Posts Tagged ‘Berlin’

Berlin, Deutschland: Soli-Demo – “Schulter an Schulter in Solidarität mit den politischen Gefangenen”

Friday, March 13th, 2020

PDF: Flyer – Berlin

Kundgebung am Sonntag, den 22. März 2020
um 15 Uhr auf dem Hermannplatz

Anlässlich des 18.März als „Tag der Pariser Commune“ und „Tag der politischen Gefangenen“ rufen wir zu Solidarität mit den politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen weltweit auf.

Viele von ihnen sind seit Jahrzehnten in Haft. Sie befinden sich in Knästen, weil sie gegen Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Besatzung und imperialistische Kriege einen organisierten Kampf führen. Aktivist*innen sind politischen Verfahren ausgesetzt und werden teilweise zu langjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt, ins Exil oder zur Flucht getrieben, wo sie wiederum verfolgt, angeklagt und eingesperrt werden. Menschen, die in Europa und der BRD ankommen, werden mittels Anti-Terror-Gesetzen, in Deutschland beispielsweise nach §129b StGB, jahrelang eingesperrt. So befinden sich in der BRD dutzende Revolutionär*innen aus der Türkei und Kurdistan in Haft.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Patrol car attacked in Kreuzberg (Germany)

Sunday, February 9th, 2020

In the night from Saturday to Sunday (01.-02.02) we threw stones at a patrol car on the Bethaniendamm. Because the driver braked out of initial overconfidence, we were able to destroy the front and side windows.

This is to be understood as the direct answer to the attacks on our demos this weekend. Whether provocative and beating at the unlock demo on Friday or the Sponti in Kreuzberg on Saturday.

Even if you are caught up in common police state fantasies at your congress, you can be sure of one thing; that we always create moments where the balance of power is in our favour and know how to use it.

You can kill us but the idea of freedom will never die.



Translator’s note:

According to media reports, the patrol car was badly damaged and had to be taken to a garage, the two cops also resigned from duty and one was taken to hospital. The night before, riot police got into clashes with stone throwers in Rigaer Street, damaging several of their vehicles and injuring an officer. More about the murder of Maria.

Foto: Pigs collecting stones in Rigaer Street, during riot on 31/01/2020

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin, Germany: About the Police Murder of Maria P.

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

On Friday 24.01 around 4.00 a.m, the cops of the police station 51 (Wedekindwache), raided the flat of Maria P. on Grünberger Straße 46, after her flatmate’s phone call, and shot her dead. Police reports and its careful reproduction through mass media profile Maria as a mentally ill person attacking the cops with a knife. At the same time the state, police and the mass media are targeting persons with mental health issues, suggesting that this ‘diagnosis’ is enough for their potential execution.

The day after the murder, people gathered in solidarity and started a spontaneous demo in Maria’s neighbourhood. This demo was attacked by the cops, completing in this way the image of zero tolerance while actively defending the provocative statements of the police union (GdP) and the public prosecutor’s office which said that they are currently assuming that their colleagues have behaved correctly.

Berlin is a city based on the alternative tourism industry and a facade of diversity tolerance, promoting a progressive city image, which offers as products, ideas such as antiracism, antisexism and veganism/vegetarianism without hesitating to rely on the ‘friendly’ police forces (da für dich) to ensure citizen’s peace and security when needed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

PDF: «Un mar de posibilidades en el desierto de hormigón. Territorio, ciudad e insurrección»

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Recibido por correo electrónico. Para descargar el PDF aquí.


Esta publicación es una recopilación de textos que surge de los debates y el trabajo que comenzamos a raíz de las jornadas «Un mar de posibilidades en el desierto de hormigón, Territorio, ciudad e insurrección» que sucedieron en Madrid durante junio de 2019 en La Emboscada y en Local Anarquista Motín. Es el fruto de un trabajo conjunto de algunas compañeras de Berlín y Madrid, que no termina con la publicación de estas páginas y que pretende extender el debate que hemos compartido. ¿Qué significa tomar territorio frente al Estado y el Capitalismo? ¿Cómo podemos tomarlo a través de nuestras luchas? ¿Cómo funciona la dominación en los territorios que habitamos? ¿Supone nuestra manera de habitar el territorio un conflicto con el sistema?

