January 30, 2017

Monday Overnight Open Thread (1/30/17) Lower Your Expectations Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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Are you concerned about your caffeine intake? Take the test. You don't want to end up like these 2 students.


caffiene test.png

Quotes of The Day

Quote I

I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake. -Lewis Black

Quote II

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.-Ronald Reagan

Quote III

We want to do a lot of stuff; we're not in great shape. We didn't get a good night's sleep. We're a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.- Jerry Seinfeld

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:59 PM Comments

Acting AG -- an Obama Holdover -- Orders Her DoJ Not to Put Up a Defense Against Lawsuits Alleging Trump's Travel Ban is Illegal
Update: "You're Fired"


Update: Trump fired the bitch.

Trump's order is plainly legal -- she just doesn't like it, and has arrogated to herself the powers of Commander in Chief.

I guess obstruction is good now, huh?

Sessions will probably be confirmed tomorrow so we can get rid of this Social Justice Tw*t.

Posted by Ace at 08:42 PM Comments

Iran, Get This, Conducts Ballistic Missile Test Despite United Nations' Resolution That Forbids It


Obama's legacy will one day detonate 150 meters over a capital city.

Apparently Obama didn't trouble himself to get ballistic missile tests included in his deal to give Iran $140 billion and nuclear bombs in exchange for nothing at all.

Posted by Ace at 06:54 PM Comments

Chuck "Weepy McGee" Schumer, 2015: We Might Need a "Pause" in Syrian Refugee Admissions


As someone said on Twitter (maybe Sean Davis), the 2015 Chuck Schumer would make the 2017 Chuck Schumer cry.

Now there's a man who doesn't know the forward from reverse on a cheap Ikea drill, am I right or am I right?

Posted by Ace at 06:12 PM Comments

Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Pick -- Whoever It Is


So they're just planning to keep the seat (and any other seat that opens) vacant for at least another four years -- and maybe eight years, if they keep going the way they're going.

Senator Jeff Merkin of Oregon came up with the catchy hashtag meme-- this is a "stolen seat," and therefore, the Democrats will not allow it to be filled until there's a Democrat president.

Orin Hatch is one of the ringleaders of the "conservative" Senators who refuses to use the nuclear option.

1, will he change his mind if the Democrats do filibuster anyone (except a provable liberal)?

I doubt it. Many of these fuckers are a lot more liberal than they pretend in the nine months before an election and rely on Democrats having the power of the filibuster precisely to frustrate their actually-conservative fellow Senate members. That way they can make noise about conservative agenda points, while actually blocking those agenda points. They get the best of both worlds -- they can pretend to be conservatives while acting as the handmaidens of the Progressive Transnational Superstate.

2, when can we primary this old fool, and can we finally stop electing or re-electing soft squishy RINOs (and actual liberals) from red states like Utah and South Carolina?

Posted by Ace at 04:41 PM Comments

Quebec Mosque Shooters Identified; Reporters Stop Speculating About Motive, So You Know What That Means


Murders are only important if they advance preferred media narratives.

Also, open thread on the Sean Spicer press conference. I'm just catching up with it (I had the DVR on delay).

Apologies again. I think this is going to be a half day. Maybe a quarter day.

I'm putting together a (very small) home gym and I had to get rid of bookcases to fit it all in my very small apartment. And then, to store those books, I had to put in a bunch of (high) wall shelves.

I honestly don't know how you people who work manual labor jobs do it. Pretty much every muscle in my body hurts, especially the back from the constant bending over and stooping.

And standing on ladders with my forehead pressed firmly against a shelf to hold it in place while I use my one hand to hold a screw and the other to hold the screwdriver.

By the way, I thought I had a drill that could drill (and drive screws) through studs. I did not. What I had was two pieces of shit which, combined together, made up a collection of shit that took up more space in my tool drawer than a single piece of shit would.

The things could not even push past the first eighth inch of drywall. The easiest part.

It's like, "Hey, thanks Tool. Thanks for getting me past that first easy eighth inch. I'll take it the rest of the way, now that you've gotten me off to such a swell start. You take a well-earned break, and get back to napping in that drawer. I'll power through the rest of this with my forearms and my dinky little ratchet."

I literally was just pushing on the drill to make a small starter hole for the screw, like it was a poorly-balanced nail with a pistol grip.

It's a poor workman who blames his tools, but I think you can all agree I am a poor workman in the first place, and these really are shitty, shitty tools.

I ordered a drill/driver that I hope will be better even though I'm done with the shelves (for now). I just don't ever want to have to touch these two pieces of shit again. I actually want to have a ceremony where I turn their backs on them and then push them past my back in a Walk of Shame, out to the garbage.

