Australian politics, society & culture


Cover of The Undoing Project
Allen Lane; $45
By Michael Lucy
Cover of Transit
Jonathan Cape; $32.99
By Kevin Rabalais
Cover of The Island Will Sink
The Lifted Brow; $29.99
By Michael Lucy
Cover of The Good People
Picador; $32.99
By Helen Elliott
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, until 4 September 2016
By Julie Ewington
Hamish Hamilton; $32.99
By Brenda Walker
Cover of The Gap of Time
Hogarth; $29.99
By Helen Elliott
Beyond Home Entertainment; $29.95 (DVD) / Stan (online)
By Harry Windsor
Fourth Estate; $32.99
By Stephanie Bishop
Bloomsbury; $32.99
By Claire Corbett
Random House; $32.99
By Brenda Walker
Trans. Linda Asher; Faber & Faber; $24.99
By Stephanie Bishop
Trans. Donald Barry and Stephen Muecke; Reaktion Books; $40
By Amanda Lohrey
Madman Films
By Harry Windsor

