Posts Tagged ‘Alexis Grigoropoulos’

Statement of imprisoned comrade Nikos Maziotis at the ongoing trial of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Friday, November 4th, 2016

The armed attack of Revolutionary Struggle against riot police in Exarchia was one of the most important actions of the organization. It was a legitimate political and social action in retaliation for the murder of 16 year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the policemen Korkoneas and Saralioti, which took place on December 6, 2008. This murder was the result of the intensification of police violence in recent years, and was formed under conditions of intensive neoliberal reforms and the “war against terrorism” in the same period.

In particular, this development took on larger dimensions in the spring of 2007, when there were violent clashes and attacks in the center of Athens between students, youths and anarchists against squads of riot police, in the protests that were against the bill of the Ministry of Education to promote the privatization of education.

The then minister of Public Order, Byron Polidoras, when taking office truthfully addressed the police as “Praetorians”, and when after these riots followed anarchist attacks on police stations in Exarchia and Papagos, he had stated that “the police have steady nerves” and can safely pull out their guns. Essentially, this more or less gave the green light to fire against unarmed demonstrators, youths and anarchists. At the same time there was a climate promoted by the state and the Ministry of Public Order, with declarations from this same minister and also the police union, promoting the cleaning of anarchists from Exarchia, speaking of the reclamation of Exarchia for the state. A similar debate and counter-debate exists now between Syriza government and the main opposition party of New Democracy. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Diciembre Negro/Angry presente!: A dos años desde que un guerrero pasó a ser estrella negra iluminando las noches de la anarquía (Chile)

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Diciembre Negro/Angry presente!: A dos años desde que un guerrero pasó a
ser estrella negra iluminando las noches de la anarquía.

Hace dos años, el 11 de diciembre de 2013, el compañero Sebastián Angry
Oversluij fue abatido por las balas de un defensor del capital mientras
intentaba expropiar un banco. Con el corazón lleno de recuerdos en este
Diciembre Negro queremos nuevamente compartir algunos sentires y
reflexiones sobre la muerte y la memoria.

No es fácil asumir la muerte de un compañerx. Pero todo continua!

Nuestra lucha a muerte con el poder la vivimos como una guerra, pero en
ella cada compañerx es valiosx y no podemos normalizar la pérdida de
seres irreemplazables que asumieron la lucha anárquica como camino de
vida. Vidas como las nuestras, con ideas como las nuestras, con
prácticas como las nuestras. Por eso es para nosotrxs inevitable
preguntarnos a nosotrxs mismos cada día ¿Qué hicimos hoy en relación a
nuestrx compañerx muertx? ¿Sacamos alguna propaganda o llevamos su
nombre y las ideas que nos conectan a las calles? (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Incendiary action against a Suzuki dealership for Black December (Germany)

Friday, December 11th, 2015

viva Alexis 06.12.2008

7 years ago an anarchist rebellion began in Greece which then spread internationally and still continues. Despite numerous attempts to torture and kill our comrades around the world we have refused to be intimidated and the state repression has only made us stronger.

In the context of Black December we torched two vehicles at a Suzuki dealership hoping that the fire would illuminate the building. Suzuki regularly supply the Greek state with new vehicles so they can torture better such as those used for counterinsurgency by Delta squad.

Suzuki motorcycles are used by these minions of the recently reappointed Greek regime against it’s population in the field.

We dedicate our action to Alexandros Grigoropoulos who was murdered in Exarcheia on the night of December 6, 2008.

We are aware of the purely symbolic nature of our action and are also aware that in the metropoles these actions are hardly noticed, however, we hope that the few who did notice imitate us and share our destructive intentions by launching their own operations to attack the system.

There are always plenty of reasons at any time to unleash destructive intention and attack hated (un-)state institutions and their servants.

These years of lethargy should have been taken advantage of so that we could regroup and discuss new methods of direct action.

for a Black December

Freedom for all prisoners of the uprising worldwide

(via linksunten indymedia, modified for clarity by Insurrection News)

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Posted in Direct Action

Incendiary attack by Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

In the fiery craters of our inner volcanoes, made with the lava of emotion and the fire of passion, we’ve fed our lust for life… And to Society that wanted to impose its laws and its morals on us, we will firmly respond with our “no,” while all others repeat their cowardly “yes.”(Enzo Martucci)

In the early hours of Friday December 4th [in Lycabettus area in Athens], we approached the house of the high priest of corruption, and former Minister of PASOK party, Kostas Laliotis and placed incendiary devices at his home entrance and his car.

