If you're experiencing Stranger Things withdrawals, and can't wait until Season 2 debuts next year, here's something to keep you going.
It's the Peanuts/Stranger Things mash-up you never knew you always wanted.
Created by Leigh Lahav and Oren Mendez, in the short clip "A Stranger Things Christmas", we watch Will Byers struggling with anxiety after his traumatic experience in the Upside Down.
"I think there's something wrong with me, Dustin." Will says. "I like that I'm not trapped in the Upside Down and hiding from monsters anymore, but I'm still not happy, I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel."
"Will Byers," says Dustin. "You're the only person I know who can be rescued from a paranormal universe and still feel crummy about it."
So what does Will Byers need?
Psychiatric help, of course.
And Eggos. All the Eggos.
But most of all, his friends.
Watch and enjoy!