Diciembre 2019,

Madrid y Berlín


-Territorio, ciudad e insurrección. Proyectualidad y propuestas de lucha.

-Conclusiones de las jornadas (Madrid)

-Conclusiones de las jornadas (Rigaer 94)

-Lo llaman “Zona de peligro” (Rigaer 94)

-La lucha por el territorio en Exarchia

-Rompiendo la espada del capital que amenaza Exarchia

-La ciudad como instrumente de dominación

-La única administración posible. Sobre la cuestión de las ciudades

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Posted in Library

(A-Radio) B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 30

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Episode number 30 (01/2020) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:10 h

You’ll find the audio here:

In this episode you will hear contributions from:
1) A-Radio Berlin: Meuterei goes in the air – a steampunk report
2) Frequenz A: A summary and a short interview about the case against the Park Bench 3 in Hamburg
3) 1431AM (Thessaloniki): Struggles in Petrou Ralli Immigrantion Office and Detention Center / 23day-strike in OTE (Organisaton of Telecommunications in Greece)
4) R.O.S.E. (Athens): Eviction of the Utopia squat / Process around the murder of P. Fyssas
5) Radio Fragmata: Updates on political prisoners and persecuted antifascists in Greece
6) Dissident Island (London): News of an oil rig occupation in Scotland, industrial action by precarious workers in London and reports from various hunt saboteur outings around the country
7) The Final Straw: conversation with a translator for the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran
8) The Final Straw: conversation with an anarchafeminist about the new, rightwing neoliberal regime of Nayib Bukele and the GANA party in El Salvador
9) A-Radio Berlin: Call for an International Week of Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of the revolt in Chile (13.-19.1.2020)

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here:

Or visit the anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero Network:


A-Radio Berlin

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin, Germany: Solidarity Means Attack – Action for Squats in Greece

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

On the 6th of January, we chose to open a banner amidst the crossroad of Liebig and Rigaer Strasse and attack a police car in order to show our solidarity with the threatened house projects in Berlin and the evicted squats in Athens.

The banner says: “Solidarity with Squats in Greece – Revenge 4 Koukaki Eviction”.

When it was installed across the street, a patrol car arrived and was attacked with stones by the backup team and forced to flee.

There are some similar conditions for the anarchist movement in Berlin and Athens, for example the aim of the government to eliminate us and take our neighborhoods and occupied spaces. Despite the differences between the movement in Germany and Greece, the enemy is the same. The smell of garbage in uniforms is the same, the barriers of the prison is the same. Ultimately, the goal of these two states are the same, to eliminate the resistance of the fighting anarchist movements.

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin, Germany: Attack Against Deutsche Telekom & Nissan – From Berlin to Greece & Worldwide…

Sunday, December 15th, 2019

In the morning hours of 13th of December we set fire to five company cars and one radio antenna on the Deutsche Telekom premises at Hannemannstraße in Berlin-Britz as well as to two cars in front of the Nissan car dealership at Gärtnerstraße in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen.

Our attacks are aimed at two companies that are globally involved in securing the rule of power and enriching themselves by it, including in Greece, where the current government is threatening to evict all occupied houses and social centers and where those who do not allow themselves to be pushed into the neoliberal norm are subject to massive attacks by the state:

Deutsche Telekom, as the biggest European company for Telecommunications, which, profiting from the crisis, bought parts of the former state company Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (Greek: OTE A.E.) and is now a 45% shareholder. With its subsidiary T-Systems, the Deutsche Telekom is worldwide leading in service for security authorities, industry and the energy sector.

