Posts Tagged ‘Nanotechnology’

The attorney of Turin appealed the sentence in the trial against Silvia, Billy and Costa (Italy)

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

The state attorney of Turin, represented by Arnaldi Di Balme, was not pleased with the sentence of nonsuit due to the “ne bis in idem”, that because of lack of jurisdiction the case was not allowed to proceed. Now they are getting back on track appealing against all the jurisprudence and asking for a new process. Once again the persecutor is insisting on claiming that the transport of explosive material and the attempted attack to target IBM in Switzerland was planned in Italy.

The attorney is trying to proof this based upon the participation of Silvia, Billy and Costa in the Coalizione contro le nocivitá (Coalition Against Nocivity – toxicity/harmfulness). An experience of struggle against harmfulness that during its active years has created an active projectuality against bio- and nanotechnologies.

These attempts of repression should come as no surprise; the law is built specifically to repress critical and struggling environments that go against this exploitative system.

For us it remains clear that it is a necessity to get rid of this ecocidal system that uses science and research as their executive branch.

For those who would like to deepen their understanding we suggest the reading of the publication “Solidarity and Complicity – A collection of texts around the attempted sabotage of the IBM nanotech labs in Switzerland and on the expression of solidarity when the repression got the upper hand” (at the moment only in Italian).


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Posted in Prison Struggle

End of the legal prosecution against eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy who attempted to blow up an IBM nano-facility under construction (Italy)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Note of Instinto Salvaje: We joyfully salute from a distance the news of the closure of the proceedings against our comrades Billy, Silvia and Costa, who will not be prosecuted in Italy. For now we publish the news complied from TG Magddalena and enemy sources. We send all our love and solidarity to the three comrades.

Finally, on the morning of March 23, 2016, the trial of Billy, Silvia and Costa was completed. A little before 12:00 am in court room 47, where the reading of the process was given.

“Ne bis in idem” (The fundamental right not to be judged twice for the same offense), the court ruled that prosecution was “not applicable for lack of jurisdiction” since our comrades were already condemned in Switzerland for possession, transportation and handling of explosives during the attempted attack on an IBM nano-technology research center in Zurich claimed by the Earth Liberation Front, where they served sentences of more than three years. So this “fundamental right” applies to not be judged twice for the same act. Therefore, the three anarchists will not be judged in Italy.

Billy, Silvia and Costa were not present in the court room, but were informed of the results of the procedures and the support and solidarity of our comrades who were present.

Soon we will be updating with more depth about case of the three comrades.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Trial update of eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy + Week of Agitation against Technoscience (Italy)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

On January 13, the first hearing of the proceedings against Billy, Silvia and Costa accused of possessing, transporting and receiving stolen explosives and for attempting to sabotage the IBM international nanotechnology research centre in Zurich was held in Turin. Comrades from various parts of Italy were present in court in solidarity.

To support their thesis the prosecution presented two witnesses: Digos inspectors [political police] from Turin who had followed the investigations that began immediately after the comrades arrest in Switzerland. Only one of the two witnesses was cross examined by the prosecution and the defence. Apparently it seems that the trial will be quicker than was said at the beginning, the next hearing was set for March 2 where the prosecutor and lawyers will speak.

For a complete hearing report refer to www.tgmaddalena.it

From the solidarity meetings in view of the trial there was a strong desire to continue a radical critical path and struggle against the technosciences.

From 22 to 28 February there will be a WEEK OF AGITATION throughout Italy against the techno-sciences and the world that produces them. On February 26, a PROTEST AGAINST EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, and many initiatives are being planned in various cities of Italy.

To read the callout for the week and for contacts:


From actforfree.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Trial update of eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy + Week of Agitation against Technoscience (Italy)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

On January 13, the first hearing of the proceedings against Billy, Silvia and Costa accused of possessing, transporting and receiving stolen explosives and for attempting to sabotage the IBM international nanotechnology research centre in Zurich was held in Turin. Comrades from various parts of Italy were present in court in solidarity.

To support their thesis the prosecution presented two witnesses: Digos inspectors [political police] from Turin who had followed the investigations that began immediately after the comrades arrest in Switzerland. Only one of the two witnesses was cross examined by the prosecution and the defence. Apparently it seems that the trial will be quicker than was said at the beginning, the next hearing was set for March 2 where the prosecutor and lawyers will speak.