I might piss on them too. Really. I might take them into the bathroom, piss on them (into the toilet), wrap them in a garbage bag and just let them smell their failure.

By the way, now that I've put up six shelves, I want to put up shelves everywhere. Everywhere I look I see walls that could be filled with shelves, high as the eye can see.

Anyway, I'm physically and mentally drained. Yes, I'm a pussy. This is not really a question. But being on step-ladders all day and hand-screwing into studs is tough for someone who, as you know, is rapidly approaching 29 years old.

On the plus side, it turned into a genuine workout day.

I'll put up crap here and there and do a GAINZZZ thread. But mostly I'm going to put up headlines, open threads, whining about my shoulders, and bragging about my Put Shelves On Everything design aesthetic.

BTW, if anyone wants to call me Shelvey, I'd like that just fine.

Posted by Ace at 02:54 PM Comments

Trump Begins Cutting Regulations


Regulations costing businesses and citizens $5.7 billion -- rushed into action as Obama was leaving for his post-presidential golf tour -- will be eliminated today.

His order also demanded that for every new regulation put into effect, two regulations would have to be rescinded, and that the net cost of further regulations must be $0.

"The Obama administration was busy during its 'midnight' period for regulation, breaking records for December regulatory output, and publishing $157 billion in regulations," according to a new report from the regulatory watchdog American Action Forum.


"With votes this week in the U.S. House, repeals could save more than $5.7 billion in regulatory costs and 2.6 million paperwork burden hours," added the report provided to Secrets.


And if Trump gets very aggressive, a total of $85 billion in regulations could be repealed this spring.

Posted by Ace at 01:36 PM Comments

Noonish Open Thread


It's taking me a while to get accommodated to this new normal we call "Monday."

Posted by Ace at 12:37 PM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread



Samson And Delilah
Peter Paul Rubens

One of my favorite biblical stories, and one that was told and read many times to the fidgety youngsters in class.

It is an unfortunate byproduct of activist courts, and more (thank you ACLU) -- exaggerated fear of all things religious -- that the Bible is not taught as literature. ignoring the religious still leaves a vast and marvelous story, full of battles and sword play and veiled sex and travels through deserts and....

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 1/30/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning, kids. First off, and still developing, is the mosque shooting up in Quebec City. As of this writing, the names of the captured perps have not been released. So, local crime story and workplace violence memes are no doubt being hashed out by the propagandists right about now. But of course the big story that caps off a big week is the President's temporary ban on immigration from countries awash in terrorism. Besides the shit-storm raised from the usual quarters, GOP-e collaborators are in full attack mode. One of the commenters posted this gem last week and it's up there with Home Sweet Home as sampler-worthy:
Bipartisanship means Dems get to be "partisan" and the GOP gets to be "bi."

So far, Trump has not only not caved but has slashed back. Don't go wobbly, Donald. They are testing you. Have a better one and remain blessed.

UPDATE: Credit to Blaster for that gem.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:40 AM Comments

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (1/29/17) Earlier Than Normal Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

einstein quote.jpg

Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” –- Ronald Reagan

Quote II

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” –-Thomas Jefferson

Quote III

"The message that President Obama delivered in his speech at Notre Dame was: morality is immoral. Pro-life is the extremist position, not a moral position. Yet we should compromise and work to reduce abortions. Where's the compromise between life and death - and why work to reduce the number of them occurring if there's nothing wrong with them? "-Rush Limbaugh

Quote IV

I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man.-Alexander Hamilton.

Maybe the NeverTrump crowd could brush up on some early American history.


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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:38 PM Comments

Food Thread: Lemon Meringue Pie: A Gloppy Mess, Or Something Better?


lemon meringue.jpg

A few weeks ago a carrier pigeon dropped an urgent message on my doorstep. Arlene M, intrepid AoSHQ reader and pie-maker extraordinaire was having a pie crisis. Specifically, her lemon meringue pie filling was insufficiently firm (or totally soupy).

Unfortunately,the recipe she was using is exactly the same one used by both people I asked! So I couldn't swoop in and save the day with a different recipe, although most of them seem to be quite straightforward.

The trick seems to be cooking the sugar, cornstarch and egg at a high enough temperature to allow it to set, obviously without making sweet scrambled eggs. The empiricist in me (or is that just obsessive-compulsive?) would like a specific temperature and length of time to shoot for, but I haven't found one yet. Here's a fun looking one, or maybe it's appealing because it has lots of pictures....

Any suggestions from The Horde?

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Posted by CBD at 04:00 PM Comments

Are Western Pluralistic Societies Incompatible With Islam?


German Muslim students protest Holocaust remembrance, attack Israel

Or maybe we did such a good job de-fanging Germany that they are unwilling to fight for anything, and see all philosophies as superior to their own.