Nissan, as a company, which supplies the Greek repression authorities. In June 2019 four Nissan Qashqai Diesel 4×4 and two Nissan Navara for the Criminal Investigation Unit (Δ.Ε.Ε. Διεύθυνση Εγκληματολογικών Ερευνών – forensic division) as well as one Nissan NV400 for the anti-riotcops (M.A.T. – Μονάδες Αποκατάστασης Τάξης – Monades Apokatastasis Taxis) were ceremonially granted to the cops in front of their academy in Amygdaleza, in the north of Athens.

We chose this moment because it was in December 2008, when the assassination of Alexis by the cop Korkoneas in Exarchia, Athens, triggered a social revolt that was accompanied by a multitude of international attacks on the symbols of state and capital and their murderous functionaries.

11 years later, living conditions have not improved either here or there. Rather, the social war is intensifying worldwide. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen. The triumphant march of neoliberalism produces a mass of excluded people who are denied the possibility of social participation. Expelled and parked on the margins of the metropolis or in slums, they are declared enemies, who should be monitored and oppressed. Walls and fences, private security services, intelligent cameras and highly equipped police units are the clearest expression of an increasingly militarized territory in which, under the disguise of security, war is being waged against the poor.

New technologies and the associated digital access to our lives enable new and more subtle techniques of governance. The thousands and thousands of data that are produced every day are intended to make any action calculable and controllable. With Predictive Policing, the foresighted cop, a tool was created that sorts people according to stereotypes and thus creates the criminals of the future. Such technologies are embedded in the restructuring of cities into Smart Cities, the implementation of which companies such as Deutsche Telekom are constantly working on with 5G infrastructure projects or smart traffic systems, lanterns, waste management and much more. However, this is by no means to enable a better life for all, but to enable the totalitarian idea of comprehensive control of the city and its population through practical solutions.

The technological attack is so successful because humans are actually collective beings. Part of the neo-liberal agenda was and is the destruction of this very collectivity in order to reassemble it in line with the market through digital domination. Driven by the fear of being excluded, even outlawed, and by the supposed joys that Virtual Reality has to offer us, we ourselves weave on the net that encloses us. The state of isolation in the cities or the disregard of rural communities leads many into the arms of the constructed national community and therefore parties like the AfD get a influx of followers. Fighting the rise of fascism by integrating ideas of solidarity and collectivity into social struggles, is therefore certainly a task for the coming time.

As it is happening in other countries at the moment, the abolished leftist government in Greece has prepared the ground for the new rise of a right-wing conservative regime. The past phase of Syriza’s government should have clearly demonstrated to those in doubt that participation in power must fulfill the conditions of capitalist constraints and that no emancipatory project can stand on democratic parliamentary feet. To name these contradictions, to reject any domination by others, not to compromise and not to recognize the authority of a hostile system are part of the anarchist idea.

We feel connected with the rebels worldwide, who are currently in many different places in the world, especially where the state-social partnership is not developed to the smallest detail, those who let the sparks of resistance grow into a widespread fire of social uprising. While in Athens self-organized and revolutionary structures are being defended and state and capital being attacked, we are fighting the same struggle here, in which we aim at the profiteers of capitalist domination. We do this with the consciousness that the infrastructure and the flow of goods are elementary components of it. We send our flaming greetings especially to those who fight against the regime of Nea Demokratia in Greece as well as worldwide to all those people who revolt against authority, are in prison for it or who have to flee.


via Deutschland Indymedia, Anarchists Worldwide.

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarität mit Grup Yorum – Veranstaltung am Freitag in Berlin (Germany)

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Solidarität mit Grup Yorum

Eine Infoveranstaltung mit Solikonzert
Freitag, 22. November 2019, ab 19 Uhr
Jockel, Ratiborstr. 14C, 10999 Berlin

The band Grup Yorum is facing massive repression in Turkey. Their cultural association Idil has been the target of state attacks multiple times in the last few years and several of their members have been placed on so-called terror lists, imprisoned, or are living in exile. In protest of these measures, members of the band have been on hunger strike for over 150 days.

This event will provide current information on the band’s situation, followed by a soli concert with bands, choirs and surprise guests.

