Australian politics, society & culture

The Monthly Essays

Image of Patrick White
The author stays out of the picture, and other personal rules of writing
By David Marr
Image of Pauline Hanson
How can the major parties address the rise of populism in Australia?
By Andrew Charlton and Lachlan Harris
Is Nick Cleary’s ambitious CLARA project the answer to Australia’s fast-rail question?
By Paddy Manning
A trip to the Philippines reveals the human cost of the war on drugs
By Margaret Simons
Image of a Trump campaign rally in Michigan
The politics of rage won’t let us listen to one another
By Christos Tsiolkas
Homelessness has reached crisis levels in Melbourne and Sydney
By Paul Connolly
Image of the Condamine River on fire
Billion-dollar burnouts keep emissions rising
By Richard Denniss
Image of Donald Trump
How did American democracy come to this?
By Richard Cooke
It took two weeks and endless bureaucracy to honour a dying wish
By Claire Konkes
James Lovatt
Lovatts Crosswords gave its profits to employees. What went wrong?
By Richard Cooke
Image of Force Majeure’s Never Did Me Any Harm
The arts funding cuts are just a symptom of a broader malaise in Australia
By Alison Croggon
Image of Nauru
Richard Flanagan delivers the inaugural Boisbouvier Lecture
By Richard Flanagan
Bertram Wainer inspired a young Tim Flannery to take on the establishment
By Tim Flannery
Image of Roald Dahl in his writing hut
The life and legacy of Roald Dahl
By Anwen Crawford
Image of Sydney University graduate
Where has demand driven our universities?
By Thornton McCamish
There’s more to throwing a party than putting out some dips
By Robert Skinner
Image of Michelle Guthrie
The new managing director’s vision isn’t clear
By Margaret Simons
Image of mining workers flying from Perth
A region returns to earth
By Hamish McDonald