For a complete hearing report refer to www.tgmaddalena.it

From the solidarity meetings in view of the trial there was a strong desire to continue a radical critical path and struggle against the technosciences.

From 22 to 28 February there will be a WEEK OF AGITATION throughout Italy against the techno-sciences and the world that produces them. On February 26, a PROTEST AGAINST EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, and many initiatives are being planned in various cities of Italy.

To read the callout for the week and for contacts:


From actforfree.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Eco-anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia sent to trial again (Italy)

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

Via ContraInfo:

On July 17th 2015, the preliminary hearing against Silvia Guerini, Costantino ‘Costa’ Ragusa and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi took place in Turin, Italy. The three have been previously arrested and jailed for several years in Switzerland, accused of having organised an act of sabotage against a nanotechnology research centre of IBM, under construction at the time. On April 15th 2010, they were stopped and arrested by Swiss police who searched their car and found explosives, as well as leaflets claiming the imminent action under the name ‘Earth Liberation Front Switzerland’.

They have now been indicted according to the article 110 of the Italian penal code, which is used to punish offenses of criminal association. Particularly they’re accused of having conspired together to plan the action in Italy, of having illegally obtained the materials needed to assemble and prepare explosive devices, and of having smuggled such devices between the Italian and Swiss border. All charges include the aggravating circumstance of the ‘purpose of terrorism’, historically used in political trials in Italy to obtain long pretrial detention, and longer prison sentence if found guilty.

The judge at the preliminary hearing accepted the thesis proposed by the deputy prosecutor Enrico Arnaldi Di Balme and found irrelevant that Billy, Costa and Silvia have already been tried and convicted in the Swiss Confederation.

The trial will commence on January 13th 2016 in Turin. Let’s use it as an occasion to relaunch the struggle against environmental destruction.

In view of the trial, the three comrades are facing a hard time and need to cover several legal expenses, so they’ve shared a call for support. Any help is much appreciated.
Donations can be made to: conto corrente postale intestato a (postal current account payable to) Marta Cattaneo, IBAN: IT11A0760111100001022596116, BIC: BPPIITRRXXX.
Please specify donation reason: solidarietà a Silvia Billy Costa (solidarity with Silvia Billy Costa).

More info on the case and updates (in Italian):

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Posted in Social Control

Out Now : 325 #11 – Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Brand new magazine from the furnace of the 325 editorial collective free online now. 60 pages of b&w printer-friendly insurrectional nihilist-anarchy and anti-civilisation war.

325 #11 : Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

325 #11 cover image : A3 download – Full size, Hi-res


3. Direct Action Chronology
8. No Illusions – Alfredo M.Bonanno
9. Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Road Ahead Closed – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Electricity grid at risk as floods increase – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
15. The Dictator – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
15. Industrial Alienation – B.I
23. Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
29. Information and Slavery – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
31. Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013 – Silvia Guerini & Costantino Ragusa
38. War against the machines! – Gianluca Iacovacci
41. Letter from Adriano Antonacci about the refusal of video-conference trial
42. Necrotechnologies – Synthetic biology
43. Parts & Labour – Fabricating life in a lab
45. The Daleks Are Coming! – Robot security guards
46. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour
48. Predictive Surveillance Technology Arrives
48. The Problem of Strategy – Alfredo M.Bonanno
49. Empty House & Crowded Forest – Eat
51. Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF – Eat
53. Don’t Trust, Don’t Fear, Don’t Beg – Ihar Alinevich
54. Fear – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
54. Escape into Sanity: The Fall – V.Q.
57. In the Fall-out of the Black Smoke Cloud of Black Rock Quarry
57. Perpetual Cycles
58. Someone else’s meal – L
58. Mechanics of Nature


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Posted in Library

Seventh communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) – Mexico

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

received and translated by waronsociety:

“When the blood of your veins returns to the sea
and the dust of your bones returns to the ground,
maybe then you will remember that this Earth does not belong to you,
you belong to this Earth.”
– Native American saying

Before beginning this new text signed by ITS, we want to express our enormous gratitude to the anarchist portal “Liberación Total,” since over the years they have disseminated our communiques despite the many uncomfortable circumstances that have presented themselves; in a note attached to a November 27, 2011 text by the “Animal and Earth Liberation Front of Mexico” titled “Conspiracy Theories and the Ridiculous Saboteurs“  [Spanish link*] which we quote, they said, “we will keep disseminating the information which has to do with the ITS,” and that is what they have done.