The school director said that it was good there was student opposition to the memorial event because it "is the basis of discussion."

I am curious what discussion was had whose basis is the rejection of Holocaust education, and demonization of Israel...but that's just me.

Posted by CBD at 12:00 PM Comments

Sunday Morning Book Thread 01-29-2017: Crying Wolf


Library of Bob Hostetler.jpg
Library of Moron Author Bob Hostetler
Click For A Better View

(Bob is the author of the devotional book The Bard and the Bible that I mentioned a few weeks ago)

Good morning to all you 'rons, 'ettes, lurkers, and lurkettes. Welcome once again to the stately, prestigious, internationally acclaimed and high-class Sunday Morning Book Thread, where men are men, all the 'ettes are hotties, safe spaces are underneath your house and are used as protection against actual dangers, like natural disasters, Russians hacking, "Mad Dog" Mattis, and special snowflakes do not get respect, but instead, a big load of guffaws. And unlike other AoSHQ comment threads, the Sunday Morning Book Thread is so hoity-toity, pants are required. Even if it's these pants, which are a powerful disincentive to take up the game of golf.

"Beware the man of one book."
--St. Thomas Aquinas

The Outrageous Conservative

I remember back in the old days, public conversations between liberals and conservatives usually went something like this:

1. liberal: says something
2. conservative: responds
3. liberal: you're a racist | sexist | bigot | pejorative du jour
4a. conservative: I am not a racist | sexist | bigot | pejorative du jour
4b. conservative attempts to give evidence for statement 4a.
5. liberal: not good enough
6. Goto step 3

Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male by Doug Giles

This is how he advertises it:

PUSS-I-FI-CA-TION*: The act, or process, of a man being shamed, taught, led, pastored, drugged or otherwise coerced or cajoled into throwing out his brain, handing over his balls and formally abandoning the rarefied air of the testosterone-leader-fog that God and nature hardwired him to dwell in, and instead become a weak, effeminate, mangina-sporting, shriveled up little pussy.

* From The Doug Giles 2016 Dictionary of Grow the Hell Up, You Pussy!

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog, ClashDaily.com, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity.

That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome.

There is a lot of hype here and I don't advise going to Giles' ClashDaily.com site without first strapping on an extra-strength ad blocker. Anyway, he is obviously being deliberately provocative -- he's all but mooning feminists and progressives. This would not be possible 30 years ago. But it's been a long time coming.

Progressives aren't interested in what we have to say, or in having a "reasonable dialog" with us. It's nothing but "shut up or we'll shut you up!". This is what their shouty, dialed-up-to-11 rhetoric is designed to do. And this generally works, or at least, that's how it has worked in the past. But what has happened over time is a process very much like how we produced antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Like a dose of penicillin, the shouty rhetoric takes out "nice" conservatives or conservatives who decide they have better things to do than to get shouted at by shouty progressives. But some conservatives manage to survive, so the dosage is upped: the shouts get even louder and the attacks get more vicious and are extended beyond the political arena into personal lives. This creates a very hostile environment. But even it drives out or silences many conservatives, it also creates a new strain of tough conservatives who don't mind fighting, who like to fight, and can throw 2 punches for every one they take. I'm thinking of Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, and Milo Yiannapoulos. To this we can add the guy who wrote this book, Doug Giles, and Townhall.com columnist Kurt Schlichter. There are probably others I've missed. And of course, what is now the most imperviously resistant conservative ever, Donald Trump, who is so impervious that nobody really knew for sure until a couple of months ago that he even was conservative. Oh sure, there were indications, but there were indications the other way, too, so it was kind of a guessing game as to how he would actually govern until he started naming individuals to fill the various open cabinet positions.

Nothing in the progressives' conservative eradication toolkit has worked against Trump. They keep upping the dosage, the shouting gets more shouty, but it all just bounces right off. They've actually got a new drug they've been trying to use, they've left off calling Trump a "racist" because the word has lost its effectiveness due to overuse, like the little boy who cried 'wolf', after awhile, people stop responding. This new drug they've rolled out is "white supremacist", which I guess is supposed to a more potent version of "racist." They first tried it out on Trump aide Steve Bannon. But even though it didn't work, the specialists haven't figured out that it didn't work, and is not working on Trump, either. Another "next-gen" drug they're using is "literally Hitler." They tell us that Donald Trump is "literally Hitler." Now, at this point, the progressives have pretty much shot their wad. What could possibly be worse than being "literally Hitler"? Literally Hitler's mom? Literally double-secret Hitler?

There have been downstream consequences of the progressive failure. Many conservatives simply don't care anymore. Warden's excellent piece earlier this week makes this clear. The new, Trump-era "honey badger conservative" playbook appears to be this:

1. conservative: says something
2. liberal: you're a racist | sexist | bigot | pejorative du jour
3. conservative: fcuk you.

