely offers transparent region homing for continuous operations—99.99 percent availability—in the face of failures. Azure DocumentDB is ISO 27001, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and EU Model Clauses compliant. Learn more about service level agreements.

Customers using Document DB

New to DocumentDB?

Watch What is DocumentDB or read Introducing DocumentDB to see if our low latency, NoSQL document database service is right for your applications, including web high-scale gaming, social, and Internet of Things (IoT) app scenarios.

Why use a NoSQL database?

Learn about the differences between NoSQL databases and SQL databases by reading NoSQL vs SQL.

Got a MongoDB app?

Turn on protocol support for MongoDB and use DocumentDB as a fully managed database service for your MongoDB app without any code changes.

Not sure how to begin?

Learn how to create a DocumentDB database account using the Azure portal, then watch a step-by-step guide on how to complete the most common tasks.

Developer? Right this way.

Start by building a simple .NET or Node.js app, or a build a complete web app using existing NoSQL skills with the DocumentDB protocol support for MongoDB. Use the REST API or a variety of SDKs including .NET, Node.js, Java, and Python.

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Try DocumentDB with a free Azure account