Posts Tagged ‘Riot’

Report: Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Before the demonstration the media and lots of politicians were nervous and expected a violent event on top of almost three weeks of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94. For that they ordered 1800 cops from different parts of Germany.

The demonstration started almost on time at 21:15 at Wismarplatz in Friedrichshain with about 6000 people, after a manifestation of 45 minutes took place, where the speaker read some writings about the situation in the neighborhood these days. The first two lines were built by civil cops in yellow vests and after some cop cars before the real demonstration was visible. In the front they were holding lot’s of banners and signs. In the end it looked still organized and seemed to be a big beautiful black block.

When the demonstration reached Frankfurter Allee, the first big street, two cop cars were attacked with stones. People were showing their solidarity with fireworks and banner from the rooftop. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Domokos: Disturbance in the Type C prison – Solidarity to those who fight (Greece)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

A small riot happened in E1 wing of Type C prison Domokos where Nikos Maziotis, Giannis Naxakis and Christos Rodopoulos are, it occurred Wednesday morning after the suicide of a Pakistani prisoner. According to reports, detainees destroyed CCTV cameras and caused extensive damage to the wing.

The 42 year-old Pakistani detainee from E2 wing of Domokos was found hanging in his cell, -according to others, the garrison headquarters-, by prison officers at 20:20 on Tuesday night. Reportedly, the 42 year-old committed suicide by making a loop with a sheet.

+ Also: Letter from Nikos Maziotis: To the Assembly for solidarity to the hunger strikers, Athens – Greece

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Posted in Prison Struggle

New Zine: 'August 2011 Revolt: Anarchy in the UK' (Dark Matter Publ.)

Monday, May 7th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

‘August 2011 Revolt: Anarchy in the UK’ contains a rough chronology of events during the rebellion, and action communiques during the period from anarchist groups aiming to deepen and extend the conflict, as well as a couple of essays written after the main events analysing the nature of the revolt and prospects for the future.


No Future, Just Vengeance…………………………..1
An Incomplete Chronology of Events……………..14
Report of Demo at Brixton Prison, 21 August……41
Letter from fugitive anarchist Badger……………..45
The Struggle Against the Existent Continues…….49
DON’T PANIC::DON’T TALK anarchist poster……..62

PDF download (in Black & White)

Thousands have been locked up since the insurrection, police chase many others, and the state seemingly have social consensus from the mass of citizens for a more fascist Britain, but the fresh blast of freedom has filled our lungs and state terror won’t stop us.


– Dark Matter Publications

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Posted in Library

Uncontrollable young comrades of Stokes Croft, Bristol, imprisoned (UK)

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Two brave and uncontrollable brothers (David ‘Paddy’ Foster & Joe ‘Little Joe’ Foster) who were arrested at the squat Telepathic Heights after the disturbances in Stokes Croft, Bristol, have been in prison since the riots with two other young comrades (Ben, and another unknown one who was disappeared into the jail without so far any chance of finding them.). (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Bristol – Stokes Croft erupts into rioting again + Telepathic Heights evicted (UK)

Friday, April 29th, 2011

28 April 2011


Rioting erupts again late at night after a demo/party against the recent police brutality – The fighting breaks out of the activist ghetto and every underdog can become an instigator, mainly due to the police causing chaos through horse charges and riot unit surges – The tension grows deeper.

One week after the Telepathic Heights raid, people gathered to fight and protest police occupation, against the wishes of the hated ‘community leaders/spokespeople’, ‘business representatives’ and other pathetic individuals pleading ‘peace’ with the class enemies.

Running battles with police riot units all the way up Cheltenham road, burning barricades in St.Pauls, trouble in Cotham, widespread disorder and violent resistance against the cops in the affected areas. 15 people are reported by mainstream media as being arrested in the disturbance.

Reports circulating that Horfield prison has also erupted in a prison riot, news of which is being suppressed. Also, a few days earlier police had suppressed a film night about the riots held in a residential area with a massive police presence, leading the film to be shown in a residents back garden.

Let’s make fighting the police a hot and fun summer delight and spread the rage into other cities – Let’s see Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, London burning with an anti-police – anti-system fire! Ambush!

‘let’s show these bastards what a real crisis looks like.’

Telepathic Heights evicted

29 April 2011

Telepathic Heights is stormed by over 100 police, riot units, helicopters, district shut down again. 4 squatters have barricaded themselves onto the roof and as of writing are refusing to come down. A crowd is gathering. Police climbing team in attendance. Police snatch squads active on the ground snatching folks they don’t like the look of, under the premise that they believe them to have been involved in violent disorder. Prisoners being taken to Southmead pig sty because Trinity police station is full of last nights lot.

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Posted in Direct Action

Stokes Croft Riot after massive police raid against Telepathic Heights squat in Bristol (UK)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011

Update 30.4.11: 1 comrade remains inside the cells in Bristol from Telepathic Heights, accused of manufacture + possession of molotovs + making threats with the items. Others arrested that night have received charges or are on bail, whilst a few have already been before the judge receiving low penalties.

April 21, 2011. 10pm. A riot starts after a 160 strong multi-regional police force coordinated assault shuts down a district and breaks down the door of a squat named ‘Telepathic Heights’ in Bristol.

The cops then violently harass local people and get attacked in return. Telepathic Heights is in the busy cultural area of Stokes Croft, Bristol, where there are many bars, cafes, squats, community projects, etc. 300 people fight the police for hours and hours in response to the police occupation of the neighbourhood. A corporate supermarket is looted and destroyed, whilst none of the other (independently-owned) shops on the streets are touched in the disturbance.

Everyone is in the streets. Barricades are lit, the cops face an anger that has not been seen for a long time. It seems like it is just beginning. Bristol has been burning now for some time… it will be a hot year of discontent.

9 people are arrested: 5 from the street, and 4 from Telepathic Heights accused of possession and manufacture of molotovs.

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Posted in Social Control

International Call to Action for Solidarity Demonstrations at German Embassies (Global)

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

Liebig 14 is one of Berlin longest running autonomous housing projects, serving as a space for collective living as well as community and political organising for over 20 years. After a 4 year legal process the owners of the building have finally been given legal permission to evict the house on the 2nd of February 2011. Squatted shortly after the fall of the wall in what was a derelict area of east Berlin, Liebig 14’s attempted eviction is just one symptom of a rampaging processes of gentrification which is rapidly forcing poorer residents out of the city centre and tearing apart the city’s radical infrastructure. Liebig 14 is proud to be a part of a long history of autonomous spaces in Berlin and around the world. In working against capitalism, social hierarchy and discrimination, autonomous spaces take small but concrete steps towards wider political emancipation and self-determined living. The eviction of Liebig 14 will be a loss not only to Berlin’s alternative project infrastructure but also a wider attack on projects everywhere attempting to build alternative, more socially just, and more sustainable modes of social organization. Solidarity with free spaces under threat in Berlin, Amsterdam, London and worldwide is key if we are to sustain these vital resources.

Stop gentrification from tearing apart our cities!

Support autonomous spaces!

Save Liebig 14!


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Posted in Autonomy, Social Control