
General Assemly


facilitator: Ruby

minutes: Ruben



- photo’s + activity on Attitudes

- less girls then boys SAFER SACES


- youtube channel


- defense group (benjamin, what to do in emergency)

- ga on saturday didn’t happen

- money donations ourselves (benjamin)

- smoke free camp, everyone needs to help

- Occupy a Building

- Occupy Back Benches, 

- need to work more efficient in G A ’s


Joel: need to be flexible wit our growth, need to be positive, grow




keep book updated, keep everyone up to date

keep book as hardcopy, keep it safe, keep is secure, but keep it OPEN.


actions, good!

idea: group of people going over 12 midday thursday against Australian Bank.

letter delivered to Stock exchange. useful to help Bill Rosenberg. advice local Unions

major election discussion. Can;t LOOSe WIN WIN Situation !! come down 4.30 21 nov 2011

John Maynard 0272207903 bflatjohn@hotmail.com

group behind idea

target signs towards this project

use people’s mic at event


- pull out event?

- go to police, ask if they will evict us WHO IS GONNA DO THIS

- stay positive   about it, make it a nice thing

- numbers are important!!

- ask police, ask meat workers

- proposal: Ben: do it later

- do it friday


put event 4.30 on calendar

next GA:

-contact list

Filed November 20th, 2011 under minutes
  • Ben focalising:
  • Main agenda item: how to reply to the council’s letter requesting a definite date of departure for Occupy Wellington.
  • Ben opened by reading our Vision Statement - received with applause
  • Followed by Joel reading the Council’s letter - received with groans
  • Followed by Rich reading the draft outline of our letter of reply
  • It was decided by consensus that we would indeed send a letter of reply, and that we would indicate no definite end date to the occupation in Wellington, rather that we would expect to leave once the concerns raised in our Vision Statement were solved.
  • The draft was generally accepted, then we spent a half hour taking suggestions for additions and changes.
  • It was decided that the Working Group would meet onsite at 12 noon on Thursday to incorporate these changes, and present them at a Special Assembly at 7pm for final approval before being delivered to the council and wider media on Friday. Anyone with concerns about this letter should bring them to the Working Group meeting.
  • Mike told us about occupations he has been part of in the past to reclaim Maori land; suggests that they occupied one by one and won one by one, not by sitting in Civic Square and demanding all stolen land to be repatriated. He invited us to bear in mind the occupation will end at some point, and when it is over, maintain your activism. He also stressed the need to keep the message clear and engage with the wider public.
  • Tali to focalise Friday action group in solidarity with NYC evictees.
  • Group traveling to Marton tonight to support meat workers.
  • Stay tuned for more details :)

    Filed November 16th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    Occupiers from Wellington (Ruby, Ruben, Nati, Hops, Ben), Dunedin (Bert and Michelle), and Christchurch (two people, sorry I didn’t catch names!) present. No Occupiers from Auckland present.

    ‘Cards’ application

    Ruben suggests use of ‘Cards’ application to facilitate Skype meeting – all participants signed in, used system. General agreement that it’s a useful tool. URL: http://cards.rimu.geek.nz

    Pike River Commemoration

    Bert and Michelle say that Dunedin will be commemorating 1 year anniversary of Pike River mine disaster: November 19th – suggestion of nationwide commemoration, observing 29 minutes of silence for the 29 victims at 3.45pm.

    Agreement that Wellington and Christchurch will propose this to next GA. Auckland must be contacted regarding their participation in this action.


    Discussion of proposal for nationwide Occupy Aotearoa website to organize nationwide coordination/communication.  General agreement between Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington that it would be helpful to consolidate info in one place, having a national website that is then divided into regional sections for each city’s Occupy movement.

    This could be used for promotion of Occupy events, coordination of nationwide actions, sharing of GA minutes between all Occupations, etc.

    Hops adds that an Occupy Aotearoa Coactivate page has been set up, proposes it is used as a starting point for National website.

