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The Province and Vancouver Sun boxes

A Nine-Step Plan to Fix the Vancouver Sun and Province

It’s not too late to save the city’s dailies from a grim fate — here’s how.

By Darren Atwater, 16 Jan 2017

Gitlaxt’aamiks Village Government office

My Search to Understand Freedom of the Press in Indigenous Communities

One conclusion I reached: few folks want to talk about it.

By Wawmeesh G. Hamilton, 12 Jan 2017


Subscription Newsletters, Booming Like It’s the 18th Century

Got an obsession? There’s bound to be a personal email missive for you.

By Shannon Rupp, 2 Jan 2017

Cartoon about the internet

Why the ‘Rise’ of Fake News Is Just Not True

Don’t let fear of Trump feed a moral panic that justifies censorship.

By Shannon Rupp, 15 Dec 2016


Big Idea for Canadian Media: Provide Incentives for Local Ownership

Absentee owners shouldn’t be the norm. Excerpted from Marc Edge’s book, ‘The News We Deserve’

By Marc Edge, 5 Dec 2016

Recent Mediacheck: Computers, Technology, Digital Media, Law and Policy in Canada


The Attention Merchants: A History of Advertising’s Long Grip on Media

Tim Wu’s timely book explains a lot about today’s click-bait and fake news.

By Shannon Rupp, 19 Nov 2016

President-elect Donald Trump

Making Sense of the Donald Trump Moment: A Tyee Reader

Why? How? And now what? We collected 50 insights and ask you to share your own favourites. (Updated.)

By David Beers and Tyee Staff and Contributors, 15 Nov 2016


OK Everybody, That Sucked. Now, Back to Work

The lessons citizens, parties and media need to learn from Trump’s victory.

By Paul Willcocks, 9 Nov 2016


The Darker Side to New Media Business Models

Information inequality a rising threat as traditional media fails and costly alternatives thrive.

By Paul Willcocks, 31 Oct 2016

CBC headquarters

Memo to Trudeau: CBC Earns Our Tax Money, Corporate Media Does Not

Fake news, and more reasons to ignore lobbyists pounding on your door.

By Shannon Rupp, 18 Oct 2016


Canada’s Conservative Pundits Are Too Smart for Trump, Right?

That’s what they keep telling us. Let’s do some Googling.

By David Beers, 17 Oct 2016

Newspaper boxes

A Modest Proposal for a New Media Landscape

Tyee editor Robyn Smith was asked to advise MPs on Canada’s journalism industry, and its future. Here’s what she said.

By Robyn Smith, 27 Sep 2016

Cover of 'No News Is Bad News'

Canada’s Media Disrupters Have a New Manifesto

In ‘No News is Bad News,’ Ian Gill finds ‘huge opportunity’ in our hollowed-out industry.

By Marc Edge, 20 Sep 2016

Ernst-Jan Pfauth

Good News! People, Even Young, Will Pay for Deep Journalism

Europe proves it. From Ian Gill’s new book ‘No News Is Bad News: Canada’s Media Collapse and What Comes Next.’

By Ian Gill, 20 Sep 2016

Troll face

Canada’s Innovation Sector Ripe for Trolls

Government should install safeguards against abuse of intellectual property rights.

By Michael Geist, 16 Aug 2016


Should Your Taxes Subsidize Big Media?

As pressure mounts for bailouts, time to look at how bad traditional outlets have become.

By Shannon Rupp, 15 Aug 2016


So Long, Gender Focus! Six Relevant Posts from Seven Years of Feminist Blogging

Though I’m folding my site, other women’s voices thrive online.

By Jarrah Hodge, 12 Aug 2016

Camera lens

‘You’re Not the Indian I Had in Mind’

It’s what I hear all the time from film crews interviewing me. Here’s what I wish they knew beforehand.

By Jess Housty, 11 Aug 2016

Digital piracy

Fight Piracy? Canadian Creators More Concerned with Fighting Obscurity

Punishing pirates a low priority for rights holders, who prefer to focus on supporting legitimate services, study finds.

By Michael Geist, 9 Aug 2016


Do You Consent? Four Ways to Strengthen Digital Privacy

Yay or nay? Often businesses don’t bother asking if you wish to share your online info.

By Michael Geist, 2 Aug 2016

Premier Clark Gives Up Her BC Liberal Stipend, but Questions Remain

NDP’s Eby says strong laws on party payments needed: ‘They’ve just been so sketchy about this.’

By Andrew MacLeod

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