Die Band Grup Yorum ist in der Türkei massivster Repression ausgesetzt. Ihr Kulturverein Idil ist in den vergangenen Jahren etliche Male zur Zielscheibe staatlicher Angriffe ausgesetzt gewesen und mehrere ihrer Mitglieder wurden auf sogenannte Terrorlisten gesetzt, befinden sich im Gefängnis und im Exil. Um sich gegen diese Maßnahmen zur Wehr zu setzen, haben sich Mitglieder der Band vor rund 150 Tagen in einen Hungerstreik begeben.

Auf unserer Veranstaltung möchten wir aktuelle Infos zur Situation der Band geben und anschließend ein Solikonzert machen, wo Bands, Chöre und Überraschungsgäste auftreten werden.

Grup Yorum, Türkiye’de yoğun baskılara maruz kalmaktadır. Grubun da içinde bulunduğu İdil Kültür Merkezi son yıllarda defalarca kez devlet saldırılarının hedefinde oldu ve grubun birçok üyesi sözde terör listelerine konuldu. Grubun bir kısmı hapiste ve bir kısmı sürgünde. Bu uygulamalara karşı direnerek Grup Yorum üyeleri yaklaşık 150 gün önce açlık grevine başladı.

Etkinliğimizde Grup Yorum’la ilgili güncel gelişmeleri aktarıp ardından da değişik müzik gruplarının, koroların ve sürpriz misafirlerin yer alacağı bir dayanışma konseri düzenleyeceğiz.

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Posted in Social Control

Germany: Infoevent in Berlin about prisoner foundation Tameio

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

We talk about the “political climate related to political prisoners in Greek prisons, the historical time-line of the solidarity fund, what we have done, what we are currently busy with and what our future steps will be”

Any income from the event will be given to the solidarity fund for the material support of prisoners and persecuted militants.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

European-wide bomb threats against Turkish Bank (Işbank)

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Branches of Turkish banks was attacked

Berlin, London, Sofia, Amsterdam, Paris. In these cities was attacked branches of Turkish bank (Işbank). For actions we used manual from the Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB): “How to start evacuation”

Money from Turkish bank support terrorism of Turkish state. Turkish army killing civil people. For example, they killing a child named Sara Yusuf Hüseyin. Turkish army also killing revolutionary fighters in Rojava. We have to stop it!

Fight against Turkish bank is fight against terrorism!

Commando Sara Yusuf Hüseyin

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Posted in Direct Action

Samstag 15 Uhr Hermannplatz – ANTICOLONIAL MARCH 2019 (Berlin, Germany)

Friday, October 11th, 2019


Colonialism has never ended. The neocolonial-capitalist system still wants to silence and to marginalize us. With fascism rising everywhere, time has come to unite and stand together!

The 12th of October marks the „discovery“ of America by the Europeans in 1492. It’s the founding stone of a big lie that lives on until today in forms of white supremacy, eurocentrism and ignorance. October 12th marks the beginning of the colonial genocides, of the destruction and robbery of precolonial societies, culture and knowledge, of forced christianization, the exploitation of the indigenous peoples, their land and resources, the transatlantic slave trade and the globalization of the a system that is wrecking life on our planet.

Until today October 12th is celebrated as „Columbus Day“ and „dia de la raza“ (Spanish: „race day“) by colonial states. The „heroic achievements“ of Columbus are still taught in German schools, while our forests are burning for the profit of multinational corporations and neocolonial regimes. German weapons are exported to war zones to kill people, while people fleeing these wars are left to drown to not enter Europe. This hypocrisy can no longer be tolerated. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Deutschland, Berlin: Kundgebung 23.4. 18 Uhr – Solidarität mit Grup Yorum!

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

Kundgebung in Solidarität mit Grup Yorum!

Freitag, 23. August 2019, 18 Uhr
Kottbusser Tor – Kreuzberg

Grup Yorum im Hungerstreik. Am 25. August 2019 werden es 100 Tage sein.