As has rightly been said, the responsibilities of those who have served in administration centres of the capitalist machine can neither be forgotten nor retire.

Kostas Laliotis has been one of the most corrupt politicians following the metapolitefsi [transitional period after the fall of the Greek military junta]; his name and trajectory are linked to greed, deception, scheming, interwoven interests and arrogance, all of which are basic and integral characteristics of puppets staffing the political personnel of capitalist domination.

Maggots like Kostas Laliotis and his likes should be beaten or shot; they should see their houses burn, and live their miserable and crappy life in fear.

The fires of anarchist insurgency that lit at the house of a powerful former state official of the establishment was a contribution to the call for a Black December, which is spreading inside and outside the prisons all over the world, creating a multifaceted insurrectionary anarchist front that, having informal coordination, the acceptance of multiformity and the lasting anarchist insurgency as tools, crystallises the prospect of a generalised anarchist offensive against the world of Power.

Our captive comrades Nikos Romanos and Panagiotis Argirou have put an idea on the table of anarchist dialectics. They have proposed an idea relating to a theme any of us could set at the edge of a month of coordinated actions – actions originating from the entire spectrum of anarchist practices, from public gestures to guerrilla actions.

It is a proposal that opted to set the seven years since the assassination of comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos as a theme, so as to test an experimentation of an informal coordination of multiform anarchist action in practice.

Those who have the appropriate analytical tools understand that it is a proposal concerning any anarchist individuality or collectivity that’s not clinging to theoretical patterns or immersed in apathy and reformism.

This is also why the kneelers of petty politics and professional search of disagreements do not lose the opportunity to shoot the arrows of their slanderous criticism once again.

But, as much as the “official” anarchist circles of cafes and gossip want to engage in mudslinging and slander, they cannot hide their discontent with the fact that the apathy which permanently pervades them is revealed in the clearest way.

Now, leaving aside those skilled in political speculation, let us talk about the essence of this proposal.

We believe anarchy must pose a real threat to the State, and to do this, anarchy needs to stay away from vanguards, leaderships, press offices, away from the logics of political cleansing and expulsions.

Informal organising doesn’t need to arise from agreements in charters and proclaimed positions one has to embrace. In our anarchy, every individual and every group can contribute to a theme, a campaign, a strategy by synchronising and coordinating their action, irrespective of whether they share common political backgrounds.

To evolve spontaneity, which often prevails in the anarchist milieu, does not mean anarchy has to turn into a party; all that is needed for the feasibility of a formulation of strategies and actions chosen to be put in motion is a will to act and communicate with other comrades.

For we love the kind of anarchy that travels through the streets of fire, occupies space and time in the metropolises, and creates strongholds for the diffusion of anarchist theory and practice. The kind of anarchy that blows up the pillars of normality, robs our lost time, and throws the morals of this world into fire.

This kind of anarchy does not fit in the hypocritical respectabilities of this society, nor does it make concessions on its discourse or practices to be pleasing to the social majority.

Surely there’s so much to say, but what comes first is intensifying our attacks, thickening the chaotic paths of liberatory struggle.

We will be back soon

Guerrilla signals to the FAI cells who have actively supported Black December in Greece, Chile, Spain, and those currently preparing their attacks; to the comrades of the Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.) from Brazil; to all arsonists and rioters who set fire to the symbols of domination.

Strength and solidarity to all anarchist comrades inside and outside the prisons who support Black December with texts, translations, posters, flyers, graffiti and banners that complete the mosaic of multiform anarchist action.

A hug full of affection to our brothers and sisters who are locked up in prisons in Spain, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, Mexico, Germany, the US, and elsewhere; to Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Marco Camenisch, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Juan Aliste, Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Flores, Guillermo Durán, Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán, Thomas Meyer-Falk, Ignacio Muñoz, Tamara Sol, Michael Kimble, and all other captive comrades whom we have unwittingly forgotten to mention.

For a Black December

For the upsurge of anarchist insurgency

Freedom for those in prison cells

Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Black International

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Posted in Direct Action

'For a new combative position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December' by Nikos Romanos & Panagiotis Argirou of CCF (Greece)

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Full coverage of Black December via Contra-Info on this #tag.

Also read: International call for a Black December.

