
NY Tech Alliance has built a number of programs and partnerships to support the growth and diversification of the city’s technology industry.


Women in Tech

NY Tech Alliance offers numerous programs for women in technology. 

NY Tech Alliance UX Group

is the leading professional UX group providing the NYC professional community with programs focusing on UX research, design methodology and professional advancement. We have conducted over 30 major events with speakers from major corporations (Google, Time Warner, IBM), leading startups and major academic institutions (Columbia, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford and others). Our mission is to provide technology-focused professionals with insights, methods and working knowledge through the planning and delivery of talks and seminars that bridge the gap between rigorous science-based UX research and creative/design problem solving. Join our group today.


The New York City Tech Ecosystem Study - 2014

“The New York City Tech Ecosystem” study was conducted by HR&A Advisors and commissioned by NY Tech Meetup, the Association for a Better New York, Citi, and Google. For the first time, the report quantifies the importance of the New York tech community on the city’s overall economy, with 541,000 jobs, $125 billion in annual spending, and $5.6 billion in tax revenues all attributable to the tech industry. The study provides concrete evidence that the tech ecosystem is a major force in the New York economy, accounting for 12.6% of the city’s total workforce. This, in turn, provides incentive for government officials to continue nurturing the city’s technology community while encouraging new companies to set up their headquarters in New York, allowing for even faster growth.

Made in NYC List - 2014

An archived list of more than 600 tech companies based in New York City. 

NYC Mayoral Elections- 2013

Prior to the 2013 NYC Mayoral Elections, the NYTM Board of Directors created a list of initial policy goals and ideas to serve as a starting point for conversations on how to advance the future of New York. The organization then brought in many of the top candidates, including eventual Democratic and Republican nominees Bill De Blasio and Joe Lhota, for a Q&A with a live audience made up of members of the NYTM board of directors and members of the tech community active in policy and advocacy work. These Q&As were recorded and posted on the NYTM website in advance of the primaries.

NY Tech Meetup: Austin - 2012 TO 2015

From 2012 to 2015, NY Tech Meetup: Austin showcased some of New York’s most promising up-and-coming tech companies while providing plentiful opportunities for networking and highlighting everything that makes New York a great place to live, work, and launch a company.

Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts - 2012

When Hurricane Sandy struck New York City in 2012, NYTM rallied over 900 volunteers to help restore access to networks, databases, websites, and other critical technology for federal, state, and city agencies as well as small businesses, not for profits, schools, and more. The efforts were conducted in collaboration with New Work City, lead volunteers Noel Hidalgo and Rob Underwood, and a number of other leading members of the technology community. They included a dedicated website where organizations could post requests for tech assistance, a list of available co-working spaces for those in need of space with working electricity, and coordinated efforts with the Red Cross, FEMA, the City of New York, Recovers.org, CrisisCommons, Hurricane Hackers, and local elected officials.

SOPA/PIPA Protest - 2012

In 2012, NYTM opposed the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), which many argued would lead to rampant censorship on the internet, by organizing a 1,800-strong in-person protest in front of the offices of New York Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. Speakers at the event included Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody and Cognitive Surplus; John Perry Barlow, author of A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace; Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit; Andrew McLaughlin of Tumblr; Eli Pariser of MoveOn.org, and more. The event proved to be a success, contributing to the bills’ eventual defeat.

NYTA has new membership levels!

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We have exciting news!

NY Tech Meetup has merged with New York Tech Council to become NY Tech Alliance. Find out more here: http://bit.ly/nytechmerger
