Federal Politics


Perhaps Malcolm Turnbull is the right man in the wrong job

Was it a blinding moment of clarity? It was certainly revealing. Fresh from the political gutter where he had stooped to call Bill Shorten gutless and weak, Malcolm Turnbull presented as something else.

Carrying none of that bitterness nor burden of troubles blighting his year so far, a smiling 29th Prime Minister beamed with a patriotic beneficence while describing a "glass half-full" country where fortunes are determined solely "by your energy and your optimism". All in the space of 24 hours.

To the state contestants for the national gong of Australian of the Year for 2017, Turnbull continued: "It's more important than ever to remind ourselves what it is that sets us apart as Australians. We are inclusive, we are compassionate, we are resilient, we are genuine. We have a deep commitment to our uniquely Australian egalitarian democracy. We respond to uncertainty and challenge, not with trepidation or anxiety, but with trust and with overwhelming optimism."

The revelation? That this was Turnbull as voters preferred to see him: a natural advocate, and, crucially, an exponent of the best leadership qualities of selflessness, inclusiveness, confidence-building, and above all, a narrator of the great Australian story. A leader with vision.

Somewhat ironically, it was also the moment at which the virtues of a democratically elected president seemed to crystallise – when it suddenly became clear what it could be like if such a supra-political office existed. A glimpse perhaps of a popular, articulate, and democratically installed leader who could channel the best to enhance national pride and promote social cohesion.

Even to those republicans who never liked the direct election model for head of state – the PM and this author among them – the advent of the good Turnbull on occasions such as Australia Day offers a sense of its constructive potential. 


And yet herein lies the Coalition dilemma. Turnbull might be in the wrong job. Suited more to that than to the role he actually holds.

Face it. His initially high personal standing has sunk with every foray into negativity and parliamentary combat. And this slide has only prompted him to become more shrill such as when the new Trump administration beheaded the TPP: "What we are seeing at the moment from Mr Shorten is the greatest example of Labor gutlessness for generations ... It is shameful that Mr Shorten is so weak ... It is extraordinary that a Labor leader has decided to get on this protectionist bandwagon, totally at odds with Gillard, with Rudd, with Hawke, with Keating. This is a blast right back into the 1950s. He is not yesterday's man, he is last century's man." (Pretty rich from a party that can't bring itself to hold a parliamentary vote on marriage equality – very 21st century) 

Which is real? How can voters assimilate the lofty Australia Day demeanour against this tirade.

By turning up the aggression meter so egregiously, Turnbull probably does no harm to Shorten but undermines the positive personal characteristics that had made him popular with mainstream voters. This could be more dangerous than appreciated. Like Kevin Rudd, public popularity was Turnbull's main claim on the leadership among colleagues.

The Coalition's TPP frustration is understandable, but its response was as disproportionate as it was ill-directed. Doubtless, since the US electoral upheaval, Shorten has struck a more nativist tone than any recent Labor leader, but formally, the ALP has been pro-free trade for decades, as the PM's comments acknowledge.

In any event, voters are now more awake to the tinny artifice of two-party politics where overblown language is used to amplify differences in policies which otherwise overlap. The real winners out of such faux anger are the genuine disrupters, self-style outsider demagogues like Trump and Pauline Hanson who propose policies which really are different.

The challenge for Turnbull when he opens the batting on the 2017 political year at the National Press Club on Wednesday, is to rise above the squalid.

This scene-setting speech now takes on an enormous importance for a PM who must find a new language that is positive, yet realistic about the problems, and suitably purposeful. He has to recognise that there is now a serious disconnect between elite opinion and that of the mainstream. On trade, this calls for maximum unity on the domestic political front. As a trading nation, Australia is unusually vulnerable to the reckless damage of the Trump ascendancy. Yet a new US inwardness also presents an opportunity to step up Australia's engagement and influence in the region. That can best proceed with a bipartisan commitment from Canberra, and with a real commitment.

Within the polity, Turnbull must do more to confront the root causes of public disaffection: political class hypocrisy and self-interest in controversies over MPs' travel rorting, hidden donations, other corruption; and of course, economic inequality. On both of these, Shorten's political ear seems closer to the ground.

Turnbull's speech must be bold, ambitious, sensitive to widespread disaffection, and visionary.

A tall order for any politician – especially one who is at his best when he sits above politics. 

Mark Kenny is chief political correspondent.