Interested in Azure? Give us a call

We have a global Azure sales team available to assist you with a variety of topics including new orders, activations, and managing your subscription.

If you already have an Azure account and need technical support, review the support options available.

Argentina 0800-222-0036
Australia 1-800-765-471
Austria 0800-802127
Belgium 0800-718-35
Brazil 0800-591-6057
Canada 1-800-867-1389
Colombia 01-800-710-2238
Czech Republic 800-701-208
Denmark 8082-6831
Finland 0800-552-049
France 0800-916-603
Germany 0800-180-8941
Hong Kong 800-908-680
Hungary 06-1-4372736
India 000-800-100-3928
Ireland 1-800-947-246
Israel 1-809-494226
Italy 800-788-741
Japan 0120-952-593
Korea 080-808-0894
Luxembourg 800-2-7961
Malaysia 1-800-815-289
Mexico 01-800-681-5371
Netherlands 0-800-022-9265
New Zealand 0800-440-910
Norway 800-19-656
Peru 0800-55027
Philippines 1-800-1-116-1155
Poland 00800-112-4161
Portugal 800-180-126
Puerto Rico 1-855-800-1106
Russia 8-800-100-6347
Singapore 800-1301-963
Spain 900-809756
Sweden 020-889-875
Switzerland 0800-802-551
Taiwan 0800-00-88-33#2#9
Trinidad and Tobago 1-800-206-3672
Turkey 90-212-888-9001
United Kingdom 0800 098 8435
United States 1-800-867-1389
Uruguay 000-401-901-84

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Or call us at 1-800-867-1389.

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