Likewise we thank all the persons and groups (from Mexico as well as Canada, the United States, Chile, Spain, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Italy, Russia, Germany, etc) who have at their own times recognized our work and/or have spread our words in one way or another. These displays of acceptance will always be taken into account as ITS did in our fourth communique (September 21, 2011) in note E; but it is worth mentioning that the displays of rejection do not go unnoticed either, when they have solid foundations that merit the effort of a response.

The aim of this text is to make our stance clear, continuing the work of spreading our ideas, clearing up some apparent doubts and misinterpretations, as well as accepting mistakes and/or errors. In no way do we want to start an endless discussion that only takes up time and energy, nor do we want this text to turn into something other than what it is. Anyone who reads it will be able to interpret correctly (or incorrectly) what they are aiming to read; the intelligent reader will know to reflect and consequently do what seems right to them.


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Posted in Direct Action

Communiqué of Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi about his anti-WEF hungerstrike (Switzerland)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Prison separates us physically from the struggles. It isolates us from our loved ones and from the daily complicity of our paths of struggle, denying us our own desires. However it doesn’t manage to take them away from our head, nor the fight from our spirit. On the contrary, the rage and hate we feel against these walls and our jailers roots them further on into our soul, into our flesh. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique of Silvia about her anti-WEF hunger strike from 20th to 29th of January 2012 (Switzerland)

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Nanotechnologies are going to be one of the discussion points of the World Economic Forum. This is exemplary of how, along with biotechnologies, they are something more than a simple technological development. They represent a strategical and fundamental choice for the survival of this tecno-industrial system, they are the bricks with which the system will rebuild itself in every sector.

“Control the oil and you will control the nations, control the food and you will control the populations” (Kissinger, 1970). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

Mobilization for the Trial of Silvia, Costa & Billy (Switzerland)

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Freedom for Silvia, Costa & Billy – Solidarity with all the Revolutionary Prisoners

All meetings will be held in “Casa del Popolo” in Bellinzona, Switzerland, (in front of the train station). As well as the presence during the hearings there will be demos in the city throughout the week.

18 July – 6pm : Struggle against Nuclear Plants
Contributions of past and ongoing experiences. Debate about the possibilities of intervention. Updates on Marco Camenisch

20 July – 6pm : Nano & Biotechnologies
Presentation of information materials and discussion. Video projection of “RFID-la police totale”.

21 July – 6pm : Debate about the importance of solidarity for the revolutionary movement
Information about other trials, like the one that will be held on September 28-29-30 against a comrade of Aufbau and SRI

In April 2010 Silvia, Costantino and Billy were arrested close to Zurich and since then, accused of wanting to attack an IBM laboratory of nanotechnology research with explosive material, they are imprisoned in the Swiss jails. A little more than a year after our comrades are going to be processed (July 18-22) while IBM laboratory “Binning and Rhorer nanotechnology centre”, which opened last May, will be starting its horrible projects. IBM, American corporation pioneer in nanotechnology, through miniaturization of electronic components on nanometric scale would like to transform human beings, animals, natural environment and infrastructures into gears of a mega-machine for life’s absolute control. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Court dates are declared for Eco-Anarchists Silvia, Costa and Billy (Switzerland)

Friday, June 17th, 2011

On 15 April 2010, Costantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerin and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi were arrested in Switzerland after a control by police. The State accuses them of planning to attack an IBM nanotechnology laboratory. Costa, Silvia and Billy are fellow anarchists who have been active in fighting for things like radical ecology and animal liberation, fighting against health hazards such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and nuclear technology and supporting and standing in solidarity with prisoners. IBM is a notorious devastator of the entire world, a corporate giant which profits from and maintains the hierarchy of the rich. Solidarity with those who fight against industrial capitalism and the new sciences of control and manipulation.

