A chance to help sea life in the Hauraki Gulf


The Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari report (Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan) launched last month makes a strong case for ending bottom trawling, purse seining, and dredging in the Gulf as fishing methods which damage the seabed.  The report notes that there was “overwhelming support” for this in public surveys and consultation during the […]

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The Security Council and Israel – where power meets law

Kennedy Graham Green MP

Since the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, there has been more heat than light shed on the continuing Israel-Palestine crisis and the faltering prospects for peace.  Israel, claiming it has been abandoned and betrayed by its traditional supporters, especially the United States, has reacted with unprecedented rage. But nobody has changed positions. The tendency […]

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Well, THAT happened: reflecting on 2016 and beyond

Metiria @ Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood

Lots of people are saying 2016 has been a bit of a shocker, with political events like Brexit and Trump; US Police shooting black people – and the emergence of Black Lives Matter; the death of legendary musicians like Bowie, Prince and Leonard Cohen (and let’s not forget Lemmy at the very end of 2015) […]

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7 ways we stand up for women, every single day

Last week, our new PM Bill English announced his upcoming Cabinet, with Paula Bennett being appointed Minister for Women. Today, English said that he “doesn’t know what feminism means,” following on from Bennett’s earlier comments that she calls herself a feminist “some days”. Well. Not only do the Greens understand what feminism is, we work […]

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Russian Hacking – The challenge of being objective


It’s hard to be objective in today’s post-truth world. But we have to try. US intelligence officials have recently alleged that Russian actors influenced the 2016 election through hacking individuals and institutions, under the supervision of President Putin. The allegation is that while the intrusion began with a general intent to undermine the credibility of […]

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Cautionary tales from the Swimmable Rivers campaign

Lucas Creek launch

Every week, I get media alerts about unhealthy water, including algae risks at swimming spots and boil water notices in small towns. It got personal the other week when I went kayaking on a river and found a rash on my arms and legs wherever I had touched the water. The rash formed small itchy […]

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Will Bill and Paula fix Auckland’s transport?

The New Zealand economy - stuck kin traffic

Last week we experienced one of those watershed moments in the tale of Auckland’s transport. The road to the airport became more car park than motorway; as a result dozens of flights were delayed, people missed their flights and had to foot the bill for costly changes. Gridlock at Auckland airport @AKL_Airport #welcometoNZ pic.twitter.com/tmfyLZbM43 — […]

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New energy strategy a missed opportunity

Green energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes visits a home powered by solar panels

You’d be forgiven for not noticing that the Government published a new draft energy strategy this week. It’s basically the same as the old energy strategy, which they published in 2011, but with one new target around industrial process emissions intensity. In short, it’s a missed opportunity that shows a lack of bold vision and […]

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Scapegoating international students

Green Party workplace relations spokesperson Denise Roche

A recent New Zealand Herald article with the headline ‘International students ‘cheat system, take jobs’ is incredibly disappointing. It unfairly scapegoats international students and blames them for the conditions that have led to their systemic exploitation. Some facts first Let’s start off with some facts, shall we? Out of the 100,000+ students who are studying […]

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RCEP trade deal risks repeating TPPA mistakes

TPPA March

The lesson from the demise of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) should have been that it is time to re-think this type of so-called trade agreement. But despite warnings from internationally-recognised experts, there are more secretive “trade” negotiations happening this week, and the risks are huge. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is being negotiated […]

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Government slashes observer coverage, fails snapper fishery

Pagrus_auratus (1)

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has more than halved the number of fisheries observers in the East Coast North Island snapper trawl fishery (SNA1). This reduction in observer days, combined with major failures in an unproven and controversial video monitoring system, means commercial trawlers in one of our most important fisheries are not being […]

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