Somewhere, Andrew Breitbart is smiling.

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Posted by OregonMuse at 09:04 AM Comments

EMT 01/29/17


That rustling sound you hear is me rolling over to get more sleep.

I mean that figuratively. I'm not in bed next to you.

That'd just be weird.

I get my best sleep under your bed.

Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments

Overnight Open Thread (01-28-2017)



31 years ago today, the space shuttle Challenger (OV-099) broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral. All seven crew members were killed.

The engineering and management failures that led to the catastrophe are well known, in part because of the work of The Rogers Commission, which was formed by President Reagan to examine the causes and suggest solutions to the issues that caused the mechanical failure.

One of my heroes was on the commission that examined the accident (incident?). Richard Feynman was quite the physicist, but also quite the rigorous thinker, and he brought that to bear on the commission, to the point that he began to irritate the establishment members.

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Posted by CBD at 10:00 PM Comments

Them Dem Kickers


Mike Hammer came up with this and I added a few touches to it:

Them Dem Kickers

How 'bout Them Dem Kickers,
Ain't they fun?
Kickin' them Dems,
Right in they buns.
Kickin' them snowflakes,
Kickin' them sluts,
Kickin' them feminists,
In they butts
Look at Them Dem Kickers,
Ain't they cute?
Some use a shower-shoe,
Some use a boot.
Kickin' them yuuge
Kickin' them tiny
Kickin' them hipsters
In they hiney
Them dadgum Dem Kickers,
Ain't they a scream?
Runnin' 'round kickin',
Ever Dem what's seen.
How to be a Dem Kicker?
Don't need a ticket.
Find a dirty old hippie,
Haul off and kick it!

(of course, h/t to Mason Williams who has a few more 'Them' poems)

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Posted by OregonMuse at 07:43 PM Comments

Saturday Afternoon Chess/Open Thread 01-28-2017


w1xt - nerd overload.jpg
Warning: Extreme Nerds

(OK now, be honest: how many of you could have been in this photo?)

Good afternoon morons and moronettes, and welcome to the Saturday Afternoon Chess/Open Thread, the only AoSHQ thread with content specifically for all of us chess nerds who pay homage in the temple of Caïssa, goddess of the chessboard. And, for those of you who aren't nerdly enough for chess, you can use this thread to talk about checkers, or other games, or politics, or whatever you wish, only please try to keep it civil. Nobody wants to get into a pie fight on a Saturday afternoon. Unless you've been on a diet.

“The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature and the player on the other side is hidden from us”
--Thomas Huxley

Problem 1 - White To Play (385)

Can White do anything about Black's two connected pawns that are on the verge of queening?

Hint: Limit Black's moves to force a mate in 2

20170128 - Problem 1.jpg
6QK/8/8/8/8/p7/1p6/1k6 w - - 0 1

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Posted by OregonMuse at 05:01 PM Comments

Ace of Spades Pet Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


Hello Morons and pets, curl up on the couch. Grab a beverage and enjoy some animal tidbits and photos of PetMorons.


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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 02:39 PM Comments

Saturday Gardening Thread: Dreamlands [KT]

—Open Blogger


Lemon Dream Peony

Itoh intersectional peonies are a hybrid cross between a bush peony and a tree peony. They are often referred to as Itoh peonies, after the first successful breeder of these magnificent peonies, Mr. Toichi Itoh.

Does that peony make you dream of a Japanese garden? Our hot, dry climate with little winter chill is not particularly well-suited for regular bush peonies. Sunset rates this type for the same climates, including ours, where both types are said to need part shade. I don't know anyone who grows them around here. At least until the price comes down, I'm not gonna try planting them. I'll probably settle for dreaming about seeing them in a Japanese garden. Somewhere. Anybody got suggestions?

Not all dreams are pleasant. And not everyone has the same image of a dream destination. I think the plant below, and its native habitat, might rank as nightmares for some people I know.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 12:22 PM Comments

Thread below the Gardening Thread: Intersectionality [KT]

—Open Blogger

Serving your mid-day open thread needs

I have discovered that I am totally behind the curve when it comes to understanding intersectionality. In 2015, a piece entitled Why Intersectionality Can't Wait ran in WaPo. Just in time for Donald Trump. The piece was written by the "leading scholar of critical race theory" who coined the term in 1989.

Ed Driscoll has linked a piece on how The Democrats Retreat from Reality:

"We did a poor job of communicating intersectionality," one candidate said. "I'm a walking intersectionality," said another. Millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce, families struggle with addiction, crime is rising, and how do the men and women and non-binaries running for DNC chair respond? "Let them eat intersectionality!"

