'He has developed a waist': dogs trim down with their own fitbits

Alex Thomas from PetSure, Sydney, with dog Teddy wearing a FitBark.
Alex Thomas from PetSure, Sydney, with dog Teddy wearing a FitBark. Peter Braig

Australia's canine population, it seems, is spending too much time on the couch, creating health problems and prompting owners to fork out thousands of dollars for obesity and diabetes-related treatments.

Human couch potatoes have hooked onto fitbits to help them quit their sedentary ways - and as of this week, their four-legged furry friends can do the same.

Enter fitbits, or FitBarks, for dogs.

Alexandra Thomas, chief executive of PetSure, a pet insurer that owns the exclusive distributions rights for FitBark in Australia, gave her bichon frise, Ripper, a FitBark late last year after the company's chief vet commented on her pet's paunch.

Through a diet and walking program, Ripper lost 1.5 kilograms. He has slimmed down to a svelte 8.9 kilos and now walks 6.1 kilometres a day. "He has developed a waist," Thomas says. 

If PetSure's claims experience is anything to go by, Australian dogs need to get out more. PetSure, which boasts an 85 per cent share of the local pet insurance market, recorded a 300 per cent surge in obesity-related claims to more than 12,600 between 2014 and 2016. Diabetes-related claims were valued at $1 million last year, up 180 per cent since 2012.

The surge in treatments is partly due to the decreasing size of backyards and an increase in the range of veterinary services on offer, but Thomas also points to the "humanisation" of dogs.

Once upon a time dogs spent hours running around the backyard, where they also slept. But that was before the advent of doggy walking services, doggy daycare, deluxe baths, blow dries and other professional grooming services. These days dogs are considered a member of the family and are much more likely to be found inside, on the sofa watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

"Pets are playing a different role now. Dogs and cats are more integrated in our everyday lives. Pets are spending more time inside," Thomas says.

Dog bone-shaped FitBarks, which were launched in the US two years ago by an Italian-American engineer and are designed to be attached to a collar, measure distance, sleeping patterns, calorie intake and the number of calories burnt. An accompanying phone app will tell the owner how much activity their dog needs based on age, weight and breed. They are small, come in three colours (red, blue and grey) and the batteries only need to be re-charged once a week.

"Having data on activity levels leads to better pet welfare," Thomas says. There is no offer of cheaper insurance premiums for pets who have FitBarks. Thomas won't rule out discounts in the future, but says the company would need a "reasonable" data set before going down that route.

In the meantime, the devices are about improving fitness levels.

The surge in spending in Australia on cats and dogs over the past few years suggests that FitBarks, which retail for $107, could become a popular item for the dog who sports a bit of a paunch - or perhaps for the dog that has everything.

According to Animal Medicines Australia, annual spending on dogs and cats has risen to $12 billion from $8 billion in 2013, despite no increase in pet numbers.