A drone pilot is considered to be a job for the future, and one of the rising uses of drones is for professional photography. Almost gone are the days when photographers hired helicopters to snap brilliant aerial photos.
These days there are more than 600 certified drone operators in Australia and the numbers are predicted to climb. Globally, the world market for piloted drones is forecast to more than double by 2022.
West Australian company SkyPerth is gaining recognition in the world of drone photography for highlighting 'the hidden beauty' of WA.
"What makes drone photography so unique is the possibility for you to capture places from a different perspective and personalise photos never seen before. Drones are helping photographers to explore more their imagination giving them wings," Rodrigo Branco Matsumoto, SkyPerth, said.
"Drone photography is transforming dull market segments, such as real estate. The view it can provide to future buyers or renters is a game change. With tourism, drone photography can be used to show places in 360 degrees view, giving people a taste of how places they want to visit really look like."
So, take a moment to enjoy these beautiful images of a Western Australia you might not have known exists.
"I firmly believe the drones are here to stay. It will be part of our lives. I imagine mobile devices will eventually become small drones, so you can use them to fly around, to pay without leaving your seat, make some phone calls and why not take 'selfies' or now 'dronies' without a selfie stick or tripod?" Rodrigo Branco Matsumoto said.