I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush me, and those I love, under the weight of their frightful cooperation or their idiotic inertia.

I hate, yes, I hate them, for I sense it, I do not bow before the officer’s braid, the mayor’s sash, the capitalist’s gold, moralities or religions; for a long time I have known that all of this is just baubles that can be broken like glass.

Joseph Albert (Libertad)

There are times in history when the randomness of some events can cause dynamic variables, able to almost entirely paralyse the social space-time.

It was Saturday night, on 06/12/2008, when the culmination of a conflict between two worlds took place in just a few moments. On one hand, the youthful, enthusiastic, spontaneous and impetuous insurrectionary violence; on the other hand, the official state institutional organ that, legitimately, claims the monopoly on violence through repression.

No, it was not about an innocent kid and a paranoid cop found in the wrong place at the wrong time, but a rebellious young comrade who attacked a patrol car, in an area where clashes with the forces of repression were common, and a cop who patrolled the same area and, out of a personal perception about the honour and reputation of the police, decided to confront the troublemakers on his own. It was a conflict between two opposing forces: on one Insurgency, on the other Power, with the main protagonists of this conflict each representing their own sides.

The murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the cop Epameinondas Korkoneas, and the large-scale riots that ensued, caused a powerful, high-tension social electroshock, because the image of “social peace” was shattered and the existence of these two opposing worlds was made visible, in the most manifest way, triggering situations from which there was no easy return, at least not without a creation and manifestation of events whose momentum nobody could any longer pretend they did not notice, they did not see, they did not hear, they did not take into account. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Fighting Minority / Commando Alexandros Grigoropoulos take responsibility for burning the personal cars of ex-minister of Economy and National Defence, Giannos Papandoniou (Greece)

Friday, December 14th, 2012


We claim the responsibility for the incendiary attack at the house of ex-minister of Economy and National Defence, Giannos Papandoniou. We arrived outside the door of his mansion on Olympias street in Kifissia and torched the two cars used by him and his “wife” Roula Kourakou for their meaningless movements. The personal guard the pig has could not ensure the security he seeks. Although our thoughts flirted constantly with the image of the flaming mansion and the terrorized Papandoniou and his “wife” looking for a way out, we had from the beginning eliminated such an idea since inside the mansion is also their young child which we did not want to put in any danger.

Far from a populist rhetoric we identify in the face of Giannos Papandoniou an officer of authority. We are not interested in listing the dodgy things he has done, although he surely has done many. Either way, corrupted or not corrupted, state officers, irrelevantly if they hold their positions in the state mechanism, are a permanent target for the insurrectionist dignities. We carried out our attack on the same night when four years ago cops murdered comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Four years ago and someone left early, a cry of death which detonated the insurrection and the incidents we all know, four years later on the same day, a large fire and a few explosions outside the house of a stated enemy re-ignite our hate and unleash the terror towards the desirable direction. Through personal attacks we desire to burglarize their safe territorial zones in their lives. Their houses, their cars, their prodigal life. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Cambridge: 'Jobcentre' vehicle torched by Fire Cell / FAI (UK)

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

17 April 2012

We stand alongside the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF/FAI) and salute our brothers on hunger strike in the prisons of Greek democratic totalitarianism for the final prison transfer of CCF/FAI prisoners of war Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argyrou. for dignity and rebel solidarity.


On 17/04/12 we set on fire a promotional “employment van” of the Cambridge Jobcentre, we entered the gated carpark, lit our fire and left, right under the snouts of passing cops.




Fire Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation – International Conspiracy for Revenge

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Posted in Direct Action

Words of Solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from some members of Russian Earth Liberation Front / FAI-IRF (Russia)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

So many of us captured, thrown into prisons, tortured, wounded or even dead. It’s getting more and more difficult to mention every comrade in each communique. Yet they are all worth mentioning, they shouldn’t fade into obscurity of silence of prison cells. Names spin in the head… People we’ve never known, but their dedication and sacrifice for the cause resonates with our worldview, with our own cause. And faces of friends we’ll never see again. Dead, murdered by the System. Is it everywhere like this? Are we all alone in this hostile world? Are there other mutineers, saboteurs, discontent? How do we get in touch with all this censorship?

How do we let them know with all this conspiracy of silence in media and society, even among political left? How do we communicate? We don’t know their language even. How do we write? Can they translate from Russian? OK, let’s just give it a try, we’ll see where this’ll go soon enough… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle