Dept of State (Alt)


Unofficial Department of State Twitter account. All posts herein contain publicly available information & do not represent government positions.

Washington, DC
Joined January 2017

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  1. 9 hours ago

    As Trump bans Syrian refugees, their reality is unsettling yet important to see. It's not abstract. It's real. Photo .

  2. 11 hours ago

    Correction: photo posted is an Iraqi refugee. We will leave the post up as it's still the face of war in the region.

  3. 12 hours ago

    You can help. Locate a local organization tomorrow that helps refugees & give what you can, no matter how small. You can make a difference.

  4. 12 hours ago
  5. 13 hours ago

    Please share: It's often important to see the humanity in our actions. This is the face of a Syrian refugee via

  6. 13 hours ago

    Remember today. Trump issued an executive order halting Syrian refugee intake. Today is also Holocaust Remembrance Day.

  7. 14 hours ago

    As Mr. Soufan goes on to point out, countries included for extreme vetting penalizes citizens fleeing terror rather than protecting the US.

  8. 14 hours ago

    UN AMB Haley says US will 'respond accordingly' to allies who 'don't have our back'. It's important for press to pursue full explanation.

  9. 18 hours ago

    State Dept. site had Myths & Facts on Refugees, Migration & Humanitarian Assistance. Page is now gone. Will new admin re-post facts?

  10. 21 hours ago

    Fact: In a nation of 324.1M ('16), the US has admitted 3.36M refugees...over the last 42 years combined. (Refugee Processing Ctr Statistic)

  11. Jan 26

    Thank you for a successful 1st day. isn't about partisanship. Welcome opposing views. Come together on facts. Rise above anger.

  12. Jan 26

    Ted Malloch, likely EU AMB, suggests Euro could collapse w/in 18mos. Press should ask admin how this is beneficial?

  13. Dept of State (Alt) followed , , and 14 others
    • @ResistanceNASA

      We are a sect of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Not an official NASA channel.

    • @AlternativeNWS

      The Unofficial Resistance team of U.S. National Weather Service. Not taxpayer subsidized! Come for non-partisan science-based weather, water, and climate info.

  14. Jan 26

    Administration will position State changes as benefit. This is politically expected. Alt should be a bipartisan fact based counterbalance.

  15. Jan 26

    Proposed rule for all Alt accounts: Cite any information & respond to requests for citation. The will be fact based. Facts win.

  16. Jan 26

    This is relevant commentary. As with any Alt account, quality of information & citation should be questioned if needed.

  17. Jan 26

    Amabassador Mari Carmen Aponte's take on relationship w/ Mexico via (1/19/17). Advice that Trump is ignoring.

  18. Jan 26

    Beautiful profile of a civil servant. These are the kinds of thoughtful diplomats our nation is losing.

  19. Jan 26

    Great. He picked one to vote no on. Good for him. Meantime...over at ...

  20. Jan 26

    As Trump harms relations w/ Mexico, remember they rank 2nd in the world for buying US made goods.

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