Anthony Roberts, Brad Hazzard take key roles in Gladys Berejiklian reshuffle

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The new Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, is making a show of reconnecting with regional NSW as she travels to National party territory in the state's south-east to announce her new cabinet on Sunday.

Ms Berejiklian will overhaul her cabinet extensively on Sunday, after the resignation of Health Minister Jillian Skinner last week.  

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Gladys Berejiklian's priorities as Premier

Gladys Berejiklian has made clear her plans as NSW's 45th Premier –- but can she pull them off?

Prominent conservative Anthony Roberts will pick up the planning portfolio, which other MPs say is a substantial promotion at a time when tackling housing affordability is perhaps the government's most pressing policy priority. Mr Roberts, previously responsible for mining policy as Energy Minister, will also add the Special Minister of State's role to his responsibilities.

Nationals MP Adrian Piccoli, who has served six years as Education Minister, will leave the cabinet.

Rob Stokes, identified as a contender for the Premier's job before he ruled out contesting, will take over the education portfolio from his current post in planning. Some Liberals told Fairfax Media they viewed that move as a snub, coming so soon after Mr Stokes - who has a PhD in planning law - had initiated reform of the state's planning system including a substantial increase in the minister's responsibilities.

Veteran Minister Brad Hazzard, who has served as Attorney-General and in the Planning and Community Services portfolios since the coalition took power in 2011, will replace Ms Skinner in Health.


Ms Berejiklian is expected to find room for a couple of new younger faces in the cabinet. Fellow north Sydney Liberal and Berejiklian loyalist Matt Kean will be promoted into cabinet as the new Minister for Fair Trading and Better Regulation.

Insiders predict current Fair Trading Minister Victor Dominello, another MP close to the new Premier, will move into the job as Finance Minister. 

Ms Berejiklian spent Saturday in Tamworth where she announced new funding for a local sporting centre.

She will travel to just outside Queanbeyan to announce her cabinet on Sunday, in the seat of Monaro, which is narrowly held by Deputy Premier John Barilaro.

The move is being interpreted as a strong statement of the Premier's intent to refocus the government's relationship with the state's regions.

"That's a very strong signal that we will get our fair share," said one Nationals MP. "We've got plenty of credit built up at the bank and you can bet that [new Deputy Premier John Barilaro] is going to go fishing for it".

Mr Barilaro assumed leadership of the National party after the party made a disastrous showing in a by-election for the seat of Orange last November. The party suffered a shock 34 per cent swing and lost a seat it had held since the Second World War in a result that spelled the end for the then deputy premier Troy Grant.

Mr Barilaro immediately went on the front foot after Mike Baird's surprise resignation as premier earlier this month. He declared his wholesale opposition to the merger of regional councils, a key coalition policy, and said every aspect of the party's governing agreement with the Liberals was up for negotiation.

Ms Berejiklian has said she intends to listen to community views on council mergers and said she would govern for constituents in regional areas. 

Many Nationals MPs are point to a recent report that found that only 10 per cent of the government's priority infrastructure funding went to rural and regional areas as proof of needed changes

New deputy leader of the Liberal party, Dominic Perrottet, has already been chosen as the new Treasurer.

Ministers will be sworn in next week.