• Picture it in Migration

    Picture it in Migration

    Those who are forced to leave their country experience a difficult journey full of challenges. These challenges are compounded by an inability to communicate with locals. With Femke Hofstee-van der Meulen, we developed a picture dictionary for foreign nationals to overcome the language obstacle.

    23 Dec 2016
  •  Summit for Refugees and Migrants

    Summit for Refugees and Migrants

    On September 19 and 20, 2016, the UN General Assembly hosted a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.

    05 Oct 2016
  • Support Eaten Fish

    Support Eaten Fish

    Eaten Fish is the pen name of a 24-year old Iranian cartoonist currently interned in the notorious Manus Island immigration detention camp in Papua New Guinea. The camp is funded and overseen by the government of Australia. He is the recipient of this year’s Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award.

    30 Sep 2016
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    On 6 September 2016, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Netherlands. For The Rights Forum, a Dutch NGO striving for a rights-based policy of the Netherlands and the European Union with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we created a series of caricatures of Netanyahu.

    14 Sep 2016
  • Building Peace in the 21st Century

    Building Peace in the 21st Century

    Between 2014 and 2016, the Peace and Justice Project (a joint effort of Cartoon Movement and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands) reached out to over 4,000 students in more than 40 countries, from Afghanistan to Rwanda, and from Russia to New Zealand, with one question: How do we build peace in the 21st century?

    31 Aug 2016
  • Refugee Buddy App

    Refugee Buddy App

    Cartoon Movement has contributed to an app for refugees, developed by the Red Cross. The app provides up to date and relevant information to refugees and asylum seekers in The Netherlands and Canada.

    02 Jun 2016
  • Drawing for Freedom

    Drawing for Freedom

    Editorial cartoons cannot exist without freedom. Cartoonists use freedom to mock those in power and to address the wrongs in society. Here at Cartoon Movement, we also believe that freedom cannot exist without cartoons. Or at least, that cartoons contribute to freedom. In April 2016, we partnered with Dutch NGO Switch in organizing a cartoon competition for students from 12 to 21 years old. The competition challenged the students to make a cartoon about one the four freedoms of President Roosevelt.

    31 May 2016
  • South Sudan Comics

    South Sudan Comics

    Together with the Justice and Security Research Programme at the London School of Economics and the World Peace Foundation (part of Tufts University) we have produced a series of comics that explain the situation in South Sudan.

    20 Apr 2016
  • International Data Responsibility

    International Data Responsibility

    We produced a series of cartoons in support of the International Data Responsibility Conference. The conference brought together experts and practitioners who work with data for crisis-affected communities and the most at-risk populations worldwide and focused on questions of digital literacy, privacy and the way data can help solve global problems.

    10 Mar 2016
  • Taboos Worldwide

    Taboos Worldwide

    In December 2015, Index on Censorship magazine published a special on taboos in different parts of the world. Our cartoonists contributed their perspectives in cartoons.

    15 Dec 2015
  • Grrrowd - Crowdfunding Justice

    Grrrowd - Crowdfunding Justice

    Grrrowd is the global fundraising platform for the defense of fundamental social, environmental and economic rights in precedent-setting cases. Cartoon Movement and Grrowd have partnered to produce cartoons that support several of the campaigns running on Grrrowd.

    25 Nov 2015
  • Picture it in Prison

    Picture it in Prison

    ’It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside the jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.’ - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom. For Prison Watch, we illustrated a picture dictionary for foreign national prisoners. Picture it in Prison is developed to help foreign national prisoners in their communication with other prisoners and prison staff.

    06 Nov 2015
  • The Paradox of Identity

    The Paradox of Identity

    Does your passport define your identity, or is it a means by which the state you live in has defined your identity before you were even born? No other concept has so many facets as identity: the way you define yourself can empower you, but the way you are defined by others can limit or even oppress you. In October 2015, we organized a 24-hour cartoon challenge for the Veerstichting, an annual two-day symposium in Leiden, The Netherlands.

    30 Oct 2015
  • Wildlife Justice Commission

    Wildlife Justice Commission

    The Wildlife Justice Commission gathers evidence against key perpetrators of transnational, organised wildlife crimes and sheds light on the corrupt systems that facilitate them. For the reveal of their new logo, we created a series of cartoons about wildlife crimes.

    06 Oct 2015
  • Elections in Burma

    Elections in Burma

    Burma (also called Myanmar) will vote on 8 November in its first open general election in 25 years. The vote is seen as a crucial test for the transition towards a full democracy; free and fair elections would indicate the reform process is genuine. A staggering 93 parties are taking part. The independent broadcaster ‘Democratic Voice of Burma’ (DVB) airs a weekly DVB Debate with four speakers, a critical audience and a cartoonist. in the run-up to these historical elections, Cartoon Movement will publish a weekly original work by DVB Debate's cartoonists, coordinated by lead cartoonist Soe Thaw Dar.

    25 Sep 2015
