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Sunday, January 29, 2017


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Blogs Lucianne Loves


The Question the Times Should Have
Asked ‘Writer’ Barack Obama

Did anyone see a 20 million dollar
book advance fly out the window?
Jeremy Corbyn demands Donald Trump´s state
visit to UK is cancelled as May finally
condemns US President´s immigration ban

Fastest honeymoon on diplomatic record.
New York Federal Judge Intercedes To Clear
Airports of Current Limbo Visa Holders…

Clarification cuts through confusion about this limited order.
Trump ordering Joint Chiefs to plan ISIS destruction
Guess Obama couldn't do that.
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US Navy SEAL killed, 3 injured in
raid on Al Qaeda in Yemen
Fox News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 5:34:46 PM     Post Reply
A member of U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six was killed and three others were wounded in a raid against a group of senior Al Qaeda leaders in central Yemen, officials said. The U.S. Central Command said in a statement Sunday that another service member was injured in a "hard landing" in a nearby location. An MV-22 Osprey aircraft used in the raid was unable to fly afterward and "was then intentionally destroyed in place." "Americans are saddened this morning with news that a life of a heroic service member has been taken in our fight against the evil of radical Islamic

´No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome
here!´ Thousands gather outside the White
House and in cities across America to
protest against Trump´s ´Muslim ban´ and*
Daily Mail (UK), by Liam Quinn    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 5:17:06 PM     Post Reply
Another day of protest is underway across the country, as people take to the streets to demonstrate against Donald Trump´s controversial immigration executive order. Events were underway in New York, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, Los Angeles, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Washington DC in the early afternoon on Sunday. Many of the events were documented on social media with the hashtag, ´#NoBanNoWall´ - showing they were also protesting Trump´s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico. Overhead shots from the protest in Boston, held in Copley Square, showed the area overflowing with people. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh was seen in

Trump, Kellyanne Explain Need for
Refugee Executive Order
Townhall, by Cortney O´Brien    Original Article
Posted By: Flipper3- 1/29/2017 4:56:39 PM     Post Reply
We were all waiting for President Trump to chime in on Americans´ uproar over his executive order on the refugee vetting process. On Friday, he enforced a temporary ban on travelers from seven nations in the Middle East and Africa, as well as an indefinite ban on refugees from Syria. As expected, Trump has offered his explanation via Twitter. One need only look at the terror attacks in Europe to realize we need stronger border security, he argued. UPDATE: President Trump has released a statement after the backlash for his executive order on immigration.



Marine Vet Sends Powerful Message to
Protesters Burning the American Flag
Washington Free Beacon, by Madeleine Weast    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 4:51:01 PM     Post Reply
Eric Post, a former Marine combat engineer, sent a heartfelt message to protesters burning the American flag on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration that has since gone viral. After the inauguration, Post, who served in the mid-1990s at Camp Lejeune, saw that people were burning the American flag at a protest outside Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Ore. and decided to go there to confront the protesters. On his way to the courthouse, Post’s wife showed him a text from his daughter in an attempt to stop him from confronting the demonstrators. The text read, “I love you daddy.”

Trump and Saudi king agree to
support safe zones in Syria
Jerusalem Post [Israel], by Michael Wiener    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 4:42:44 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON -- US President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abd Al-Aziz "agreed to support safe zones in Syria" in a phone call on Sunday, the White House said, marking a potentially dramatic shift in Washington´s posture toward the civil war there. The White House cast Trump´s support for safe zones in Syria as just one of many policy ideas that will "help the many refugees who are displaced" from the war, which has prompted the worst refugee crisis since World War II. The two leaders also agreed to support similar humanitarian corridors in Yemen, where Riyadh has been

Honeymoon’s over: Ex-Obama official Susan
Rice calls Trump NSC reshuffling ‘stone
cold crazy’
Washington Times, by Valerie Richardson    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 4:41:20 PM     Post Reply
It didn’t take long for the old administration to attack the new administration. Former national security advisor Susan Rice ignited a feud Sunday with the Trump White House by ripping the recent reshuffling of the National Security Council as “stone cold crazy.” White House spokesman Sean Spicer fired back by calling Ms. Rice’s comments “clearly inappropriate language from a former ambassador” and took a swipe at the Obama administration’s track record on national security. “And when you talk about the missteps made by the last administration, with all due respect, I think Ambassador Rice might want to wait and see

Federal Judge Who Blocked Part Of Trump’s
Immigration Ban Is Obama Appointee And
Clinton Donor
Daily Caller, by Alex Pfeiffer    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 4:37:28 PM     Post Reply
The federal judge who issued a nationwide stay on deportations Saturday for individuals trapped in airports following President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration is an Obama appointee and a Clinton donor. Judge Ann Donnelly of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York was appointed by Barack Obama in 2015 and is a graduate of Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law. Donnelly was recommended by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to become a federal justice, and she previously donated at least $250 to Obama’s 2008 campaign and at least $500 to Bill Clinton’s 1992



Philadelphia is the most rat infested
city in the United States while New
Orleans is crawling with cockroaches
Daily Mail [UK], by Hannah Parry    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 4:16:51 PM     Post Reply
Philadelphia is the most rat infested city in the United States while New Orleans has topped the list for cockroaches, according to new data. New York broke the top ten for both lists, coming in third place for rat sightings and ninth for cockroaches, making it the most vermin-infested city in America. Around 15 per cent of households reported a rodent problem in the Big Apple in 2015 - around 1.1 million homes - while just over that at 16 per cent reported cockroaches. More than forty per cent of households in the Louisiana city reported roaches in 2015, the

Tim Kaine slams White House ´Holocaust
denial´ over statement that didn´t
mention Jews – but Team Trump says
it was being ´inclusive´ of gays,
gypsies, priests and the disabled
Daily Mail [UK], by David Martosko    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/29/2017 4:08:27 PM     Post Reply
Hillary Clinton´s vice presidential running mate said on Sunday that President Donald Trump´s proclamation for Holocaust Remembrance Day – a statement that didn´t mention Jews specifically as victims – is an example of ´Holocaust denial.´ White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Saturday that Trump meant to be ´inclusive´ of other groups that suffered and perished under Adolf Hitler´s regime. About 5 million non-Jews died in the Nazi purges, including 1 million Roma Gypsies, 2 million Polish gentiles, and countless gays, Catholic priests, blacks, communists, Jehovah´s witnesses, trade unionists, and the physically and mentally disabled. But Sen. Tim Kaine, a Virginia Democrat

Trump Puts Bannon on Security Council
Dropping Joint Chiefs
BBC News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: danvillebill- 1/29/2017 3:27:32 PM     Post Reply
President Donald Trump is reshuffling the US National Security Council (NSC), downgrading the military chiefs of staff and giving a regular seat to his chief strategist Steve Bannon. Mr Bannon, formerly the head of the populist right-wing, Breitbart News website, will join high-level discussions about national security. The order was signed on Saturday. The director of national intelligence and the joint chiefs will attend when discussions pertain to their areas.

Don´t call pregnant women
´expectant mothers´ as it might
offend transgender people, BMA says
Telegraph [UK], by Laura Donnelly    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/29/2017 2:06:09 PM     Post Reply
The British Medical Association has said pregnant women should not be called "expectant mothers" as it could offend transgender people. Instead, they should call them "pregnant people" so as not to upset intersex and transgender men, the union has said. The advice comes in an internal document to staff outlining a raft of common phrases that should be avoided for fear of causing offence. (Snip) Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, told The Mail on Sunday: "I think it is sad that society is being pushed in this direction. God has made us man and woman, and mothers relate to their



Barack Obama used his final day in the
White House to help transgender immigrants
Independent [UK], by Shehab Khan    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/29/2017 2:06:00 PM     Post Reply
Barack Obama used his final moments in power to help transgender immigrants. The 44th President issued a memo to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) altering the rules and allowing transgender immigrants to request a change in gender on their official documents. The memo only applies to legal immigrants and foreign doctors will now be able to provide statements of proof for those who wish to make the alteration. (Snip) Mr Obama’s work in his final moments in the Oval office contrast sharply with Donald Trump’s new administration, which has deleted all mention of LGBT rights from the official White House

How to Drive a Liberal Completely Insane
PowerLine, by Steven Hayward    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 1/29/2017 1:49:56 PM     Post Reply
I distinctly recall, during the George W. Bush years, reading and overhearing liberals express a strange new respect for previous Republican presidents like George H.W. Bush and Reagan, who they now said towered head and shoulders above the cretinous, antedulivian, swaggering Texan that the GOP had forced upon the nation. But now that Donald Trump is president, guess what? Yup—strange new respect from liberals for George W. Bush, as reported by Kyle Smith in the New York Post: (Snip) All of this suggests a wonderful way of sending liberals around the bend into total madness. Just sneak up behind them and

‘We need strong borders’ Trump fires back and
says Europe has become a ‘horrible mess´
Daily Express [UK], by Alix Culbertson    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 1:46:49 PM     Post Reply
DONALD Trump has defended his travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries by saying he does not want the US to become like Europe - as his team warned judges cannot stop the order. Mr Trump tweeted after waking up this morning: "Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. "Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world - a horrible mess!" He also ordered persecuted Christians be given priority over Muslims as refugees. Homeland Security then said a temporary stay granted by a federal court will not stop the immigration ban from being put in place.