On the 19, 20 and 22 of July in Bellinzona, Switzerland, the trial will be held for the eco-anarchists Silvia Guerin, Costantino Rugusa and Luca ‘Billy’ Berlusconi. It is over a year since our comrades have been held by the Swiss authorities, whilst the investigation into the ‘crime’ for which they are accused was carried out. The charges are: planning an incendiary attack against an IBM nanotechnology research centre under construction outside Zurich, transportation and possession of explosives without jurisdiction. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Explosive package sent to the Head of the Division of Nanotechnology Engineering, Universidad Politécnica, Valle de Mexico (Mexico)

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

From Culmine, translated by War on Society:

14 April 2011

If you think that I am a pessimist, then you have not understood anything.

Nanotechnology is one of the many branches of the Domination System. In recent years there has been significant progress in American countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil and also Mexico, where there has been an accumulation of domestic and foreign capital for the creation of nano-scale technology.

Nanotechnology is the furthest advancement that may yet exist in the history of anthropocentric progress. It consists in the total study, the scrutiny into the manipulation and domination of all the smallest elements, invisible to human eyes. With this humans have managed to control everything, absolutely everything, from changes in the climate to the smallest atomic molecule. Civilization, aside from threatening our freedom as Individuals, the freedom of the Animals and of the Earth, now passes its threat even to the scale of less than a micrometer.

National institutions and corporations that conduct rigorous studies and research for the commercial development of Nano-bio-science are varied; they range from the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP) with the help of Pemex and CFE, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM), Universidad Iberoamericana, the Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (among others) with its Environmental Nanotechnology University Project; Glaxo SmithKline, Unilever, Syngenta, among others.

This type of technology is growing, the branches that it has encompassed can scarcely be counted (medicine, military, cosmetology, petrochemistry, nuclear, electro-informatics) but these are just the beginnings of what it can encompass. Before this growing “evolution,” there have been many grandiloquencies made to Nanotechnology, technologists have declared that it will be good for the environment, that it will solve the problem of contamination by means of nanocatalysts to clean the water and the air, they claim that it will bring an end to many diseases that for now are incurable or only treatable, they declare that there will be new applications that can be given to petroleum by-products to create new sources of energy, they declare that food will be more nutritious and infused with antibodies to make people stronger and healthier, in short, an innumerable list of “wonders” has been thought up by those who persist in nanometrically developing another “superior way of life.” Their promises resemble those they said at the beginnings of the industrial revolution. They said that we would live better, that they would solve the problems that were facing humanity in those years. What was the reality? This synthetic, dull, concrete and metal world. What can we expect from the new scientists who repeat the same promises?

But the side that the scientists do not show is that for now nanotechnology has tortured millions of animals kidnapped directly from the wilderness in their laboratories to test their new products, experiments so aberrant that we cannot imagine them.

World powers are getting ready for biochemical and nuclear wars. To finish completely with their politico-diplomatic enemies they have made available new technology with the ability to become intelligent and cause irreparable damage to the human body and the environment. Nanoparticles travel at a very high speed inside the body, they can invade the bloodstream and penetrate organs like the heart, liver, brain, spleen and lungs where they destroy cell membranes, where they can spray toxic material and create a reaction much more agonizing and lethal than nuclear contamination. These manipulated particles can be inhaled by humans, plants and animals alike, which would cause an ecological imbalance of large-scale concern, breathing will cause illness or death, there will be new allergies, outbreaks and plagues all with a diagnosis impossible to decipher, drug companies will make their grand entrance (creating accidents as they have done before) for the “welfare” of humanity, until all the available money they can take with their business runs out, and it is like this that the puzzle of Civilization is completed, it is in this way that the cycle never ends. Tomorrow we will live in a world already sick in itself because of technological advancement and the expansion of Civilization.

The nanomotors are now one of the newer developments, with these it is intended to give nanocyborgs life at low levels of energy consumption. With this, robotics and nanotechnology together have put on the table the creation of artificial intelligence (which many thought would be just science fiction), machines will be producing machines, self-repairing and self-replicating without a hitch. Total domination will have reached its peak when human clones are created, when they design through nanotechnology the totally manipulated model, without any Wild impulse or instinct, molded by repetition of daily submission, they will create this and more but the consequences will be high. The looming threat of an explosion of manufactured nanoparticle pollution blown into the air, water and land is very real if this technology continues. Chemical reactions will be serious tomorrow and the nanocatastrophe will be a daily reminder to humanity of what has been lost by trying to be more civilized and modern.