We are all walking intersectionalities now. Right along with Ashley Judd and David Brock. Do you feel better now that they have decided to learn how to talk to you?

Related: Driscoll's post on how Trump turned postmodernism against itself. Interesting reading. Thoughts?

Posted by Open Blogger at 11:28 AM Comments

Saturday Morning Weird News Dump

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

sat weird news.jpg

Good morning Morons.
Saturday already. Where the hell did the week go?

Do you resemble this guy? I think I do, today, anyway.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 07:42 AM Comments

EMT 01/28/17 Catchetism of the Sciencytists edition


Nice to see such boundless faith awakening in the hearts of those who pursue skeptical inquiry.

"There are certain things that we accept as facts with no alternatives."

You know how granola sciencytists such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson like to go on about the multiverse? One of the more fanciful postulations is that in the multiverse, all things are possible, and the laws of physics are infinitely malleable.

To wit: there are universes where pigs fly, where apples levitate, and where Hillary is President.

So, and don't blame me if upon reading this you cease to exist, it stands to reason within this school of thought that there is a universe out there whose laws of physics absolutely prohibits the existence of any other universe.

Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments

ONT #2: There's #FakeNews and #FakeNews


The regularly scheduled ONT is bulging up faster than Megyn Kelly's sense of self-importance, so here is an emergency ONT which I hope will tide us over until morning. Open thread, of course, and I've managed to scare up a wee bit of content.


There's actually two kinds of #FakeNews. The first occurs when CNN reports stuff that isn't true. The second is when CNN doesn't report stuff that should be reported, stuff that really is kind of noteworthy, stuff that they'd report if circumstances were different. Such as this article from Investors Business Daily, Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See:

Gallup report that came out last Friday, which took a final look at the President Obama's popularity over his eight years in office.

That poll found that Obama's overall average approval rating was a dismal 47.9%.

Only three presidents scored worse than Obama since Gallup started doing these surveys in 1945: never-elected Gerald Ford (47.2%), one-termer Jimmy Carter (45.4%), and Harry Truman (45.4%).

But, but... How could this be? Hasn't CNN been continually assailing us with poll numbers for Obama that make him sound like he's right up with Kim Jong Un? Didn't CNN highlight these high numbers for 8 years, just as they highlighted the low numbers for George Bush during the 8 previous 8 years?

Didn't they? I feel so, so... cheated, I guess the word is. It makes we wonder what else is out there waiting to be reported, now that Obama out of the picture and CNN doesn't have to suck up to him anymore.

By the way, how did 'W' do, compared with Obama?

Obama even did worse overall than Richard Nixon, whose average approval was 49%, and was less popular overall than George W. Bush, who got an average 49.4%.

Alrighty then. So basically CNN has been lying to us all this time. Good to know.

Actually, we already did.

Theologians divide sin into two categories, sins of commission, wherein you do wrong things, and sins of omission, wherein you don't do right things. We could name them #FakeNews1 and #FakeNews2, which would give us a little more information about what form CNN's malfeasance is taking.

But kudos to IBD for covering this Gallup report. I'm sure it will be on CNN Real Soon Now.

Posted by OregonMuse at 01:52 AM Comments

ONT - Everything According to Plan edition


Whathisname is indisposed, and the other whatstherenames are drinking. Or sleeping. Or most likely looking at pr0n, like whathisname.

So your extra special Friday ONT is produced by your friendly neigborhood krakatoa, and Hot Pockets the Clown.

Swamp is draining.

Federal Expenditures are dropping, dropping, dropping.

Immigration laws are laws again.

Walls are being erected.

In other news:

To err is human. To errs is the MSM.

Nasty girls, ranked in order from least important and culturally relevant to most:

10: Madonna
9: Ashley "Puffy" Judd
8: Some teenage slam poet from Tennessee
7: Shia LaBeouf

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-Exponential Gap-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Posted by krakatoa at 10:00 PM Comments

Why We March


*Mumble mumble* years ago, a young woman found her life shattered. She had fallen for a man who turned out to be a cad.

He left her alone and pregnant, to return to a wife and kids that she had known nothing about. Scared and humiliated, she traveled to Texas.

There she gave birth to a son. The nurse handed her the baby, and then realized that this was an adoption case and took him away.

Sobbing, she thought “He's going to a better life. He's going to people who will love and care for him, as I can't”

And I did.

But she was wrong. She may not have been able to care for me, but I never for a moment believed that she didn't love me.

35 years later we met again, for the first time, and I told her that. And that's why I have 2 moms.

This is what #MarchForLife means to me.

Posted by WeirdDave at 08:28 PM Comments

Open Thread


I've had a really hard day of not working. I spent so much time not working today, I can't not work any longer.

