'On demand' Cartoons

The Cartoon Movement network consists 400+ professional cartoonists in over 80 countries, including many award-winning artists.

Delivery time for our 'on demand' political cartoons can be as fast as 24 hours. As with all of our commercial relationships, we're always happy to negotiate exclusive/non exclusive terms for cross media publishing or single use depending on your own specific editorial needs.

Alternatively, we allow our clients to relay a brief to all the cartoonists in the network. The cartoonists will submit sketches on your topic, and you can commission the one(s) you like the most.

All our cartoons are completely compatible with either digital or print media.

Content Licensing

Without wanting to lay down the marketing spiel too heavily, we think it's fair to say that our extensive online catalogue of high resolution political cartoons is completely unique in terms of both style, quality, and international scope.

All the cartoons in our online collection are available for exclusive or non exclusive publishing across multiple media types or for single use. Years of working with different editors at disparate outlets around the world have taught us to structure our commercial agreements around the needs of our clients. To this end, we welcome content enquires, and are proud to offer flexible licensing solutions.

Non-profit Initiatives

In addition to the commercial side of things, we also support various non-profit initiatives. One of these - the free press collection - is currently exhibiting in Russia.

For all business and licensing related enquiries please contact us at cartoons@cartoonmovement.com