Bogota: Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity (Colombia)

January 25th, 2017

Today we have returned to the same streets where we have experienced harassment, teasing, assaults. With our heads on high and the confidence that gives us the support from the people next to us, we forget about the fear for a while, and focus in the pleasure of communicating through action, claiming the territories where we have been banned from.

The whisper of the spray can indicates that there is no way back, the darkness harbors us, and we are covered with a mantle of indecipherable stars in a contaminated sky, unmistakable gift from the industrial capitalism.

We want to say a lot, and is so complicated that our words arrive where they are destined, but we appeal to these streets as another tool to break the incommunication that the confinement wants to impose, although we know that is not enough.

We join the January’s 22nd initiative (trans prisoner day of action and solidarity) originated in the US, acknowledging the transphobia and a number of practices that exclude specially trans prisoners, in Colombia too. Read the rest of this entry »

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An evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Germany)

January 25th, 2017

Faced with an apparatus of repression that is developing ever more suffocating forms within a context of on-going technocratic and scientific mania, it is easy to fall into a state of inertia.

The aim of this repression, achieved through permanent technological armament, the development of research and studies in the field of DNA and video analysis, and the accumulation and evaluation of data of any sort, is to impose itself on us as undefeatable and inevitable.

We are led to believe it is impossible to avoid the total surveillance, acquisition, and storage of data. To counter and overcome this fallacy of total control, we must approach the situations in which we struggle with continued analysis and reflection. We have to seek and share ways to meet these developments on battlegrounds of attack, solidarity and self-organization. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Anti-nuclear activists interrupt the routines of HMNB Clyde (UK)

January 25th, 2017

UPDATE: 07.45 AM
The two remaining anti-nuclear activists have now been removed from the road leading to the south gate of HMNB Clyde and arrested by the MoD police. As far as we know, all three arrested activists are being taken to Clydebank and expected to be released later.

This morning at 06.45 AM, four anti-nuclear activists blocked the ongoing morning traffic at the south gate of HMBB Clyde in Faslane. Action was recorded by activists from the nearby Faslane Peace Camp, a protest site dedicated to campaigning against nuclear weapons since 1982. The protesters interrupted the morning routines by walking into the line of traffic and pulling a banderol over the road.

Three activists formed a sit-in blockade, shutting the entry and soon causing a traffic jam of estimated 300 cars. The undercover MoD police car and a regular police vehicle arrived to the scene soon. The protesters are being cleared from the road. Three arrests are to be expected. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Feedback about the governors of HMP Liverpool and HMP Hindley (UK)

January 22nd, 2017

Recently we received an email about the governors of HMP Liverpool and HMP Hindley, following on from the successful demo at HMP Hindley which took place in protest to the poor conditions there. The demo was organised by No Prisons Manchester and Smash IPP, and supported by Liverpool Solidarity Federation and A World Without Police. We present the feedback info here to shed more light behind the bars:

I saw your recent protest outside HMP Hindley and thought it was important to share with yourself that the Governing Governor there Mr Mark Livingstone, was the Deputy Governor at the jail during the escape of an E lister prisoner and the tragic suicide of a juvenile prisoner who was on an ACCT document at the time.

After these scandals Mark Livingstone was moved to HMP Buckley Hall and strangely promoted to Governing Governor – when huge security lapses were found to be present at that jail he was quickly moved on again – but bizarrely he was moved back to HMP Hindley, were he was the second in command to a negligent management team who over saw the above mentioned scandals.

As Governing Governor of HMP Hindley he has oversaw and thereby been responsible for the shocking HMIP report which was the catalyst of your protest. During a time of this Government’s ‘total prison reform’ is it realistic or even possible to achieve ‘total prison reform’ with incapable Governors such as Mark Livingstone in charge and seemingly protected/rewarded for his repeated failings?

The Governor of HMP Liverpool, Governor Peter Francis, has presided over the escape of the first ‘escape risk prisoner’ since Ronnie Biggs, multiple deaths and he uses his staff as cannon fodder! He was labelled a ‘questionable leader’ in a public record investigation into use of force in which a young persons wrist was broken. (HMYOI Hindley – 2010/11). The following have all occurred under his leadership as well…

HMP Liverpool slammed after probes
Jake Hardy’s death in custody is nothing less than a state-committed crime
Prisoner Ashley Gill died because jail staff ‘didn’t treat his asthma’
Here’s how bad Walton prison staff say things have got inside after walkout
HMP Liverpool riot: Three prison officers in hospital after violence at Walton facility

How can this continue, unchallenged? An MP would be expected to resign after any one of these incidents – its a disgrace.

With ‘total prison reform’ a main priority for your Government, the tax paying public want to know why our taxes are paying the huge wage and pension of this incapable Governor. Surely the true reform of a system designed to rehabilitate and care for the vulnerable in custody can not be achieved with incapable Governors such as HMP Liverpool Peter Francis at the helm.

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Blood & Honour list leak (UK)

January 22nd, 2017

Blood & Honour is a neo-nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the UK in 1987. Founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18, a neo-nazi terrorist group.

PDF: Blood & Honour list leak

‘The force of Hitler makes us small
But one day we will be free again;
we are about to break the chains.
For our fists, they are hard;
yes — and the knives sit ready;
for the freedom of the youth
Navajos fight’

Edelweiss Pirates

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Broszura: Alfredo Bonanno – “Od zamieszek do insurekcji” (PDF)

January 22nd, 2017

Czarna Teoria, comrades of black anarchy in Poland have translated the important and visionary title From Riot to Insurrection by Alfredo M. Bonanno into Polish.