    General agreement that Ruben will start working on Occupy Aotearoa website with regional breakdowns, but that Occupy Auckland must be consulted as soon as possible about their participation.

    Communication between Occupations

    Bert suggests use of Occupy Aotearoa Networking Group (Online Groups page: http://occupyaotearoa.onlinegroups.net/groups/occupy-aotearoa-networking) to coordinate communications.

    Discussion of nationwide vision statement

    Consensus that Wellington will make their Vision Statement available to other Occupations. They are free to use whatever they see fit, put together their own Vision Statements, and come back to the next meeting to discuss further collaborative development of a nationwide Occupy Aotearoa Vision Statement. Agreement that Auckland must be consulted regarding their participation.

    People’s Parliament

    Bert asks about where people want People’s Parliament to go, what function it should serve, what to do next – Bert proposes it become an ongoing weekly initiative. Dunedin has posted minutes. Wellington has posted minutes. Christchurch has taken photos of board used for discussion – will send through to other groups.

    Ruby confirms that People’s Parliament will be ongoing in Wellington. Dunedin will hold it this Friday. Ruben suggests it’s ok to have it on different days in different cities, but there is agreement between Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington that it will take place this Friday at 5.30pm, as with last week.

    Wellington undertakes to get posters completed ASAP and emailed through to each centre.

    Christchurch proposes that we have another meeting this week to discuss the agenda / process for this week’s People’s Parliament, so it can be coordinated between Occupations.

    Discussion of first People’s Parliament: Bert reports that discussion of local issues only was difficult, because all issues are global due to globalization. Group narrowed down to 5 issues, and felt it wasn’t appropriate to narrow to 3. Christchurch reports that it was difficult to keep discussion to specific local issues, to identify issues that we could directly act on.

    Bert and Michelle suggest dividing issues into broad themes, to focus the discussion.

    Consensus between Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington to pick themes for each week to focus discussion in People’s Parliament.

    Bert and CHCH propose that we focus on national issues in next two People’s Parliaments, seeking to each nationwide consensus on specific pressing national issues. Direct action can then be planned from there.

    Suggestion of holding a People’s Parliament on election weekend, on Beehive lawn. This could be a nationally promoted event, encouraging people to come to Wellington to participate. The national issues agreed upon in next two People’s Parliaments could be brought to People’s Parliament on Beehive lawn.  These issues could be publicized in the media.  These could be suggestions, recommendations or pressing issues (or another more appropriate term), rather than demands.

    Michelle suggests each Occupy comes up with lists of recommended corporations to boycott. Bert suggests this could be angled towards Christmas consumerism, and having a PRO list as well as an ANTI list, so it’s not solely negative.

    Ruby suggests listing the company name, and describing the reason for boycott.  This list could then be publicized in the media.

    CHCH suggests organizing specific rallies leading up to election – (anti-fracking rally etc.). Ruby says an anti-fracking rally is already occurring in Wellington, this Wednesday (Nov 16th).

    Preparation for Next National Skype meeting

    Proposal for next meeting: Weds Nov 16th at 9pm.

    Ben offers to set up a Google doc for each discussion point for next meeting, which each group can add to on Tues and Weds:

    • Pike River Commemoration
    • National Website
    • National Vision Statement
    • People’s Parliament

    Point to research, brought up by Michelle:

    Russell Malcolm – Auckland man posting information about Rena, arrested for ‘misuse of a telephone’, John Key personally contacted to set bail conditions, which included a restriction on posting information about Rena on Facebook.



    Filed November 14th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    Just a quick update from the communications team:

    • Website:

      Our new website is coming together nicely: occupywellington.org. There are a few wrinkles to be ironed out but we’re getting there. Any suggestions/corrections/additions can be directed to Ruben (vagekaas at gmail dot com). We’re working on the idea that the CoActivate project is an exhaustive list of all our information (minutes, press releases, media mentions, events, posters, etc.), whereas the .org website is a curated source of information, just the choicest nuggets. There is a certain amount of overlap between the two that we hope to resolve over time.

    • Occupied Dominion Post:

      Joel got a couple thousand copies of the third issue out this week. These will be uploaded to the wiki shortly but for now they are being hosted here on our old Google site and here on scoop.co.nz.

    • Vision Statement:

      A small team have been working really hard this week on a Occupy Wellington Vision Statement. This will be presented at a Special Assembly at 10am tomorrow (Friday 11/11/11) for the group to consider. This Assembly will also discuss plans for the special 11/11/11 actions, especially the People’s Parliament (details here). Please come along if you’d like to have any input for the day’s events.

    Filed November 10th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    Evening Assembly 9/11/11

    No General Assembly was held yesterday  

    Facilitator – Harry



    “Support for the camp” update from Kevin 

    Update on what’s been happening within the Communications Team

    “Meat workers union lockout” update

    Against Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

    Banner for Trevor


    “Support for the camp update” from Kevin 

    Clinton Dearlove from Mana party came past camp today and expressed his support for the camp and the Occupy movement


    Update on what’s been happening within the Communications Team

    hops gave and update on some of the happenings within the Comms Team 

    Our website

    Ruben and Rich has been spending a lot of time over the last day or two improving our website. It looks really good and will be available online soon.

    Occupy Aotearoa Skype conference call

    The first national Skype conference has held on Monday as a result of Michael’s initiative with a follow up call last night (Tuesday). Dunedin, Wellington, Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Christchurch was represented. This conference call was kicked off for better communication, collaboration and solidarity between the Occupations. Under discussion were things like;

    …a nationwide “The People’s Parliament”  on 11.11.11 with a canned food drive over the weekend.

    …high level overview on each camp and how they are going (A call went out at GA to gather support for Christchurch as they are struggling a bit with numbers)

    …Dunedin received notification that the “Police don’t believe serving the Trespass Notice meets the test of balancing the rights and freedoms of all parties.”

    For more detail on the conference click this link

    General Organisation

    The organisation within the Comms Team is going well with loads of work being done off site and till late into the night, each night. Thanks to the team.

    Worldwide representative for “Rebuild the Dream”

    Ruben’s had contact from a group called “Rebuild the Dream” that sent out a message to all Occupations internationally to create better communication between GAs. Ruben has been nominated as our representative. Consensus was reached that this should go ahead and that Ruben is our rep.


    Meat workers union update

    Call went our for us to support the locked out Meat workers union members with food. Fund raising will be done at the vegetable market this weekend. Consensus was reach that our cans from the weekend’s canned food drive should go to them. 


    Against Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

    Some camp members supported the march Against TPPA today


    Banner for Trevor

    Trevor wanted to know if we were ok with a banner being hung from his apartment on The Terrace and if we could make one. Everyone agreed this was a good idea.


    Finished with a song - Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi

    Filed November 9th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    Evening Assembly 7/11/11



    The purpose of the camp



    11/11/11 - People’s Parliament

    Call when out for volunteers to help with stall on Cuba Mall and for members to join the Theater Team. This is in preparation for the People’s Parliament this Friday 11/11/11 at 5:30pm. The idea is to have the most universal and inclusive event as possible. It was also announced that an email address has been setup to receive agenda items for the event - peoplesparliament.nz@gmail.com

    Our actions

    Alistair spoke about everyone needing to actively engage the public. We need to be mindful of how our actions can be used against us and are perceived by the public. He also spoke about the wind turbine so we can have onsite power.


    The purpose of the camp:

    It was agreed that a central purpose of the camp is to gather support from the community and to help with the growth of the movement. This means that camp needs to be a safe place to be. With this in mind, the Safer Spaces working group have been working on the Occupy Wellington Kaupapa which was read out (Click here to read). Consensus was reach on this Kaupapa.

    Ben added to this by clarifying how this and the policy (previously accepted through consensus) was created. He went on to say that a process was being created on how the deal with conflict as it arises in camp. Another meeting with further discussions will be held tomorrow.

    A question came up in around where “the camp” technic 


    Finances Report:

    Our bank account has been opened - Acc# 38 9012 0198166 00

    Filed November 7th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    This is a political space. By entering this camp, you agree to respect the following kaupapa, to ensure a whānau friendly space, 24/7

    • This is an alcohol and drug free space

    • Disrespectful and intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated

    • Any intimidating behaviour will be taken seriously

    • Personal space must be respected – consent is key

    • The Safer Spaces agreement will be respected at all times

    • People must take responsibility for their own actions and possessions

    • Please be considerate and respectful of the site, and all other Occupiers (e.g. dispose of cigarette butts and rubbish appropriately, be mindful of people sleeping)

    Behaviour that does not respect this kaupapa puts all of us, and the entire Occupation, at risk

    Filed November 7th, 2011 under Uncategorized

    Evening Assembly 31/10/11


    Reports back from groups

    Safe Spaces Policy

    Actions Report:

    -Reminder of Sunday’s event – The REAL  Free Trade Market  - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=306419769383814

    -Email o.wgtn.workshops@gmail.com if you wish to get involved with workshops.

    Communications Report:

                    -Comms team is working on a web development project for global consensus making.

    Homebase Report:

    -          Paco is having a break from Food focalising.

    -          There is  a need for more food volunteers

    Finances Report:

    -          No money was spent today


    Safer spaces proposal:

    -The proposal was read (online copy @ http://coactivate.org/projects/occupywellington/blog/2011/11/01/25/)

    - Consensus was reached on this policy. There may be some wording changes which will be done in the safer spaces working group and it will be brought to the group again in a few days.

    Filed November 1st, 2011 under Uncategorized

    (As approved at the evening General Assembly on 31 October 2011)

    This policy is a process for dealing with issues that may arise, and a statement of our intentions. We believe every sentient being has an absolute right to live free from oppression and discrimination. We aim to create a positive alternative that allows all people to participate equally in a comfortable and safe environment. This policy describes the type of safer space that we will do our best to create when we meet.

    To build a conscious and inclusive movement, we need to be aware of power structures that exist within the 99%. We have no illusions that Occupy Wellington is free from all threats. By occupying this space, and participating in political debate, we take risks. Though no space can ever be completely safe, we can still work towards creating an environment where people are both comfortable with challenging, and encouraged to challenge, oppressive behaviour.

    Safer spaces are hard to create and easy to undermine. A conscious approach will help to ensure that Occupy Wellington becomes a space where all can feel safe.

    Responsibility to educate on the nature of oppression, and to point out oppressive behaviour, is collective. It should not be left to people who are subject to oppression to challenge that oppression alone.

    Be responsible for your own actions and messages. Be aware that your actions and messages have an effect on others despite what your intentions may be. Where possible, communicate your message in a way which respects others needs. Be mindful that each person has different boundaries, and that these may vary depending on context.

    Facilitators should ensure that speakers from marginalised groups, less confident speakers, and those who have not spoken before have a chance to speak.

    Sexual violence and harassment are not acceptable anywhere, and will not be tolerated here. We must respect physical and emotional boundaries, gaining active consent when engaging with people. If unsure, it is always better to ask.

    We must support survivors of abuse, believing them, not blaming them, and keeping the space safe for them in order to give them the space to talk about their issues.

    Check in before discussing topics that might be triggering for others. For example, but not limited to, sexual abuse, sexual experiences, physical violence, or encounters with police.

    If you are called out for problematic behaviour, do not be defensive. Your intentions and character are not under attack, just the behaviour that is being challenged. Be open to understanding the role your behaviour has in other people’s experiences of oppression.

    Respect the pronouns and names of everyone. Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, economic status, background, health, etc.

    Everyone should try to respect people’s opinions, beliefs, experiences and differing points of view.

    Be mindful of the presence of children, and of people’s varying ages and access requirements. Try not to leave anything lying around that could endanger someone.

    Respect people’s personal property. If you believe it has been lost, take it to a communal area and ask.

    This is a collective space. Where challenging behaviour has not resulted in that behaviour ceasing, the person enacting that behaviour may be asked to leave, by a decision of the Occupy Wellington General Assembly. The amount of challenges will be determined by the severity of the behaviour. If by including one person, we are excluding others, that person may be asked to leave.

    When a formal process of challenging someone’s behaviour or a proposal for exclusion has begun, both any aggrieved party and any party accused of breaking the policy are entitled and encouraged to have a support group to ensure that their needs are met. People are welcome to ask for help to address their behaviour. Additionally, a list of Wellington based organisations that can assist will be compiled and available for all.

    If you want support to confront oppressive behaviour, or need someone to listen, please contact a member of the safer spaces team.

    Filed November 1st, 2011 under Uncategorized

    General Assembly



    Facilitator: Ben


    Ben introduced our protocol to the new members from today.


    Richard gave an inspiring speech.  This will be available online and it was requested to be put in  next Occupied Dom Post.


    Ben congratulated everyone on the weekend’s achievements and all the progress made over the last 16 days.





    -There was mention that some members may be leaving the camp because of a failure of people to clean up after themselves.

    -Can we remember to pick up after ourselves and keep clean.

    -We have a great new camp layout with a great new Wharenui from Chris and large Whare Kai.  We must respect our spaces and keep them clean and tidy. 

    -There is to be no storage, food or shoes in the Wharenui.

    -Joe has laid out lost property in a few tents.  Please ask him if you have anything.

    -Reminder that we a drug and alcohol free.

    -We are working on the returfing logistics and working out options, but until then we need to take care of this grass – this may mean tent relocation every few days.

    -Reminder that camp entrance is smoke free.



    -The new food layout is arranged.  For hygiene reasons only food facilitators should go in the closed half. 

    -We have food collected each night from some businesses.  Vashti needs volunteers for this.

    -Food is important.  We need to see if any local businesses are wishing to donate food that food otherwise be thrown out, especially bread.



    -Occupied Dompost.  It is unsure when the next edition will be released. We have paid back our printing costs for the second edition now – thank you everyone who donated towards it.

    -Melbourne is reoccupying today.

    -Any comms issues/questions, ask Richard and he will be able to point out the right people.

    -Anyone keen to be on Radio Active see Rose

    -Anyone keen to be on Backbenchers see Anne

    -Reminder to be clear that during communications with media and public that you are speaking on your behalf

    -We have no reason to believe that we are being evicted in the near future despite media coverage.

    -Our address is “Occupy Wellington, Corner of Harris st and Jervois.

    -Tali and Joel are trying to contact Unions to talk about strategy.  This will be updated as there is progress.



    Actions and Workshops

    -Congrats on an awesome week end.

    -We have more speakers and bands wanting to get involved.

    -Next Sunday is the real free trade market.  Spread the word.  Please bring anything you want to give away. 

    -More workshops will be coming this week including Community Law tomorrow at 5.30pm tomorrow.

    -Ian is organising workshops.  Either contact him in person or the google DOC or email him on o.wgtn.workshops@gmail.com



    -We are caught up on most finances

    -Do we need a limit on un-approved spending? How do we wish to use finances? Other camps have limited it as under $30 or under $50 etc.

    -We need to discuss money protocol in the next few days.

    -We need a finance working group.



    -We need more hospitality volunteers but thank you to those who have, you’ve been doing a great job.


    Safety and Wellbeing

    -This is a new group that we are collecting names for.  The first task for them is finalising the safe spaces policy.

    -Group circle discussed everyones opinion – “What do you need to feel safe?”

    — Laptop battery died, these notes will be updated with the remainder of the GA in the next day.


    Filed October 31st, 2011 under Uncategorized
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