Undoubtedly, Civilization (a human invention) has taken over all aspects of non-life, has created this and more to the point that computerized biochemical weapons with intelligence-devices are already tested in the Middle East conflict, with an excellent pretext to seize the black gold (oil) from Arab nations.

Day by day, we see the eyes terrorized by the irresponsible attitude of humanity toward the wilderness, we realize that we live in a technological nightmare, birth-consumption-death is the torturous cycle within the cities, the last reserves of wild environment are converted into “protected ecological zones” and the destruction advances moment by moment, this can be seen in oil spills in the Amazon in South America and the Gulf of Mexico, in the radioactive water in the Sea of ​​Japan, the devastation of entire forests in Russia, the super-exploitation of minerals in Africa, the large-scale production of cars in Europe, the extinction of thousands of animals per year, the construction of super-highways, subways and residential complexes through rough woodland, technological progress is bringing an end to the world in which we subsist for now, which is always decaying.

In Mexico, as mentioned, nanoscale technology continues to grow, the government of the Mexican State wants to keep abreast of progress and modernity (also by the morbid and mediocre goal of reaching the national presidency) and therefore has built the Universidad Politecnica del Valle de Mexico, where the Nanotechnology degree is one of several courses complicit in technological development. The reasons to attack all types of growth in nanoscience are quite strong and therefore we have sent a parcel bomb to that institution on April 14th of this year, specifically to the head of the Engineering Division in Nanotechnology, Prof. Oscar Alberto Camacho Olguin. We have no hesitation in attacking those people who are key to the climax that technology wants to achieve. We prefer to see them dead or mutilated rather than continuing to contribute with their scientific knowledge to all this shit, to continue feeding the Domination System.

We do not see through the lens of “humanity,” (that huge and twisted mass of the disposed swarming every which way), we see through Wild Nature, and reason has led us to radical action, to make it clear, we will not shake their hands but will attack with all our means this imposed reality and those who support and defend it.

With this action we conducted, we have not struck powerfully at the Megamachine and we are aware that with this we have not changed anything (maybe the state or federal police now protect the University community, maybe nanotechnologists will realize that we see them as enemies, perhaps the State of Mexico will begin more in-depth investigations, but nothing more), and we say this because we know that all the efforts we make against the Techno-Industrial System are useless, we have seen the immensity of this great mass of metal and concrete, and we realized that all we ever do at one time or another will not stop progress and less so if there are still false-radicals and leftist struggles that aim at the destruction of a target, but have not yet noticed, have not viewed beyond, that all this does not do anything; some think that this is pessimistic, think that we have fallen into defeatism — but no, if we had fallen into these traps of civilization would not be making explosives for technology staff — we say this rather because it is the reality and the reality we know that hurts. What is needed to hit hard (within a Unabomberist idea) at the System? To put nano-bio-technology, telecommunication industry, electricity, computers, oil in our sights? And if we beat them unanimously with others in different countries, all that, what would happen? Would we deter anything? Civilization is collapsing and a new world will be born, through the efforts of anti-civilization warriors? Please! Let us see the truth, plant our feet on the ground and let leftism and illusions fly from our minds. The revolution has never existed, nor have revolutionaries; those who view themselves as “potential revolutionaries” and seek a “radical anti-technology shift” are truly being idealistic and irrational because none of that exists, in this dying world only Individual Autonomy exists and it is for this that we fight. And although all this is useless and futile, we prefer to be defeated in a war against total domination than to remain inert, waiting, passive, or as part of all this. We prefer to position ourselves on the side of Wild Fauna and Flora that remain. We prefer to return to nature, respect her absolutely, and abandon the cities to maintain our claims as Anti-civilization Warriors. We prefer to continue the War that we have declared years ago, knowing that we will lose, but promising ourselves that we will give our greatest effort.

Because although some elements within Civilization tell us that we have been domesticated for years biologically, we nevertheless continue to have Wild Instincts that we hurl in defense of the whole of which we are a part — the Earth.

This does not end here…

Total support with the Anti-civilization prisoners in Mexico, with the Chilean comrades and with the furious Italians and Swiss.

…I have lived my life without ever giving up and I enter into the shadows without complaints nor regrets…

Individualists tending toward the wild

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle