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Welcome to Apache Geronimo

Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates the best open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified Java EE 6 application server runtime.

Some of our guiding principles are:

  • Easy to use.
  • Build servers that are distributed under the Apache Software License.
  • Provide runtimes that meet the needs of developers, administrators and system integrators.
  • Integrate with the best open source tooling available like Eclipse.
  • Provide frequent releases of our software so users can experience the newest features and have access to the latest bug fixes.
  • Build a community that incorporates multiple disciplines required to create complex runtime and toolable infrastructure.


The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin v3.0.1. This release provides support for Geronimo server 3.0.1 as well as the previous server releases. It also supports Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). This release contains some bug fixings and enhancements for OSGi programming model. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

The new version have been available through eclipse update site now.

May 28, 2013

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 server. This release is a bug fixing release of version 3 after 3.0.0. It includes Tomcat assemblies only. Please see the detail information in 3.0.1 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Tomcat upgraded to 7.0.39
  • Tranql upgraded to 1.8 to support JDBC 4
  • MyFaces upgraded to 2.1.10 to support JSF 2.1
  • OpenJPA upgraded to 2.2.2
  • Yoko upgraded to 1.4
  • ActiveMQ upgraded to 5.4.3

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 3.0.0 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 3.0.0 release. To play with these samples, you can check out the samples source code and daytrader source code, then build and run them from scratch.

July 13, 2012

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the available of Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 server. This release is a formal release of version 3 after 3.0-beta-1. It includes Tomcat assemblies only. Besides Java EE 6 compliance achieved since 3.0-beta-1, Geronimo v3.0.0 release add Java 7 support for all of Java EE 6 web profile technologies. Please see the detail information in 3.0.0 release notes.

A couple highlights are:

  • Tomcat upgraded to 7.0.27
  • OSGi upgraded to 4.3
  • BVal upgraded to 0.4
  • Update Derby to version
  • Support for class hot swap for OSGi applications

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v3.0.0 server assemblies.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the 3.0-beta-1 release of Geronimo Samples and Daytrader. These releases are aligned with Geronimo Server 3.0-beta-1 release. Here is samples update in this release:

  • Java EE 6 and OSGi samples
  • Daytrader Java EE 6 update

To play with these samples, you have two options:

Check out the source code , then build and run them from scratch.
Install the plugins of these samples online from Geronimo Administrative Console.

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JIRA Issues Macro: Unable to locate JIRA server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.