Now get out there and grab the weekend by the pussy.

I'm allowed to say that now. We're "taking pussy back" or whatever.

Posted by Ace at 07:25 PM Comments

Honored Speaker at Women's March Abducted, Raped (With a Three Foot Pole) and Killed Man; Later Said, "He was a homo anyway"


When you make monsters your heroes, you announce yourself as a monster.

Posted by Ace at 05:40 PM Comments

OMG: Leftist Media Now Proposing Conspiracy Theories That the White House Photoshopped a Picture of Trump to Make His Hands Appear Bigger


Update: Here are the (now deleted) Tweets which proposed this lunatic conspiracy theory.

Here is the debunking.

Philip Bump -- of "What about your gaaaaffes?" infamy -- is actually forced into the position of being the voice of reason and debunking his fellow leftists.

The picture shown on ABC isn't even the picture on the White House wall. Rather than photographing the picture on the wall (taking a picture of the picture), they simply edited in the original photo into the broadcast, to illustrate the photo Trump was talking about.

Here's the video I mean -- the photo of Trump touching Obama on the shoulder was not photographed in the White House at all. It was added into the report from ABCNews' own Getty Images collection.

Thus, the Internet Detectives are actually claiming Trump photoshopped a picture in ABCNews' possession.


Even putting that aside (and that's a lot to put aside), a Rathergate style GIF shows the picture shown on ABCNews is the same photo from the Getty Collection.

The hand size matches, like the Rathergate fonts.

At some point, the alcoholics will have to admit they have a problem with alcohol.

While the National Laughingstock does debunk this, note what they're not doing -- reading the woman who made up this ridiculous conspiracy theory out of polite society, along with the thousands who eagerly retweeted it. (Many of whom were in the media, I'll bet -- but I can't know for sure, as the original tweet is now deleted.)

Posted by Ace at 04:41 PM Comments

So Russia's Got Its Own Avengers Superhero Movie Franchise Now


It's called "Guardians." Well not really. It has a Russian name. It's being called "Guardians" in countries that don't speak Russian.

It's got a guy who looks like a cross between Bane and Whiplash (Mickey Rourke from Iron Man 2) and several other haven't-I-see-this-before? type characters.

But it's got something better than those: A Wearbear.

They didn't even bother dubbing the trailer because they don't need to. Because, Wearbear.

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Posted by Ace at 03:05 PM Comments

Trump's Immigration Orders Represent Sea Change in Policy


The short version: It is now legal to enforce the law in the United States.

Posted by Ace at 01:53 PM Comments

Breathless Media Coverage of the Non-Story of Michael Flynn's Contact With the Russians; Not a Damn Word About Obama's Secret Meetings With Iran's Mullahs to Plot Propaganda Campaign In Favor of Giving Them the Nuke


Great compare-and-contrast by David Steinberg.

And just so you know, as it wasn't much reported on: While the media blazed the story that there was an "investigation" into the phone call Flynn took from the Russians on the 29th of December (after he was already an incoming member of the soon-to-be government of the US), the media didn't seem quite so eager to publicize this NBC report that the investigation had found nothing at all illicit:

The FBI eavesdropped on telephone calls between President Donald Trump's national security adviser and the Russian ambassador but found nothing improper, a U.S. intelligence official said.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, said late Monday that there was never a formal "investigation" of the calls in December between retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn and Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador in Washington.

According to the source, who was confirming a Washington Post report earlier Monday, intelligence officials merely listened in as part of routine eavesdropping on Kislyak.


The former official, who requested anonymity to speak about sensitive information, said it was not uncommon for diplomats or other U.S. officials to garner such attention to if they are recorded talking to foreign counterparts. Rarely anything comes of this, however, because U.S. officials have wide latitude in how they communicate as part of their jobs.

Make sure you read Steinberg's article to get the skinny on Obama huddling with Mullahs on what lies to tell to his Echo Chamber.

Posted by Ace at 01:00 PM Comments

President Trump's Biggest Obstacle: The GOP

—J.J. Sefton


As incredibly impressive and schaden-bonery as President Trump's first week in office has been (and it has), when it gets down to enacting his agenda, he's going to find that being President is not the same as being a CEO with unilateral authority to do whatever you want (the eight years of Obama notwithstanding). As we all know by now, the forces arrayed against him want to preserve, protect and defend their own power, influence and lucre-generating capacity. And the GOP is part and parcel of it.

Along with the big question mark presented by the "replace" component of the Obamacare repeal and replace, I give you an example that should be far less problematic and essentially open and shut. Ajit Pai, who has been a stalwart defender of free speech as a minority member of Obama's FCC has been named to head that body, and he has vowed to get rid of the previous regime's net neutrality. But he can't go it alone.

