Global giants swoop on Australia's life insurers

MD of International Business for Nippon Life, Hiroyuki Nishi, with NAB's Andrew Hagger. NAB sold an 80 per cent stake in ...
MD of International Business for Nippon Life, Hiroyuki Nishi, with NAB's Andrew Hagger. NAB sold an 80 per cent stake in MLC Life to Nippon Life last year. Daniel Munoz

Picture this. In November 1994 Hong Kong-based National Mutual Asia, 74 per cent owned by Australia's National Mutual Life Association of Australasia, reported a 36 per cent jump in net profit and announced a deal with a mainland Chinese company designed to enable the insurer to gain a foothold in the fast-growing market.

National Mutual Asia was once the second largest life insurance group in Hong Kong and Macau and following a merger with T & G Mutual Life Society had expanded throughout the Asia Pacific region acquiring companies in Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines.

Australia was on the way to claiming a spot on the global insurance stage.

But it was a short-lived aspiration. In 1999 National Mutual changed its name to Axa Asia Pacific Holdings after Axa, an international insurance and financial services company based in France, acquired a majority stake in the local life insurer.

Andrew Hagger, NAB head of wealth, and Hiroyuki Nishi of Nippon life.
Andrew Hagger, NAB head of wealth, and Hiroyuki Nishi of Nippon life. David Rowe

"We had our chance," recalls one insurance market observer.

"But they [National Mutual] went after market share rather than building a long-term sustainable business. Head office blew itself up," said the observer, who asked not to be identified.

Australia never got another chance to stand tall in the international arena. "It's disappointing that Australia has no international life companies. We've got no one," says a source.

Fast forward to today and the picture is the opposite of what it might have been. Local insurers are being gradually gobbled up by their offshore counterparts.

For the past 15 to 20 years the local life insurance market has been dominated by the major banks and AMP, which acquired Axa's domestic operations in 2011. But perhaps not for much longer.

In October 2015 National Australia Bank sold an 80 per cent stake in MLC Life to Nippon Life Insurance Company for $2.4 billion.

A year later AMP signed a deal with international behemoth Munich Re in which the latter will reinsure 50 per cent of $750 million of annual premium income under a binding quota share agreement. A month later ANZ Banking Group said it hoped to fetch more than $4.5 billion from a sale of its Australian wealth business, including life insurance, superannuation, financial advice and investments.

Macquarie Group sold its life insurance business to Zurich Australia in October 2016. The same month it was announced that Japan-based Sony Life Insurance had picked up a 15 per cent stake in ClearView Wealth. The transaction includes a call option over the stake, if Sony does not lob a takeover for ClearView within 18 months.

A few years earlier, in 2011, Dai-ichi Life Insurance, a Japanese insurer, took full control of Tower Australia Group. That leaves CommInsure, owned by Commonwealth Bank of Australia, as the only major player to maintain business as usual.

Annabel Spring ... industry executives argue it is only a matter of time before CBA sells it's life insurance arm but ...
Annabel Spring ... industry executives argue it is only a matter of time before CBA sells it's life insurance arm but say it will first need to restore CommInsure's reputation. David Rowe

Industry executives argue it is only a matter of time before CBA acts (CBA declined to comment), but say it will first need to restore CommInsure's reputation following criticism of its claims process, including revelations that doctors in the bank were being pressured to change their assessments of customers to avoid payouts and delaying payouts to terminally ill customers.

Problematically, in November CommInsure lost its third group life insurance contract in less than six months.

Some argue that offshore players might have swooped earlier on the local market if it were not for the fact that the insurers were owned by the major banks.

Until not so long ago, the banks have been willing owners, believing that life insurance, combined with superannuation and investments, would provide additional, diversified revenue streams in a high-growth area.

Profits under pressure

But growth has been hard to come by in recent years as the Australian life insurance sector has been hit by rising claims and lapse rates, putting enormous pressure on companies' bottom lines.

Insurers collectively lost $341 million from individual and group income protection policies in the year to September 30, after losing $524 million the year before, according to the figures from Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

Indeed the insurance sector has lost money on such policies in four of the past five years, a phenomenon that the industry has largely blamed on a steep rise in stress and mental health-related claims.

Little wonder that ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliot, on announcing the desire to offload the wealth business, remarked: "ANZ does not need to be a manufacturer of Life and Investments products."

The challenges facing the industry have not gone unnoticed at APRA.

In a submission to a parliamentary joint committee inquiry into the life insurance sector in late November, the prudential regulator noted that local life insurers had under-invested in their systems.

"In particular, life insurers need robust systems and processes capable of fairly and accurately administering their books of legacy business and have not always invested enough in these systems and processes," APRA wrote to the PJC on corporations and financial services.

Standard & Poor's has also joined the party.

Last year the ratings agency lowered the credit ratings of three of the major banks' insurance arms, concerned about weaker ­financial support amid asset sales and major reviews of operations.

In September, before ANZ put its wealth business on the block, S&P; claimed various wealth businesses owned by CBA, Westpac and ANZ may also not be "core" to the groups.

"In particular, contrary to our previously held view, we now consider that these entities may be severed from the parent banking groups, and operated as or sold on as ongoing businesses," S&P; analysts led by Sharad Jain said.

"Consequently, we no longer consider that financial support from the parent groups, if needed, will be absolute and timely under all foreseeable situations."

Fit for foreign firms

Enter the large Japanese, European and US players

"Potentially we'll see more foreigners here," says a source.

For the likes of Dai-Ichi Life and Nippon Life, Australia is a decent-sized ($16 billion of annual risk premiums), well-regulated market that provides a diversification avenue.

Global players are able to take greater risks in the Australian market because they can offset losses against gains elsewhere, and vice versa.

"They can absorb the shocks more and spread them across a global portfolio," says Jim Minto, a director of Dai-Ichi Life Asia Pacific and respected industry veteran.

The structure of life insurance premiums in Australia is also attractive.

In the case of consumers who take out life insurance through their super fund, premiums rise every year as policyholders age. Thanks to these so-called stepped premiums and dose of inflation, insurers typically enjoy an annual average premium rise of 6 per cent, estimates Simon Swanson, managing director of ClearView.

Australia's system of mandated super is another plus, particularly as in many countries insurance and savings products are bundled into one.

In addition to the offshore companies that are already here, Japan's MS&AD;, which was formed by a three-way merger in 2010, and Meiji Yasuda Life are thought to be looking at the Australian field.

Similar trends are occurring in the general insurance universe. As with life insurance, re-insurance has always featured prominently in the Australian market, largely provided by offshore companies. But alternative sources are emerging from hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, specialist fund managers and super schemes. In June 2015 IAG secured a 10-year quota share deal with Berkshire Hathaway.

Nick Hawkins, chief financial officer of IAG, argues the willingness of different offshore players to enter the Australian market is part of a similar trend. Overseas players see Australia as a convenient destination in which to diversify their portfolios and lift returns.