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MCC New York (Photo from Federal Bureau Of Prisons website)
24 Jan 2017

Jailed Activist Pens Letter To Justice Department On MCC New York’s Squalid Conditions

A jailed activist, who faces felony charges for a digital sit-in against the Boston Children’s Hospital website, has written a letter from the Metropolitan Correctional Center calling attention to what he describes as appalling conditions inside the facility. The letter was addressed to officials at the Justice Department, the Federal

Photo by msppmoore
14 Jan 2017

Angola Prisoner Retaliated Against For Speaking To Journalist Sues Prison Officials

An incarcerated man at the Angola Prison in Louisiana sued prison officials for throwing him in solitary confinement and denying him due process in retaliation for speaking to a journalist at the local Baton Rouge Advocate. William Kissinger, imprisoned at Angola for over 27 years, should be considered a “model prisoner”

Photo by
05 Jan 2017

How Corrections Officers Control Supply And Demand For Contraband Phones In Prisons

Corrections departments conduct searches and introduce policies to diminish contraband, but such efforts arguably play a role in preserving the market.

(Image: Jared Rodriguez/Truthout)
02 Jan 2017

Mississippi Private Prison Neglected Problems After Deadly Riot

A recently released Department of Justice audit found a Mississippi private prison—which holds over 2,500 immigrant prisoners, most of whom are Mexican nationals—failed to remedy serious problems with staffing and living conditions that led to a deadly riot in 2012. According to the audit [PDF], the Adams County Correctional Center suffered from chronic under-staffing

Journalist Chris Hedges (L) with Siddique Abdullah Hasan (R). Photo by Lucasville Amnesty.
19 Dec 2016

Phone And Email Restrictions End For Prison Strike Advocate In Ohio

A 60-day restriction on email and telephone privileges ended for Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan on December 5, 2016. Hasan, who is incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary, was punished in October for participating in a live radio interview with NPR about the September 9 strike against prison slavery. Prison officials twice prevented Hasan

Barrett Brown. Photo by Karen Lancaster (Given to uploader by the photographer) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
17 Dec 2016

Out Of Prison, Barrett Brown Recommits Himself To Agitating Against Existing Order

Journalist and activist Barrett Brown speaks to Shadowproof about life at the halfway house, restitution, restrictions, and his plans now that he’s out of prison.

Kinetik Justice-Amun. Photo by Free Alabama Movement
16 Dec 2016

Prison Strike Leader Beaten By Officers Fears For Life After Retaliation

Kinetik Justice Amun, one of the incarcerated leaders of the Free Alabama Movement who was a prison national strike organizer, fears for his life after he was brutally beaten and maced by officers at Limestone Correctional Facility on December 2, 2016. According to It’s Going Down, Kinetik was handcuffed and escorted

Photo by Dan Sorenson Photography on Flickr.
08 Dec 2016

‘Chase And Scatter’ Leaves Refugees For Dead In US-Mexico Borderlands

Law enforcement efforts to capture refugees crossing the vast wilderness of the US-Mexico borderlands leads to injury, trauma, death, and disappearance.

File: Razor wire outside a prison in Maryland. (Flickr / Fred Dunn)
30 Nov 2016

Deconstructing Flaws In Important New Report On Solitary Confinement

A new report on solitary confinement provides access to important data on the number of people in some form of solitary confinement in the United States. However, because the United States prison system is not one body but a collection of fiefdoms that set their own administrative rules and definitions, the data

Photo by Steve Rhodes
30 Nov 2016

Report Offers Rare Data On Solitary Confinement In United States

A new report provides a rare view of “current comprehensive data on the use of restricted housing,” which is more commonly known as solitary confinement. Released by the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA) and Yale Law Schools’ Liman Program, the report, “Aiming To Reduce Time-In-Cell,” outlines efforts undertaken by various jurisdictions

Photo by Mike Cogh
26 Nov 2016

Disentangling The Many Media Failures Of 2016

In the wake of the 2016 election, Shadowproof believes it is worthwhile to assess the state of journalism and the need for contrition, especially from those with the most influence and power in the press who failed citizens so miserably. Donald Trump’s election was aided and abetted by liberal journalists, who accelerated the decline of

Left to right: Free Alabama Movement’s James Plesant, Melvin Ray, and Robert Earl Council
04 Nov 2016

Alabama Prison Officials Retaliate Against Prison Strike Leader By Cutting Water To Cell

Advocates say prison officials at the Kilby Correctional Facility in Alabama turned off the water to Kinetik Justice Amun’s solitary cell after he initiated a hunger strike. Officials then transferred him to the Limestone Correctional Facility, which has a “behavioral modification program” known among prisoners as a “hot bay” dorm in which prisoners


Prison Protest