Check it out here:


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Den Haag: ATM machines demolished in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Netherlands)

January 22nd, 2017

Last night we demolished 9 ATM machines in Den Haag, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen, Germany. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will take around 26 days spread over a 5 months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Love, rage and solidarity!
Destroy all banks! Fire to the prisons!

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Minsk: Solidarity to Vadim Boyko, antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan (Belarus)

January 22nd, 2017

Vadim Boyko is an antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan from Minsk. He was detained on March 22, 2016 together with other people on suspicion of participating in the attack on the right-wing hooligans that happened about two years ago. His trial is set for February 3, 2017 and we ask for financial support to pay the legal advice. The approximate cost of the legal aid for him is 5000 euros, part of which has already been covered by us.

Here is a full story.

FC Partyzan (former MTZ-RIPO) is an antiracist football club that doesn’t exist any more, while there are still some active groups of hooligans involved in street fights. As reported, on June 29, 2014 a mob of Partyzan supporters attacked a trolley-bus carrying a gang of right-wing hooligans of FC Torpedo. The attackers blocked the vehicle and broke a few windows. In the following days the police detained five Partyzan fans on suspicion of the attack, but they were eventually set free with no charges. The case was frozen.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Arson attacks against Sodexo and Vodafone in solidarity with prisoners and for a world free from rulers (Germany)

January 12th, 2017

Berlin, January 6, 2017

Different reasons have caused us to express ourselves again, even if the resources used, in terms of material expenditure and ‘man’ power were very small. One of these reasons is the ‘message barrier’ which was partly imposed on militant actions. Anonymous comrades of the ‘Autonomous Groups’ already pointed this out in the framework of their attack against the Ordnungsamt (public order police) on 25.12.16.

In the meantime, it should be clear to the authorities that the two torched vans did not fall victim to a technical defect on ‘company premises’ on Sewanstraße as they initially suspected but were torched using fire accelerators. One on the right front tire and one on the right rear tire. The vehicles belong to the company Sodexo whose activity in the prison industry has been reported several times, which is why they have been repeatedly subjected to militant actions.

We hope that there was damage to the building structure and we want to emphasize that we are not interested in frightening the workers. As a character mask of the capitalist social formation they contribute to the continuation of the same but only to a limited extent.

This attack is to be understood as a small flame of solidarity with the diverse range of people affected by repression. Examples include the revolting / striking prisoners in the USA. Also in the exceptional condition, due to the riots of the inmates, are some prisons in the UK.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago: Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” (Chile)

January 12th, 2017

PDF: 19 La Bomba 19

A nuestrxs queridxs lectorxs, afines y anónimxs en el mundo.
A nuestrxs presxs que resisten día a día al Poder.
A aquellxs prófugxs que burlan a las nefastas policías.
Por todxs lxs caídxs, en especial a la memoria combativa del Pelao

Sale para todxs ustedes: ¡El último boletín del año!

En esta nueva edición, la memoria combativa se toma las calles. Esta memoria combativa a la cual nos referimos, es una constante y creemos que es sumamente importante en el desarrollo político de cada individuo rebelde que asume su vida en lucha contra el Estado/Capital.

Es importante porque quien asume esa lucha, tiene que asumir también sus consecuencias; y en el desarrollo práctico, histórico de la misma, son múltiples los episodios de los cuales hay que instruirse para avanzar.
En ese sentido la muerte como consecuencia en la lucha es una situación ni querida ni buscada, pero altamente posible, por ende, la memoria combativa recupera -experiencias- para aprender de ellas y deja claro las consecuencias a asumir. Junto a los altos valores de respeto, hermandad, honor y dignidad del camino rebelde de quien luchó hasta el final.

Así avanzamos, retroalimentándonos, conociendo experiencias duras, como también hermosas, dejando claro que la lucha no es un juego y que más allá de todo, continúa. Así lo demuestra este mínimo aporte propagandístico, pasa y pasa el tiempo y los grupos de acción siguen dando lucha, aquí dejaremos plasmadas sus ideas, para que jamás pasen desapercibidas.

“La Bomba”, Por la expansión del Caos y la Anarquía.
Individualidades Anárquicas.
Diciembre 2016, Chile.

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Communique for coordinated arson attacks against energy multinational RWE (Germany)

January 12th, 2017

In the late hours of 25-11-16, we carried out coordinated arson attacks against the German energy multinational RWE in the vicinity of the Hambach opencast lignite mine. We have delayed this communique until now (11-1-17) for strategic purposes.

After a scout of the area, we split up and set fire to six pumping stations, two electrical transformers, one digger and a substation of the electrical grid.

Pumping stations are key pieces of the mines infrastructure used to lower the water table and prevent the flooding of the mine. They most often resemble a section of exposed pipe and an electrical box surrounded by construction fence. We prised open the electrical boxes using a crowbar and placed simple timed incendiary devices and a bundle of bicycle inner tubes inside to ensure the flames caught nicely.

The incendiary devices were composed of a candle secured to a firelighter cube with a strong rubber band. The candles burnt down slowly, then ignited the firelighters once we were safely away from the area. After smashing a window to gain access, we used the same devices to burn out the cab of the digger. Read the rest of this entry »

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