Trump displays his signature on an executive order in the Oval Office

His executive hate crimes

Donald Trump has begun making good on his threats against immigrants with executive orders designed to terrorize millions in the U.S. and beyond.

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Looking out for the 1 Percent

Donald Trump won votes by promising to create jobs, but his economic agenda will ultimately make him even more unpopular.

Ten years in prison for protest

Federal prosecutors will file charges against activists arrested on Inauguration Day that carry unprecedented fines and prison time.

The right lashes out in Seattle

The threat of the far right was thrown into sharp focus when an anti-racist was shot at a Seattle event featuring an "alt-right" leader.

Views in brief

Joining the resistance | Don't shame those who speak out | Protest is only the start | Wrong chant for the inauguration | Uses of the hacking scandal

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The Russian Revolution of 1917
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Go to the ISR web site to read a featured interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz on "A sense of hope and the possibility of solidarity." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

With Trump against the TPP?

The left can't fall into the trap of supporting Trump's economic nationalism, which only changes the methods of U.S. capital's rule.

Populism with a price tag

Trump says he's giving power back to the people, but those "people" are the super-rich who footed the bill for his inauguration.

Seeing the real Donald Trump

The first actions of the Trump administration proved that he couldn't care less about the "ordinary people" he claims to speak for.

From hope to cynicism

Obama's stature will grow with each passing day under his successor, but the fact is his presidency paved the way for Trump.

Socialists in the time of Trump

Socialists on the march at the People's Climate March (Ashley Smith | SW)

Thousands of people are asking whether it's time to join the socialists in order to resist Trump--and the system that gave rise to him in the first place.

No experience required

Betsy DeVos, Trump's choice for secretary of education, is a pro-charter conservative who wants to gut public education.

The real election sabotage

The same politicians and media outlets shouting about Russian hackers are ignoring obvious evidence of racist voter suppression.

Pushing sexism to the fringe

The face of sexual assault and contempt for women is also the face of the next president, but the anti-sexist majority can send Trump a message.

Did the Russians do it?

The allegations of Russian interference in the presidential election have caused a number of strange flip-flops in U.S. politics.

Everywhere but in the mirror

The revelations from hacked DNC e-mails didn't lose the election for the Democrats. Their neoliberal, pro-corporate, anti-worker policies did.

Whose panhandling problem?

A homeless man stands at an intersection in Portland, Maine

Rather than deal with a housing crisis, Portland officials and business owners complain about how homelessness "looks."

Momentive strikers speak out

Striking workers at Momentive Performance Materials went to New York to rally at the offices of the company's hedge fund owner.

Are we naturally xenophobic?

According to conventional wisdom, Donald Trump's xenophobia is a cruder form of a trait we all share because it's built into our human nature.

The people's wrath is near

In a foreshock of the revolution to come, Russian socialists called for a protest strike on the anniversary of a previous uprising.

The other America

A speech King gave three weeks before he was killed focused on issues of racism, poverty and war that are still with us today.

La solidaridad derrota al odio

Necesitamos construir una resistencia contra Trump entre todos aquellos que tengamos un interés mutuo en luchar unidos.

Standing up to the right

The left can't be dismissive

If we're revolutionaries, then we have to believe that the vast majority of people can be won to more radical ideas and action.

They said "Not our president"

Hundreds of thousands stand up for women's rights in New York City

The protesters marching on Inauguration Weekend outnumbered those gathered to celebrate Trump by at least 10 to 1.

Don't shame the first steps

The women's marches were the beginning, not the end, and it does no good to chastise participants for not being "woke" enough.

Making America protest again

A torrent of humanity flooded through cities around the country to express their anger at Donald Trump--but also their joy at finding one another.

Setting out the left agenda

A panel discussion on the night Trump took power focused on the threat he represents and the status quo that got us into this mess.

It's up to us to resist Trump

We pledge to do everything in our power to make sure the inauguration protests mark not the high point, but the starting point of the anti-Trump resistance.

What is Turning Point USA?

This recently formed right-wing campus group says it wants a "dialogue," but what it really wants is to spread its bigoted ideas.

Solidarity grows in Brooklyn

The newly initiated Bay Ridge for Social Justice group mobilized a dynamic and family-friendly march on MLK Day.

We made the Nazis back down

Anti-racists rally against Richard Spencer and his neo-Nazi followers in Whitefish, Montana

Neo-Nazis canceled a planned armed march on Martin Luther King Day in Montana, after antiracists made their opposition clear.

Taking on alt-right hate

Student protesters at the University of California-Davis shut down a reactionary speaking event led by Milo Yiannopoulos.

The resistance must continue

Our side is the majority, and we have the power to stop Trump's agenda, but it will require that we get organized and fight back.

Syria after Aleppo's conquest

What will happen now following the fall of Aleppo--conquered by the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad after years of relentless war crimes?

Discontent behind the image

The bloody expulsion of protesters from the central square in al-Hoceima again exposes the myth of Moroccan "exceptionalism."

A climate of crisis and uprising

What's happening in México is a result of an accumulation of outrages committed by the regime of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Behind the attack in Jerusalem

Israel's apartheid regime is the root cause of the truck attack that killed four Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem in early January.

Why was BDS beaten?

Marching in Washington, D.C., for Palestinian rights (Stephen Melkisethian)

Opponents of Israeli apartheid were defeated in voting on resolutions by the Modern Language Association's Delegate Assembly.

Work harder for Democrats?

At a union strategy conference in Illinois, AFSCME members were admonished for not putting more effort into a losing strategy.

Views in brief

The left response to an assault | More factors in Chicago's violence | What the hacked e-mails showed | Give Obama some credit

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