Mitglieder der Musikband Grup Yorum begaben sich am 17. Mai 2019 in einen Hungerstreik. Ihre Hungerstreik-Erklärung enthielt diverse Forderungen, darunter die Freilassung der gefangenen Bandmitglieder und die Einstellung der Verfahren, die Beendigung der Polizeirepression gegen den Istanbuler Kulturverein İdil, die Streichung der Namen der Bandmitglieder von den “Terrorlisten” und die Aufhebung der Konzertverbote. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Raided. Radical. Motivated.” : Liebig 34 – Berlin (Germany)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

This morning [20/7], the cops of the LKA 5.21 unit under the command of Kranich raided Liebig34. Unusual was the saturday, unusual the mix of units from different departments. New were a few civil cop faces, not new: the repression.

The reason for this raid was probably stones thrown from the house during the last few weeks. After the cops collected stones from the Dorfplatz around 2:30 this morning, they obtained a court order and search warrant to search part of our house and returned around 6:30 a.m.. They came through the backyard and the front door, sawed the doors and barris, picked them up and thus forcibly gained access to our project. A lawyer was quickly on the scene and was able to observe and testify. Altogether the cops were about three hours in the house, having searched officially and intensively three connected rooms and the attic. They also snooped around in unlocked private rooms, tore posters from the walls, knocked over furniture, cut internet cables and destroyed windows. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Berlin: Police raid anarcha-queer-feminist squat Liebig34 (Germany)

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Received Saturday 20 July

This morning 6:30, the police broke into Liebig34 to search evidence and DNA in one room. The reason is an attack with stones against repression forces on Friday night. Soon after many riot police vans and a helicopter arrived, a barricade was burning in Rigaer Street. After some hours police left, no one was arrested. There is a call for resistance tonight and solidarity actions. More info as it comes.


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Posted in Social Control

Berlin: The Fight for Liebig34 goes further (Germany)

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

The Fight for Liebig34 goes further.

The Court hearing for the eviction of our anarcha-queer-feminist housing project will take place on the 20th of September 2019. Padovicz wants to snitch away the house, while the politicians are trying to keep our mouths shut. Both parties are awaiting a final court decision. We do not let any cis-men decide about the future of our anarcha-queer-feminist project, cause simply no one should decide about us, but ourselves.

The last weeks in Nordkiez

Lateley, the presence of cops in our neighbourhood increased massively. Helicopters are flying daily and nightly over our roofs. Multiple police vans drive through our streets and ID-controls become part of everyday normality.

Also, during our self-organized neighbour fest in which a lot of children participated, the cops reacted in an aggressive way, trying to ruin our day. Several persons sympathising with our project, have been arrested and taken into custody. The arrests of these friends were very violent and sexist. Whether it’s about getting a coffee in the morning at the other side of the street or having dinner in front of our house, the cops find ways to intimidate us. The system of state tries to silence us by all means. As a consequence, we face daily confrontation with the cops. However, their provocation is not something we allow to set us back or keep us small. It is something that encourages us to resist.
We are aware that their violent behaviour is purely a reaction on our mobilization in our joint-fight against gentrification, patriarchy and capital. All of this, shows us, that our battle against “the city of the rich and powerful” is effectively starting to worry the establishment.

A glance into our future

It remains important to not let them take away Dorfplatz and the neighbourhood, but to show presence, since we want to shift life and summer to the streets in Berlin. Let us all together. Let us express to Padovicz and everyone else what we think of this court date which we received. Be creative and support us with solidarity actions. Further, it’s fundamental that the focus is not only on the eviction day of Liebig34, but that decentralized actions happen everywhere at any moment.
We won’t be robbed of our desires and conviction when our house will be evicted. The fight against capital and patriarchy is not solely connected to one day or one project. Let’s form rebellious feminist gangs!

We will continue to battle further for a life free of hierarchies, away from patriarchy and capitalism. For a liberated society in which living spaces are no commodities in a consumerist world.



Join us Day X: https://vimeo.com/325552190

Follow us on https://twitter.com/Liebig34Liebig

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