Rolling back the rules could involve more than just an FCC action, especially since any regulatory moves could be undone by the next administration.

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) — chairmen of the Senate and House Commerce committees, respectively — have both said that they are open to a legislative compromise with Democrats that would preserve the underlying principles of net neutrality while getting rid of the reclassification provisions.

After Pai announced on Monday that he had been tapped by Trump to lead the FCC, Democrats responded with concern, vowing to stand up for net neutrality should he try to undermine it. Pai said in a letter last month that he and Michael O’Rielly, the other Republican on the commission, intended to act on reclassification “as soon as possible.”

Note to the GOP: this election was not only about stopping the insanity of the Left but of stopping those putatively on our side from going along with it. It is a rejection of the notion that our trajectory over the cliff is inevitable, but only the speed at which we travel is up for debate.

Is it too much to ask Messrs. Thune, Walden and the rest of the GOP to be as strident in our position as WINNERS as the Democrats are in their opposition on the losing side? Evidently it is. We did not vote for Trump and by extension you to compromise with the people who have caused the catastrophe. We voted for you to stop and reverse it. You're either with us or against us.

Continue reading

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 10:42 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


Surf Isle of Shoals.jpg

Surf, Isles Of Shoals
Childe Hassam

Never heard of the guy. Which means less than nothing. I have stopped being surprised by new and interesting artists. Of course the investment in learning about a previously unknown painter is trivial in comparison to an unknown writer, so the learning curve is pleasant. if it took three or four hours to slog through one painting like it would a book, you would be fed a steady diet of Caravaggio and Raphael and Rubens and Rockwell.

Posted by CBD at 09:15 AM Comments

Thursday Overnight Open Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


We are finishing up the first week of the Trump Administration. Attempting to find non-political Trump/Pence stuff has been a challenge. So a hodge-podge little potpourri for you Morons tonight.

Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.-Groucho Marx

Quote II

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.-Ogden Nash

Quote III

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. -Maya Angelou

Quote IV

“Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.”-Mary Tyler Moore.

Quote V (From a Moron)

I didn't vote for Trump because I thought he was an avatar of conservative values; I voted for fucking revenge.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 26, 2017 06:26 AM (X6fMO)

Other memorable quotes of Mary Tyler Moore.


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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:57 PM Comments

...You Might Be A Democrat


If you're more offended that Donald Trump once said the word 'pussy' than BIll Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office by a 21-year old intern...

If you can listen to Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga complain about how Trump degrades women and not burst out laughing...

If you think a person's gender is fluid but sexual preference is permanently fixed...

If you're against the death penalty but are OK with abortion...

If you think the NY Times is biased in favor of conservatives...

If you believe Russians hacked the election, but there's no need to investigate the possibility of voter fraud...

If you believe Russians hacked the election, but have no problem with the Clintons making deals to sell American uranium to Russian oligarchs...

If you believe shouting down conservative speakers is 'free speech'...

If you believe throwing rocks at police officers and breaking windows is 'free speech'...

If you believe that the Palestinians are entitled to a homeland, but the Israelis aren't...

If you punch someone in the face while you're wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" T-shirt...

If you want the government out of your bedroom while demanding free birth control...

If you can voice your presidential assassination fantasies in public without fear of consequences...

If you demand to be taken seriously while dressed up in a twat costume...

...you might be a Democrat!

(h/t Jeff Foxworthy)


I'll put some of the good contributions here:

If you think Lena Dunham is attractive but Melania Trump is not...
(h/t SMFH)

if you want to ban tobacco and legalize marijuana
(h/t duncan)

...if you think requiring ID is racist, but thinking blacks are too stupid and incompetent to attain any ID is not.
...if you think dressing up as a ghost and disarming blacks to keep them from voting was done by Republicans
...if you think every man is a rapist, but if he puts on a dress your daughter is perfectly safe with him in a locker room
(h/t Chris Taylor)

If you are 100% comfortable taking away crazy peoples' firearms but not their right to vote.
If you still don't know how you get more Trump.
(h/t Moron Robbie)

If you think free healthcare is free.
(h/t Sebastian Melmoth)

if you believe your right is to have the govt steal from everyone around you to give You neat stuff for free.
(h/t willow)

If you believe Islam is a religion of peace, but Christians are intolerant hatey haters.
(h/t Jane D'oh)

If you think a college graduate with a BA degree and a major in Women's Studies should receive a starting salary of $100,000 a year
(h/t mrp)

If you believe your actual violence is protected free speech but my protected free speech is actual violence.
(h/t Flyboy)

If you think THIS TIME you have Trump.
If you think Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote means something.
If you think Hillary Clinton might someday still be president.
If you think the message of the future is Shut The Fuck Up Whitey.
(h/t JackStraw)

