ACCC chair Rod Sims says failing firms need a better excuse to support mergers

ACCC chairman Rod Sims says companies too often use the argument "I will go broke" to justify mergers that should not go ...
ACCC chairman Rod Sims says companies too often use the argument "I will go broke" to justify mergers that should not go ahead. Bradley Kanaris

Companies are relying too much on the prospect of imminent failure to justify mergers that should not go ahead, the competition regulator says.

But prominent competition lawyers said the "failing firm" argument remains relevant because technology disruption means existing players can be displaced quickly, even if they have huge market share.

In an interview with The Australian Financial Review, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims said more companies were depending on the argument they will fail if mergers do not go ahead.

"We are getting a lot more people saying to us 'I need to do this or I will go broke'. Sometimes that's right, but we are getting it argued too much I think," Mr Sims said.

"We have accepted that argument in some cases but it's very much the exception and I think we probably need to downplay the alternative world so we don't get distracted from the competitive impact of the merger."

Mr Sims admitted technical disruption was a valid argument in some industries, but advisers were using the argument too much to get mergers through.

For example, during the global financial crisis the competition regulator approved Commonwealth Bank of Australia's acquisition of Bankwest during the global financial crisis.

But Mr Sims' predecessor, Graeme Samuel, who allowed the CBA acquisition in 2008, said the acquisition was justified because of the concern about $16 billion worth of wholesale funding would disappear during the GFC.

"I don't think that you could necessary describe it as a failing company, but in the context of the GFC it was precarious," Mr Samuel said.

Mr Samuel said the national champions theory – the argument the regulator should back local monopolies so they can compete on a global scale – was rarely used during his tenure at the competitive regulator.

"It was not often used when I was around, it was dying argument," he said.

"I could never see the merit in having Australian consumers paying monopoly rents for a monopoly that was allowed to develop in Australia through the national champions argument in order to be able to expand or compete overseas and that would be solely of benefit to the shareholders."

Clifford Chance competition lawyer Dave Poddar said the competition regulator should not underestimate the "failing firm" argument because technology disrupters have the potential to quickly wipe out the market share of incumbents.

"There are many examples in Australia of businesses being affected by disrupters such as Uber or Airbnb as the taxi industry and hotel industry are experiencing. In those circumstances it is important for competition agencies not to rely too much on market concentration and instead focus on market dynamics and in particular the constraints from online and new technologies.

"While many of us may still love reading hard copy books and newspapers, the days of the ACCC becoming highly agitated over the Angus and Robertson and Borders type bookstore mergers are long gone," he said.

Herbert Smith Freehills competition lawyer Patrick Gay said only a small number of mergers will rely on the "failing firm" argument because of the high threshold imposed by the competition regulator.

Mr Gay said companies were far more likely to rely on the competitive forces in the marketplace – including low barriers to entry – to get merger clearance.

Allen & Overy competition lawyer Peter McDonald said in the high tech industry, market share has less relevance because competition can rapidly replace incumbents.

"The industry is changing so fast you don't need to get too worried about competition because that will sort itself out," he said. For example, once people believed IBM would be the dominant computer manufacturer, but competition from other players has taken away the dominance, he said.