Team Trump defends ´extreme vetting´ at
airports as Priebus and Spicer say just
0.0033 per cent of international arrivals
were stopped – and Conway reminds*
Daily Mail [UK], by David Martosko    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 1:40:24 PM     Post Reply
The Trump administration put on a full-court press Sunday morning to defend Friday´s executive order that temporarily closed the U.S. borders to people from seven terror-prone countries. White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, press secretary Sean Spicer and chief counselor Kellyanne Conway all emphasized on political talk shows the tiny sliver of arriving passengers who were caught in the administration´s first ´extreme vetting´ dragnet. ´Yesterday, what people need to understand is that 325,000 foreign travelers came into the United States´ on Saturday, Priebus said on the CBS ´Face the Nation´ program. ´Yesterday, what people need to understand is that



Trump’s Exclusion of Aliens from
Specific Countries Is Legal
National Review, by Andrew C. McCarthy    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/29/2017 1:18:57 PM     Post Reply
On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order calling for heightened vetting of certain foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. The order temporarily suspends entry by the nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. It is to last for 90 days, while heightened vetting procedures are developed. The order has predictably prompted intense protest from critics of immigration restrictions (most of whom are also critics of Trump). At the New York Times, the Cato Institute’s David J. Bier

Trump´s immigration crackdown is a clear
message to the Muslim world - get your own
houses in order before you come to ours
Daily Mail [UK], by Katie Hopkins    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 1:18:25 PM     Post Reply
Have you noticed? There has been more outrage from the left over Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, than over terror itself. More gnashing of gums and loud wailing, more placards decrying the plight of a few tourists and travellers, than over the bodies blown apart by Islamic extremists at Brussels airport in March last year. So much collective outrage, in fact, I wonder how on earth a ban imposed by 16 countries on Israeli citizens has remained in place for quite so long with such quiet acceptance. Curious, isn´t it? What liberals will and won´t accept. What is also strange that when I speak

Trump´s executive orders dramatically
expand power of immigration officers
as they will have ´broad latitude´ in
deciding who is detained or deported
Daily Mail [UK], by Regina F. Graham    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/29/2017 1:05:37 PM     Post Reply
President Donald Trump´s most recent executive order on immigration could dramatically expand the power of individual immigration officers as it will likely increase the efforts to deport and detain undocumented immigrants in the United States. Trump´s order details a series of categories of undocumented immigrants that will force immigration law enforcement officials to prioritize on which to remove from the country. Experts say that the descriptions under the executive order include virtually every person who is in the U.S. illegally, allowing ´broad latitude´ to officials to decide who could be detained to be ultimately deported, according to CNN.

Trump wants to enlist local
police in immigration crackdown
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 12:43:00 PM     Post Reply
PHOENIX — To build his highly touted deportation force, President Donald Trump is reviving a program that deputizes local officers to enforce federal immigration law. The program received scant attention as Trump announced on the same day his plans to build a border wall and hire thousands more federal agents as he looks to fulfill promises from his campaign. The program has fallen out of the favor in recent years amid complaints from critics that it promotes racial profiling. More than 60 police and sheriff’s agencies had the special authority in 2009. Since then, the number has been halved and the

Woman who threw girl, 5, on train
tracks ´never hurt anybody,´ mom says
NJ.com, by Greg Adomaitis    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/29/2017 12:41:31 PM     Post Reply
Burlington City — The 19-year-old who allegedly threw a young girl onto train tracks here Friday has a years-long history of mental health issues -- but has "never hurt anybody," her mother says. Autumn Matacchiera, 20, of Hainesport, has been charged with attempted murder following the incident that saw a 5-year-old girl thrown from a light rail platform on West Broad Street as a train approached. (Snip) According to police, a Burlington City officer was stopped by an NJ Transit bus driver who reported Matacchiera apparently acting suspiciously near High and Broad streets. As police responded to the train platform,


Chief of Staff Reince Priebus
suggests Trump could expand
country list under travel ban
Washington Times, by Valerie Richardson    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 1/29/2017 12:39:35 PM     Post Reply
President Trump could issue additional executive orders expanding the list of Muslim-majority countries whose people are banned from emigrating to the United States, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday. Future White House executive orders could include countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt being added to the list of banned countries, Mr. Priebus said during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “Perhaps other countries needed to be added to an executive order going forward,” Mr. Priebus said regarding expansion of Mr. Trump’s immigration action.

´Listen more!´: Kellyanne clobbers media for
the administration´s ´gaping, seeping wounds´
and says TV networks should FIRE pundits
who called the election wrong and donated
to Hillary
Daily Mail (UK), by David Martosko    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/29/2017 12:38:00 PM     Post Reply
Donald Trump´s chief West Wing counselor opened up a new front in the White House´s war on the press, saying Sunday that television networks should be firing analysts and pundits who misunderstood the president´s rise to power and lied about him during the campaign season. ´Who´s cleaning house? Which one is going to be the first network to get rid of these people who said things that just weren´t true?´ Conway said on ´Fox News Sunday.´ ´We deal with them every single day,´ Conway said of what Republicans consistently refer to as a media establishment that is congenitally stacked against

Ex-state worker sent to prison after
stealing $82k in government aid
NJ.com, by Myles Ma    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/29/2017 12:36:40 PM     Post Reply
Trenton — A former state clerk will spend three years in prison for falsifying employment records to collect government assistance meant for poor people. Tonia Ramaza-Williams, 40, collected more than $82,000 in benefits, Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino said in a statement. (Snip) Ramaza-Williams formerly worked as head clerk for the Mercer North Local Office of the state Division of Child Placement and Permanency. She left her job and must pay restitution of $82,769. While she still had her job, Ramaza-Williams submitted false notices and letters purporting to be from her employers in state government to the Mercer County Board of Social Services

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