If you believe that cops are mostly corrupt and violent and racist, but you also believe that they're the only people who should be allowed to have guns...
If you love to gloat about how "dumb" Americans are, while insisting that our public school system is perfect and can't be improved (except by throwing more money at it)...
(h/t Prothonotary Warbler)

If you think "piss Christ" is an important artistic achievement, but "piss Mohamed" is a hate crime, you might be a Democrat.
(h/t Dave_in_fla)

If you voted for Ted Kennedy every time he ran, but wouldn't vote for Trump because he said pussy, you might just be a Democrat.
(h/t Tammy al-Thor)

If you think reading the Bible in school violates the First Amendement but not inviting imams to get school kids to recite the shahada.
(h/t Insomniac)

If you think kids can decide what gender they'll be, but won't let them decide what do eat for lunch
(h/t josephistan)

Open Thread ...and add your own!

Posted by OregonMuse at 08:08 PM Comments

Steve Bannon: The Media Is the Actual Opposition Party and It Should Just "Keep Its Mouth Shut" Until It Figures Out Why People Hate Them



Not really a lot to add there.

Except this.

Say what you will, but it's hard to imagine another President doing this to a reporter's face.

Posted by Ace at 06:13 PM Comments

USS Enterprise Opens Hailing Frequencies to Ashley Judd


Thanks to FenelonSpoke. Super-awesome fun.

What is this strange, puffy-faced alien race?

Continue reading

Posted by Ace at 05:37 PM Comments

Glenn Beck Offers to Fund Charity MMA Match Between Deadspin Editor Who Invited all Comers to "UFC Octagon," and Actual MMA Fighter and Vet


Someone's regretting his Early Onset Internet Muscles now.

After Deadspin editor and all-around super tough-guy Tim Womensmarchman invited "cucks" to the "UFC Octagon," several people offered to so meet him.

Among the more dangerous individuals to do so was vet and MMA fighter Tim Kennedy:

Glenn Beck is now offering to fund a charity MMA fight between this man and this... uh, whatever. This person, whatever xe is.

Internet Muscles

Do not be fooled. They are not real muscles. I know it feels like you just pulled eight plates when you dash off a Sick Burn, but here's the reality: You're a pussy and a tremendous disappointment to your father.

Posted by Ace at 04:15 PM Comments

The AoSHQ Amazon Store

Top Headlines
fakenews sign.jpg
Yesterday's examples. Where to start? Here's one, Here's another. Another. Yet another, and another. "Citizens"?, Another? Yes! This is only a portion of it, and Gabe did yeoman's work in batting down the worst of it while educating the rest of us. Big thanks to Gabe.
Headlines: 01/30/2017
W/R/T Merrick Garland, some Dem politicians and news outlets have completely forgotten the Thurmond rule
Democrats are being allowed to pretend that not taking up Garland is an unprecedented outrage--without being challenged by interviewers about the Thurmond Rule. [rdbrewer]
Dubai's security chief: "We completely support President Trump's Muslim ban." Chuck Schemer is now really crying. [J.J. Sefton]
MineWolf, a mine eating machine
I posted it 4-5 years ago. Interesting. Heroic work. Tough machine. [rdbrewer]

Video: It's a surprise--for those who crave annoyance
Headlines: 1/27/17
A GOP Regulatory Game Changer. A law passed by Congress back in 1996 gives it the power to reject regulations and guidances issued by the Executive Branch. There is a built in time limit to do so, but that doesn't start until a report on the regulation is sent to Congress. It appears many of the regulations issued by the Obama Administration were never formally reported to Congress. This means that -- assuming the GOP has the cojones, a bit of a dubious proposition -- there are regulations dating all the way back to 2009 that Congress could overturn. [Fritzwoeth]
“We’re all just passing time, and occupy our chair very briefly.” RIP, John Hurt.
Hey GOP, do what is right. Don't worry about your reelection and your cocktail parties. Behind closed doors the GOP are worried about repeal of Obamacare. [Mis. Hum.]
Hey Look!!! Squirrel. Squirrel meets blow torch. Blow torch wins. Squirrel and apartment complex lose. The shocking thing about this Genius Award winner is that there was renter's insurance. [Mis. Hum.]
Q4 results in. Obama's economy roared with the vigor reflective of the man's raw athletecism. [krak/t]
I applaud the thought, but I'd really like to see some of these worms brought up on charges instead of allowed to slink off into some dark corner: Congress to urge President Trump to immediately terminate IRS chief John Koskinen.[krak/t]
Contrary to the Left's drumbeat, there have always been viable alternative plans to healthcare reform. They just didn't include making citizens wards of the state. Rand's Plan looks pretty good. Paging Mr.'s McConnell and Ryan. [krak/t]
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