Deadlines for bank culture reform slipping: McPhee

Ian McPhee believes various parts of the banks' cultural reform plans will take longer than initially envisaged.
Ian McPhee believes various parts of the banks' cultural reform plans will take longer than initially envisaged.

Ian McPhee, the independent overseer of the banking industry's cultural reform, has called on consumer groups, unions and financial regulators to make their views known on the various reforms under way while noting many of these are in danger of being delayed due to their complexity.

In his third progress report on Friday examining how the banks are implementing their plan designed to re-establish community trust after a series of culture scandals, Mr McPhee, a former Commonwealth auditor-general, said external stakeholders had "quite reasonably" withheld judgment on banks' efforts until there was more clarity around positions. But "it is now coming time for their perspectives on the design of the various measures to be clearly understood, where this is not already apparent, ahead of final industry positions being reached", he said.

Mr McPhee's update comes on the back of a report this week by former Public Service Commissioner Stephen Sedgwick, who suggested some types of bonus payments could be encouraging bad sales behaviour to the detriment of customers. Mr McPhee said on Friday there "remains a heightened timing risk" for completing the Sedgwick review by December given the complexity of the issues.

The Sedgwick review is the first of six initiatives announced by the Australian Bankers' Association on April 21 last year to fend off Labor's call for a royal commission into the sector. The others are: making it easier for customers when things go wrong, supporting whistleblowers, removing individuals from the industry for poor conduct, strengthening the Code of Banking Practice, and reform of the funding model for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Banks have pledged to accelerate implementing new whistleblower protections by March 31.
Banks have pledged to accelerate implementing new whistleblower protections by March 31. Louie Douvis

Timelines slipping

On the issue of removing bad eggs from the industry, Mr McPhee said developing a register to improve recruitment practices was "one of the more difficult measures to implement given the legal issues involved".

"Some participant banks continue to express concern about the legal risks associated with participation in an industry register which aims to identify individuals who have breached the relevant law, codes of conduct, standards or policies," he said. These issues may need to be managed by creating a statutory register, which would require legislative and/or regulatory support, which could push out timeframes, he added. Meanwhile, the big banks are expecting to adopt a new Conduct Background Check Protocol by June 30.

The timeframe for a review of the Code of Banking Practice by consultant Philip Khoury has slipped by one month with a final report expected to be provided to the ABA by January 31.

Banking code

Mr McPhee said: "It is increasingly apparent that banks will need to reassess the clarity of their service commitment to customers in the light of the industry's initiatives, with revisions reflected in bank policies, training and behaviours at all levels, if the desired outcomes of the industry reforms are to be achieved."

The ABA says it is unable to commit to a revised timetable for redrafting the code. Mr McPhee also revealed Macquarie Bank is not currently a signatory of the banking code, and nor is Bank Australia, Defence Bank, Macquarie Bank, ME Bank, Mystate and Qudos.

"It would be desirable for the non-signatories to reassess their position in respect to adoption of the code which, following its revision, can be expected to reflect a contemporary industry code for banking practice," Mr McPhee said.

After the ABA published guiding principles on improving protections for whistleblowers just before Christmas – including creating guidelines on the reporting and investigation process and ensuring the program is known about and accessible and accompanied by effective training – the four major banks have committed to accelerating the implementation of these new principles by March 31.

Mr McPhee's next quarterly report is scheduled to be delivered by April 21.