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Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr
Civil Liberties Watch | Economy | US Politics | Buffoon or manipulator, Trump rightfully inspires fear | Jan 27 2017 | Rick Salutin | Which Trump were you watching last weekend? The moronic mediocrity or the shrewd new president who dealt with an economic abyss that no one else over the past 30 years dared touch?
Photo: mathiaswasik/flickr
Feminism | Political Action | US Politics | Dear beloved resistance: We are stronger together | Jan 27 2017 | Sofia Ali-Khan | Here are some uncomfortable truths, and some thoughts on what we need to do about them to succeed in the fight against Trump.
Edward Greenspon
Media Matters | Canadian newspaper industry advances on Ottawa, hands out, awash in red ink and democratic platitudes | Jan 27 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | Now that they are reaping what they sowed, Canadian newspaper owners want taxpayers to do the heavy lifting for them.
Image: Flickr/Roland Tanglao
Media Matters | In Greenspon report, corporate media blames everything but itself | Jan 27 2017 | Nick Fillmore | In his new report, Greenspon has the nerve to write that Canada needs mainstream media to protect democracy. Who endorsed Stephen Harper for a fifth term again?
Steve Khan
Politics in Canada | PC leadership campaign rattles uncomfortably toward a seemingly inevitable Jason Kenney victory | Jan 27 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | Wildrose Leader Brian Jean and PC leadership candidates Richard Starke and Stephen Khan all made significant announcements today as the Jason Kenney juggernaut rolls on.
Interstate 80 near Berkeley, California
Economy | Labour | Politics in Canada | US Politics | Trump and Trudeau's 'stealth privatization' will be at the taxpayer's expense | Jan 26 2017 | Alex Hemingway | If Trump's infrastructure plan is a "privatization scam," what should we call ours?
Photo: Joe Brusky/flickr
Environment | Indigenous Rights | US Politics | Pipeline resistance grows as Trump revives Keystone XL and Dakota Access megaprojects | Jan 26 2017 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | It will take more than the stroke of Trump's pen to quash the vigorous resistance to the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, or the growing global demand for urgent action to combat climate change.
Feminism | Political Action | US Politics | The sound of resistance: Three women's marches | Jan 26 2017 | Victoria Fenner | Voices from a trio of women's marches on January 21, 2017, starting in Washington, and then moving up to Vancouver and Toronto.
Activists and journalists arrested in Washington DC during Trump's inauguration
Media Matters | Police action at Trump anti-inauguration protests set grim tone for press freedom | Jan 26 2017 | Evan Balgord, Kevin Metcalf | Activists, members of the press and legal observers surrounded by police in Washington, D.C. during the January 20 inauguration of President Donald Trump.
Photo: Travis Warren/flickr
Politics in Canada | US Politics | Canada's right doubtless dismayed as The Economist boots the U.S.A. off its list of 'full democracies' | Jan 26 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | The Economist didn't blame the decline in American democracy on Donald Trump. They blamed Donald Trump on the decline in American democracy.
Politics in Canada | Henceforth legalese should not be used -- i.e., it should cease, desist and be at an end | Jan 26 2017 | Celia Chandler, Pro Bono | Law is a tool. Lawyers and judges have a responsibility to talk and write clearly so that others can effectively use the tool.
Julian Baggini on The Edge of Reason, Radical Skepticism & a Post truth Society
Arts & Culture | Julian Baggini on 'The Edge of Reason,' radical skepticism and a post-truth society | Jan 25 2017 | Face2Face | Julian and Face2Face host David Peck talk about his new book "The Edge of Reason," radical skepticism, a post-truth society, and why science doesn't have a monopoly on truth.
Still from "Apache Stronghold. "Image credit: VICE
Arts & Culture | Environment | Indigenous Rights | 'Rise' series documents frontlines of Indigenous movements | Jan 25 2017 | June Chua | Rise is a fantastic new series that covers a resurgent Indigenous cultural urgency, filmed by Toronto's Christopher Yapp and executive directed by award-winning filmmaker Michelle Latimer.
Photo: Stephen Melkisethian/flickr
Arts & Culture | Media Matters | Technology | Lies, truth and alternative facts: Trump's bad weekend | Jan 25 2017 | Wayne MacPhail | Over the course of one weekend the press has realized the game has changed, social media killed it with savage, pointed satire and fact-checking of Trump's press secretary shredded his credibility.
2017.01.21 Women's March Washington, DC USA 00094 Women's March on Washington, I
Civil Liberties Watch | Feminism | US Politics | What comes after the Women's March | Jan 25 2017 | Take the 100 actions in 10 days challenge.